Monday, June 27, 2022

Sisters with Carole W.

Jeanne's daughter Carole and her friend visited Jeanne today and her friend took our picture together.



So sweet


Steven to the Rescue

Marilyn also has a memory problem and writes umpteen notes to help.  For years Steven has a tablet on Jeannes TV Stand that tells her what to do at what time and helps keep her up on what is happening at Treeo, Dr Appts, Visits, entertainment.  It is a program he found in which a programmer developed it for his own mother or grandmother, not sure which.

Anyway it is called "Dementia Diary" and so Debbie gave the go ahead on buying a Table and Steven bought the best for the least at Walmart and set it up for Marilyn as well.  I will keep up and changes or additions for the day, week, etc.  

And I do it on my big IMAC so it is easy to see and work with.  Yea, thanks to Steven for his knowledge and willingness to help and thanks to me for being wise enough to get the IMAC so it is easier for me to be of help.

Friday, June 24, 2022


I put a post in social media..."What is more wonderful than grandchildren, it is the great grandchildren, they are absolutely adorable!"  And here is one of those adorable.  Cohen, who was born in January this year, son of Marissa and Tanner.


Monday, June 20, 2022

Vida's Silverware

While looking for one thing I found the box of Richard's mother's silver-plate silverware.  I have had them for years and there was a time that we used it.  I sold my silver at a time when I was desperate for money.

At any rate I just use the cheap stuff and this has been getting tarnished and it is a shame.  I sent a message to Julia and asked her if she would like it for her daughters or herself.

She said yes and came over at 4 today and retrieved it.  While there she met my sisters and we had a nice chat.  I just wish I had taken her picture!!!!

Julia is the second to youngest child of Scott and Miriam.  She was just a tot when her Dad died and her Mom was pregnant with Jennie.

The one on the right is Julia several years ago at a Earl reunion.  That is probably a daughter.  She and her husband live in Provo near the Provo Temple.  Her husband is a Doctor at BYU.

Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Lea Goes to Italy

 These pictures speak for themselves.  Granddaughter Lea, who has a great job and is also modeling, recently took a vacation with a friend and sent back these gorgeous pictures.  Travel while you are young, isn 't that what we were all told but no one did but this generation most definitely are!!!!

Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Georgia is 103

 Today we celebrated the birthday of this lovely lady at Treeo, who actually turned 103.  She is still sharp as a tack and ran an escrow office in Sacramento until she was 92 after retiring 4 times!!!  She has gorgeous clothes, still wears heals and beautiful jewelry.  She has really raised the bar at Treeo.

The Anderson Girls

In 1934 our Dad left Utah and began managing a Karl Johnson store in Glendive, Montana.  His brother Lorin was managing a Karl Johnson star in the neighboring town of Miles City and had secured the jobs for both of them.   They were department stores and the brothers would later buy them and rename them Andersons.

We followed by train in May and I was 15 months and the depression was raging.  We also had two older brothers Dick and Dave and Jeanne, Marilyn, and myself were always known as the Anderson Girls.  Carole would follow in 1938 as another Anderson Girl.

The first picture was taken across the street from the first house we rented, right near the big bridge, and this was a sweet little park.  Mom looks pretty classy in her Tam.  And we were all well dressed.

The next picture is taken at Treeo, a senior residential home, in Orem, Utah.  Jeanne has lived there about 8 years, I followed last year, and Marilyn joined us the first of June 2022.


Sunday, June 05, 2022

The Cabin is Updated

Thanks to Randy, Darian, Dustin and Jon, the Anderson's Roost got new cupboards and counter etc.  It looks gorgeous here and they say it looks even better in person.  So nice!!!!  Thanks to the younger generation for continually making the cabin better and bigger, so much thanks!!!!


Friday, June 03, 2022

Happy Birthday to Charli!!!!

Charli is in Blue and celebrating her Princess birthday and sister Harper is the hugger.  These two darling great grandchildren belong to Amy and Joe and they live in Morgantown, West Virginia.


John Hardy Memorial Hike 2015

My Life So Far