Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Tanner and Marissa Update

Tanner and Marissa are with her family in the Tahoe area this week so there have been lots of cute pictures of them and time to catch up on others I have.

Tanner has passed his premed test and is looking for a Medical school to attend.  What a power couple as these two have been at BYU Idaho for the past three or four? years.

Such a darling couple, they could be models instead of Medicals...

Marissa's family and extended family have been vacationing in Tahoe for around 50 years.  They really love it.

Marissa will get her Nursing Degree in December from BYU Idaho.

Tanner was on a mission to the Philippines, seems so long ago.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Sarah Gets Her Mission Call

Last night Sarah had Live Streaming on Instagram while she read the memo from Church Headquarters of where she will be serving on her mission.

She has been called to the Chili Santiago South Mission and reports to the Mexico City Mission Center November 7th.  She read me the list of things she needs to do before she goes and asked for help in learning some stories and info from her family history so I will see what briefs I can put together for her.

She said she was feeling very peaceful about the call.  She had been nervous about learning a foreign language but Spanish is such a great language to know, especially if you live in Southern California. I am sure she will do well.  She has three or four other friends who have also accepted calls.  That is so super in this present world scene.  So proud of her and her friends.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Catching Up with Maria's Family

 Always classy Melissa shopping in Ralieigh, N C.

Big news is that Mitch and Bahia are now in San Diego, living in the Ocean Beach area!!  Here they are at Maria's favorite House of Blues.

Hiking at Torrey Pines and Bathtub Rock!

Johnny's parents at Wind N' Sea

Maria meets Charli

Shots of  Melissa in North Carolina

 Melissa with Co-workers

Melissa visits California

Johnny and Maria at the Beach Again!

Zeroing in on the Hardys

The Hardys are on a Cruise this week, except for Jacob who is staying with his grandparents and surfing!!!   And Winning, see below.   Have not seen any pictures of the Cruise yet.

Kelsi with friends and cousins earlier this summer.

Lea and Kelsi with friends from Church.  Looking very grown up but Kelsi do you wear keds to church???

Jimmy with friends from Church.  I like those yellow sox, Jimmy.

Jacob came down to So Cal for the weekend of July 23rd tand took Fifth Place in 18 Year Olds.  Thanks to Mary, his grandmother, for the pix.  She was a surfing champion herself when she was young!!!

Jacob, before BYU haircut!

Lea and her longtime friend.

Lea will miss Jacob driving her places and this is Hamilton, getting handsomer all the time.

Love this pix, beautiful hair and blue, blue sky.

 Not sure what the tiger means, but Lea and friend looking so pretty as always.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Charli Gets Blessed

Amy and Joe brought Charli to El Cajon to Joe's home ward for her blessing.

I love the bonnet.

These are some earlier pictures of Charlotte Olive.

I love this picture, it looks like something in a magazine, so perfect!!  Love it!!!  Calm before the storm of first baby............

This scares me but I am sure Amy and Joe are close, close by.  Hope the dog won't get jealous.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

June and July at Home

It has been quite awhile since I have written in here about but my life is pretty much a ditto every day.  This summer has been particularly peaceful with no wind or rain storms so far so I just do my watering and a minimal amount of raking to keep it looking neat.  Problem is that I have had a lot of allergies and the dryness has really affected me so I spend most of my days inside and just come out in the morning and evening to water and walk Sadie.

Since there are more cars and people I am not letting Sadie run loose.  Plus I have seen two mountain lions (same one?) run across my yard in the daytime.  One time Sadie was not outside and the last time she was peeking out from the deck at me when I came back from the front.  Whether she had seen it and run on the deck I do not know but I must be careful with her.  Evidently, they like deer and deer usually pass through the back of my yard or sleep there most every day and night.

As far as my health is concerned, except for the dryness, I am doing ok.  Dr. Salehi has had most every test taken and sent me to the cardiologist.  I evidently did very well on the treadmill and although my cholesterol is high like it has been for the last 40 years he is not insisting on statins.  He tells me to eat a fistful size of protein every day and my vegetables!!!  One thing though is they found I was not getting enough oxygen at this high altitude at night.  Day is ok.  So I sleep with oxygen in my nose and I cannot believe how much better I sleep!!!  Who knew?  Dr. Salehi wants me to get my blood sugar down this month and I was doing very well until I made the flourless peanut butter cookies this week.   I ate them all, keeping them in the freezer for visitors does not work.  I love cookies from the freezer and I just cannot eat them, sugar is my addiction, so goodbye sugar!!!!

Monday Maryanne drove me down to Chico and she did some things to her car and I went to see the dermatologist.  He recommended this cream and because I do not have Medicare D It cost me $253!!!  If I had gotten it from Lassen Drug they would probably have discounted it but we were in Chico and I decided to just get it...and I am now looking spotted and red and I guess it will only get worse before it gets better.  Probably be at my worst when Meagan and her family come up in mid-August!!!

The lilies have all bloomed and most of them already dropped their plumes.  The deer did get a few.  They were especially full this year and tall, from all the rain I guess.  In fact, I think this year has been the prettiest for the yard and no hail so far to mess it up like last year.

I am not accomplishing much in the way of my history books or family history etc. because I am spending so much time listening to books!!  I read a little but my eyes get tired so I mostly listen. I was just doing my Library to Go but now Deseret Bookshelf has an annual fee for listening to all the audio books or reading about 1500 E books and I have already listened to about six books and read one E book and I still have other books waiting for me on my Library to Go.  So much to read, and so little time!!!!  I especially liked Gerald Lunds recent series Fire and Steel...takes place during and after World War I and Adolf Hitler's ascent to power and growth of the church in Germany at that time.

Last month Dorothy fell and broke her femur and Dave has had quite a time taking care of her.  She spent about a month in the hospital and rehab and doing well but David has an aching back and feels very tired.  Thank heaven her niece and nephews have been up and helped and they have some good neighbors that have helped.  Dave said he just needs to find someone to come in regularly so he can find time to go buy groceries.  They have been using Meals on Wheels and he says it is pretty good though Dorothy likes his cooking better.  Dave turned 90 on June 25th!!!  They live up in Idaho Falls with the closest relatives in Salt Lake City!  This was the first time in Dorothy's life that she has ever been in a hospital.  She is a very healthy 89 years old!!!  Except for a little dementia which Dave says is better since she came back from rehab.  All that stimulation must have been good for her.

I am still keeping my weight down but eaten too many carbs and gotten my round muffin top all around!!!  Do not exercise enough except for yard work I guess.  Life is good!!  Linda says they will be in Reno in October and can I come down then.  I may be house hopping down there...not so sure but I guess I will go to San Diego for about six months, that is certain.

I have really enjoyed the bird bath Linda bought for me last year or the year before.  It is so fun to watch the birds, they really do like to bathe, especially the big fat robins.  They do it over and over and splash a lot!!  This is one of the Memorial Gardens Matt did for John after he died in 2004.  Matt gathered rocks from all over the yard and then filled it with dirt and I did the planting.  This year this one was very pretty, flowers popped up that had spread from all the rain we had I think.

John Hardy Memorial Hike 2015

My Life So Far