I wanted to record how my yard looked at the beginning of summer--last year the deer devoured everything even the plants on the deck and the beautiful crabapple tree you can't see was completed topped off. This year I am using ribbons to deter them plus the Liquid Fence spray I evidently didn't use enough of. And every morning I see them walk across the back of my yard but they will not come into it!!! Yea, it's working, we will see how long this lasts.
Yesterday I cleaned out the wood shed and guess who lives there? I found numerous squirrel condos with lots of tree droppings dragged in as well as all the lint from my dryer plus somebody's carpet pieces and even pieces of the walls of the shed. Good thing they have all summer to relocate! No wonder one of the squirrels was scolding me the whole time. I almost feared he would jump me...
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