Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Masseys Arrive!!!

Keira at the airport...

I was so happy to have my granddaughter Meagan and her darling family (Matt, Keira and Eden) fly to Reno and then drive to my home on Friday, August 29th.  They were here until Wednesday, September 3, 1:30 PM.

Keira was delighted to find she had a big TV in her room.  From then on she watched "Annie" if she was going to nap or go to bed.

The weather was so wonderful (best time of the year) we ate outside and Matt cooked for us on the barbeque.  I also tried to make them breakfast each mother and I found they loved bacon and any kind of pancake.

A few times I got to take care of Eden and we got acquainted and I found she was a delight to hold and play with.  She loved giving me the raspberry.

At the concert while the others were dancing...

Taking Selfies...

Even Keira and Eden stayed with me alone without Mom and Dad for a couple hours while Mom got a dinner out together and alone for a change.  They said the Red Onion was good!!

Keira and Eden have fun in the house, too, the tinker toys and lincoln logs even got used...

Fun on the hammock and Keira painted the deck and played with Sadie, they became very good

The beach at Rec I was not the best place this year because the water was very low and Rec 2 had lots of rocks...bummer, but there was Miniature Golfing and Meagan finally got to try those Cinnamon Rolls--I had no idea she wanted one!

There was a short hike west of town...

Into the woods...

Fun exploring the shops in Chester with a trip to Frosties, of course.

And of course, the Bandshell.  It was the largest crowd I had ever seen and the noisiest Rock Band ever--we had to retreat to the fence to get a little distance.

And the renting of a boat and tube the day after Labor Day was great--no wind, nobody else on the lake!!!

Of course, we had to visit Buffalo Chips and Paul Bunyan...

Keira the Clown! 

Finally it was time to say Goodbye--I hope they come next year!  It made my summer!

Monday, September 08, 2014

Wha's Up?

Sarah is into a pie throwing contest--wonder who won?

Melissa says goodbye to summer with a trip to Myrtle Beach!

Friday, September 05, 2014

Catching Up with the Stewarts!

 All ready for school are Kate and Ryan...

 and Brynn is entering Preschool...

Posed with little sister Molly...

Such a beautiful family...

Thursday, September 04, 2014

Kelsi and Lea Fall 2014

Kelsi enters third grade with the long hair look...

 Lea has her first football game to cheer for in high school...

Exciting for Lea to be in high school with brother Jacob...

Monday, August 25, 2014

Happy Birthday, Richard, from Maria...

Maria called Johnny and had him meet her at El Camino and he had brought some things to put on Richard's grave.  So nice.  Love the pictures and that she was thinking of her Dad.  And that Johnny come and met her, too.  She also said they ate at a new place nearby that was really good food--called "The Grave" I thought she said...and I should go with her next time I am in town, which will be January 22nd for my birthday!

Anyway I was also reading in Richard's Memory book some of the messages and letters that were said about him to me from his clients, temple workers, friends, relatives.  So many lovely things were said, he was so loved by so many.  

Happy Birthday to Richard! 83 Earth Time

Richard's birthday today, so feeling gloomy.  I remember when I was working in Galveston after Hurricane Katrina and Rita and we went to a Christmas parade downtown.  Glenda dressed up in Victorian costume but I did not.  There were many who did.  One couple in particular  in white hair caught my attention.

I thought how wonderful that would be to have a partner to grow old with together and look so comfortable marching in a parade or anywhere.  Of course, there is no knowing how happy they were but they looked happy.  I was envious.

I remmber also in Hong Kong with Meagan when we visited some town and were in the mall.  I was watching the escalator as a Mormon missionary senior couple emerged at the top and were animatedly talking--on their day off, I suppose, and I was really envious.  They looked so happy in their togetherness.

No answers as to why some people live a long time in pain or bedridden and others just drop dead at a young answers.  And others live a long time sharing a lifetime of joy and trouble together. Seems I have been alone a lot...oh, well, hope Richard is happy on his mission up there.  Wish I had it a little easier in my old age.

But I am working on the front deck.  I did a lousy job of cleaning it because I ran out of deck wash and steam so the stain job will not be so good, but there is always next yearr...maybe do a better job then...or no job at all.  Life is so unpredictable.

John Hardy Memorial Hike 2015

My Life So Far