Monday, April 22, 2013

April, 2013

I think this has been the longest I have gone without writing in my blog.  It has been a month of unpack, sort, clean, everthing from top to bottom plus do all my paperwork and print off necessary papers, pay taxes, etc. etc.  Since I don't have the energy I need and got sick along the way it has taken me a looong time.

I also made time to travel to Chico for my reading glasses from Costco and get more collage paper and materials from Michaels and travel to Susanville about three times for things.

 Then I also found time to start the yard clean up and start decopouging boxes for all my dolls.  I was exhausted every night but also found time to read "Poaching Daises", see the movie "42" with Maryanne and prepare my Relief Society lesson  plus walk with Sadie a few times a day.

My dolls had been all wrapped up and in a chest and I decided since I am not selling my house and moving I want to have my dolls out but there is not room to put them anywhere so I will put them all in nice boxes.  Finding the right size boxes is the hard part but I really enjoy doing the collage with the books of paper I bought for half prize.  They will last me a long time and are much better than calendars.

Matt came last weekend and did all the raking, finished the garage, and we took six very packed carloads to the dump.  We also bought what was needed to fix the hoses and for the first time in many years I do not have any leaks anywhere and no twisted hoses, etc.  He also cleared all the needles off the roof and out of the rain gutters.  That is a BIG and MESSY job.  Although there are branches left to chop, the rest of the wood is chopped and stacked.  I have never been so ready for spring and next winter.  Matt did a super, super job with everything and I mended the birdhouses and did a little paint touch up...and it is warm enough to start watering.  Many, many thanks to Matt.

We did have a cold spell though and all the pink blossoms disappeared off the apple tree--

The river rock patio even  got more sand and Sadie has a lot more space for her run.  She is finally learning where to do her pooh and adjusting to life on a leash.  When Bruce was here he led her astray a few times but I was happy to see that she did return promptly when called.

Yesterday she met her first deer.  Three of them were in the back yard and she actually barked at them and then she cried a little, too.  So many new things around here.

All in all I think we are ready for a great summer here and I am now ready to get started on all my projects again.  It is lonely without Mike to talk to occasionally but I have so much to keep me very, very busy.
Oh, yes, Sadie loves her new bed which Bandido did not use very much.  I now tell her goodnight and do not take her to bed with me.  She will not be allowed in my bedroom until she absolutely never has another 'accident' in the house again.

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