Thursday, February 08, 2007


I spent the last week with James, Camber, Jimmy, Kelsi, Jacob and Lea in Maui. I was mostly babysitting but loved the air as I did in Guam. Wish I could bottle it and take it to the mountains. It was an "Escape to Paradise" award trip for some of the WFG people. Some of the activities for the families were snorkeling, swimming, sunbathing, etc. while I mostly walked and window shopped.

The man in the middle caught this marlin but looks impressive, right? Pretty Camber and Baby Kelsi enjoying a walk on the beach. James and kids in the kiddy pool. James and Lea snorkeling. Everywhere I go, I take a sunset picture and this is it from Maui--not quite as spectacular as the Phillipine Sea from Guam, but beautiful. This was the sand culture made exclusively for the pleasure of the WFG attendees. The creator has been doing this for 18 years--really magnificent.

We stayed at the Hyatt Regency--great food, beautiful grounds, lovely rooms--a great trip.

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