Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Friday, January 04, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

I commend my daughters for making resolutions. I must admit that the thought never even entered my mind till I read Linda's and Maria's. Now is that because I do not think I need to change a thing or that I think I am past hope of any improvement at all...??? Obviously it is the latter, at my age it is all downhill from here...Happy New Year!

Let it Snow, Let It Snow!

I have been in Southern California for almost three weeks now and though it is cool at times, there is snow at my home!! So let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Images of Meagan's Wedding

The ceremony of Matt and Meagan's wedding was held in the living room of James and Cambers home. It was very touching and personal and a history of their acquaintance and romance preceded the vows. The courtyard was used for the eating, cake cutting and the innovative delight for all, "the candy bar". After delicious snacks of all kinds, there was dancing to a terrific band by the pool. It was a fun, festive wedding that went from 3:30 till 9 pm. Meagan's mother Jennifer had made beautiful place settings and lovely shawls were given to all the women. Terrific toasts were given and the traditional first dance and throwing of the bouquet. As a sidelight, Lea, 8 year old daughter of James, caught the bouquet, just as she did at her aunt Kelsi's wedding...

Thursday, January 03, 2008

The House before the Wedding

The kitchen family room--part of it... A view of the house next to the ranch on the south...
The dressing room...
The courtyard...
The pool table/movie room, oops a little blurry...
The dining room and kitchen tables...
Both sides of the living room--this will be emptied and filled with white chairs for the wedding--over 100 guests...
The ceiling of the living room... The other part of the kitchen family room...
The sink in the guest bath...
The pool next to the ranch on the south...
The plush bed in the guest wing...

John Hardy Memorial Hike 2015

My Life So Far