Sunday, November 05, 2006

Visiting the Hardy's in Rancho Santa Fe

On Saturday morning in Rancho Santa Fe you see a lot of soccer moms, dads, games and kids and it really is beautiful. Here is the eldest Jacob ready for his soccer game. I never did get to see Lea but she is a great player also and looks terrific in her soccer clothes. Jacob's soccer game was very exciting and it ended in a tie with Jacob and his friend teaming up to make the final goal. Jacob is an excellent kicker and very fun to watch. Jimmy and his soccer friend say farewell till they see each other at school on Monday. Bandido turned 10 years old this year and he sometimes has problems finishing his walk. We solved the problem by taking Jacob's backpack and letting Bandido ride home when his knees began bothering him! I spent a delightful Saturday morning watching Jimmy and his soccer team. Jimmy is a great kicker but was just as happy watching what was going on with the team next to them as he was his own game. You almost hate to see them grow up and become so competitive. They are so sweet. One of the activities at the Hardy home was dominoes and while Jacob and Lea and I played a "real" game of Mexican train, little Jimmy created his own masterpiece of matching. I was so impressed I took a picture of it.

1 comment:

The Massey Family said...

Those kids are so sweet!

John Hardy Memorial Hike 2015

My Life So Far