Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Fun Fall in Big Bear for the Masseys

Big Bear is a fun place in the fall.  We used to spend Thanksgiving there quite often.

Eden on a project.

Beautiful Friends!

Meagan looks like a Svenska with the pigtails!!!  Darling Family!  All ready for the festivities.

Fun backyard.

Nothing like falling leaves to play in.

So cute.

 Nice deck.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Swedish Pancakes at the Masseys

 The tradition lives on!

Turkey for Fuquas

 Gabriella's son Joey!  Eric is teaching him to be a hunter and he is learning well!

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Friday, October 14, 2022

Farewell to Janet

 Julie Thayne invited relatives over to say Goodbye to me on Friday at 1:30 PM.  Molly and her boys, Julie and Morgan, Marilyn and Jeanne, Steve, Doug and Debbie, Tami were there.  Julie had brought acacia bowls etc and water and everyone chatted.  Julie made the card above and it fit the fridge door.

In the pictures above I was 15 months, 6, Jr Hi, High School and College age.

Molly came to my room and decided she would take the table and chairs either for her Mom or herself.  She took 3 chairs home that day.

It was very sweet of Julie and everyone was very kind.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

My Blog is Helpful, Happier Times

 I have been so down thinking over and over about the situation with Marilyn and Debbie.  How they can think the way they do is just so unbelievable to me that it makes me feel really bad.  But last night I felt energetic enough to get back to my job of putting pix on my blogs from books I am getting rid of.

And surprisingly as I read some posts of my experiences and what I gained from them and what other people thanked me for and wrote to me I felt really inspired to overcome these negative feelings and just be thankful for so many other things.  I do not need to be around Marilyn, she lives in her own little world and I have very different activities in my life.  She just repeats pat phrases and really does not know what she is talking about and it is more interesting to talk to others anyway and I am busy with my projects anyway.  I believe she knows the truth and just will not overthink what Debbie tells her and I might say something unkind and no need for that.

Carole had to go in yesterday because her blood pressure was over 200 and they have had a hard time gettihng it down.  This morning she has done several tests so anxious to hear how she comes out.

I just found a podcast that is made just for me.  For curious people and I have already learned alot of very interesting things.  For instance there is now in place a hotline for mental health.  Instead of calling the police who do not have the skills and just put more negativism on whatever problem there is, you can call 988 and get professionals to talk to and try to help with talk and resources.  We are to spread the word.

I was having such leg aches just above my knees but I finally decided that I have been watching so much tv while not feeling well and the rocking chair I sit in does not have any pillows to heighten it and so it is too low and as I get up and down a lot the pressure is on my legs in that very spot every time I get up.  Need to let Sadie have the rocker and sit some other way!!!

I also learned why I probably do not gain weight from my eating, I definitely do intermittent fasting just because my body wants to and it helps.

Call Me Curious is the new podcast I am listening to.  There is another one I liked earlier which was also a lot of facts about curious things but I cannot find the title yet.

This is a good memory of a happier time and I loved the way my house looked inside at Christmas.  I will never have that again.  My eye that always irritates me looks bad in this picture way back then in 2012 or so.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Ro and Cal get acquainted

 Kelly's Rowan and Amy's Calvin.  Ro is wearing his new helmet to reshape the head from birth canal too long and it looks like Calvin's eyes might be blue.  We will see. Cute little guys though.

Sunday, October 09, 2022


Such a cutie with those big brown eyes and curly hair!!!

 As one curly head to another Melissa is feeding Kham something.  Thanks to Mitch for the pictures.

Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Stewarts at the Wyoming Ranch!

Mike's family ranch near Star Valley, Wyoming.  What a lucky family, every summer.

Molly fell out of a faulty bunk bed and broke her arm!


Kate, Gorgeous Scenery


 Smiling Faces. another fun trip!

Stewarts Vacay in Kauai, Hawaii!

Kristi, Molly, Brynn

Molly, Brynn, Ryan, Kate, Mike

What a beautiful spot and where are all the people??

Just the children

Wonder what that structure is. What a beautiful family.

All the smiling faces!

 The baby Molly is all grown up!

Everyone has sunbleached hair, oh for the days at the beach...only for the young.

Silver Gate Cabin

You can see the edge of the new deck Randy built with lumber sent brought by Debbie that belonged to her son.  It will have rails and staining added next summer.

This green rug disappeared and another was left but nobody knows who did it????

I wish Carole had taken more pictures but she said the cabin is really looking beautiful.

That is the Glendive throw that Myrna gave me that I sent up.  Carole gave the snowshoes to Mom and Dad before she was married.

Brian's picture that I wanted to replace the old store picture of the fisherman supposedly that looked 
like Dad was instead put above a door with a light shining on it.  The children are all so in love with the old picture they want to keep it on the fireplace.

Carole said when she hung the picture Richard gave me in the bluish grey colors of the horse and barn, etc to remind me of Montana, she said she was laughing thinking it was probably to remind me of how nice I had it not living in Montana!!!!

She placed the bear lamps in various places and used the comfy fleece throw I sent up to curl up in while she read books as the others played outside in the elements.

Love the new cabinets!

Julie Andrews in Depth and My Current Activities

 Linda and Gary are vacationing in Hawaii and she recommended "Homework" which is the second book of Julie Andrews life.  I did not read the first one but I have really been enjoying this book and then I have been watching some of the more successful movies.  She acted in or was the voice for over 60 movies so this book was about the Hollywood years.

The thing that I think is most amazing is how talented and able she was when most of her family were so dysfunctional.  She supported and took care of so many family members.  Why would this be so?  She was  beautiful and of course, her singing voice was truly a God given gift.  The fact that she was so stable and able to avoid so many weaknesses that her other family members had was incredible.

In watching Mary Poppins again I appreciated so much more now how incredible that movie was with all the special affects and movie tricks.  Since computers were not yet invented what they were able to do was remarkable and the color and clarity of the movie is amazing.

She was such a versatile actress and she chose her roles so as not get labeled into any one category.  She was truly beautiful with such a lovely voice.  She was extremely teachable and listened to her directors instead of playing the prima dona she was forever learning and perfecting her craft.

Her first role was when she was 13 and she was so good she was presented to the Queen of England.  Her first role in America was "The Boyfriend" on Broadway when she was nineteen.  Her first movie was Mary Poppins when she was only 20 and she received the Oscar for it!!!!

I was surprised at how really beautiful she is on the screen and she had movie after movie with the best leading men at the time.

She had known her first husband Tony since she was a child but when the Hollywood years came they were separated so much because he was also very sought after in the industry in his work doing playlets and etc.  They had one child Emma and divorced in 1967.  She remarried the talented Blake Edwards in 1969 and he had two children also and a very disturbed ex-wife so often had the children living with them and they wanted children together but at 38 she was never able to get pregnant for some reason and they adopted two Vietnamese children as their friends the Andre Previns had before the fall of Saigon.  They all were such a lovely family but each had special needs and challenges and she always tried to do her best it seemed to me.  

Of course, they had money for nannies and schools and homes in different places but it still seemed and insurmountable juggling act keeping home and movies and carrying for family.  She always fought state fright but she never looked as if anything ruffled her.  I was surprised to learn she sweared a lot though.

Anyway I have found this to be a very enjoyable diversion as I am still getting ready to move back to California and getting rid of all my many memory books and getting everything on line.  I could never do it without my iMac I purchase for $300...I see the refurbished are now up to $546.  This was really a great purchase I made but still learning the in and outs.  

Just yesterday I discovered how easy it was to go up and down by using the roller on my mouse.  I am sure I knew that at one time.  And I had to call Kelly to find out how to view my photo stick.  So much to learn, so little time.

These diversions have helped me to stay focused when I am dealing with other problems.  

Yesterday I gifted Treeo with my beloved wooden and marble Chinese Checker Set.  Suzanne, the manager, and Shelly, the activity lady said they were really going to miss me.

I have been so busy with my movies and books and computer I am on a completely different schedule than Marilyn and Jeanne and rarely see them.  But all the things I used to do for them have been taken over by their families so that is good.

Saturday, October 01, 2022

Melissa and Maria Visit Scenic Beach, Washington

 Melissa and Maria visit Scenic Beach and the Mitch Valkos.

Bahia, Melissa, Maria, Mitch, Kham

Mitch, Melissa, Maria, Kham, Bahia

Mitch is the Maintenance Man of Scenic Beach and they live in company housing!!!

Friday, September 30, 2022

The Dilemma

Sent to Debbie in September after Marilyn had lived here for 4 months and her house was sold.

Debbie, I would like to try and explain one more time about the $15,000.  David was one who kept track of me after Richard died in bankruptcy and I had to take care of myself, sell my retirement home, and continue to work. Which I did till I was 79.  However, I never had benefits on those jobs.  He also kept track of Carole and realizing we would have problems in our old age he figured out a way to help us and that was to leave the money from the sale of his house to Carole and I.  He had discussed it with both Jeanne and Marilyn and they both volunteered that neither of them needed any help.  Jeanne has lots of property and Marilyn had money in the bank and a house free and clear.  

Dorothy had a separate account which had grown to over $250,000 and that was for her nieces and nephews and educating their children.  David thought the house would provide about $100,000.  He was the one person in the family who always found out where I was working for the government and called me on my birthday.  I really don’t think anyone else even realized what was going on in my life.  Thought I was rich I guess.

I lived with Linda and then James and then was able to buy the cabin in Lake Almanor which I had for 22 years.  Because I was in the mortgage business I knew who to go to for financing even though I was bankrupt.  I had a lifetime teaching degree, a securities license, an insurance license, a real estate license and I had already 16 years experience in the mortgage business..  I was going to do something and I received a loan and refinanced to better terms when I got the job with SBA.  I had a reverse mortgage on it so I could afford to live there even after I stopped working, but when the aortic stenosis was discovered I had to sell it and live where better medical was and the children.  Maria had already divorced and moved back to San Diego.

I could afford about two years of independent living but wasn’t expected to live so that did not matter except now I am still living and all my money is gone and Linda and Gary had always said, you use what money you have and then we will take you in when it is gone.  When I came to live at Treeo they were thinking they might even keep me here but due to selling their business which closes Friday I think that all changed and it is ok because I need to be back there for James and Kelsi.  Camber is not getting any better.  It is very sad.  James is struggling to keep it all together.

Now back to David.  He really thought Dorothy would die before he did.  He had called his insurance man who was his nephew Doug to put in the will about the house but he died before that happened I think though Carole thinks they did have the information but not a formal change.  At any rate David died and Dorothy went to an expensive retirement home and died later and it was after that the home was sold and the money sent out the way it was.

Jeanne and Steven immediately sent  $15,000 to Carole.  Steve even asked me, what if Marilyn won’t send you yours and I said, well, at least Carole will get the help she needs.  I talked to you and you said her children needed it, so I let it go.

But now Marilyn’s house is sold, she is set and I really thought you would realize I still need the $15,000.  My money is all gone and Linda is even having to pay for October because they are not ready for me till then.

That is the whole story though I do not know what Marilyn tells you, she changes her stories all the time.  I am sorry  she is having the dementia problems.  Mine has not hit yet.  If you still feel Marilyn deserves it and don’t see things as we do, I will respect that and not persist.  Otherwise it would be very helpful for me to receive the money as David intended.  

I really enjoyed you and Holly being here and it was so helpful to Marilyn.  I think she is enjoying it here and I know she likes having the meals and also people to talk to.  I can’t go with her to the Dentist on the 19th but Bobby said they would take her.  

Sorry this is so long, I just wanted to write it all down and let you kind  of know what happened because I am not sure you do.   And Marilyn trusts you and whatever you say is what she will do and that is a good thing that she has someone who will do what is best for her.

Love to all of you,  Janet

PS. The answer came back No, it is Marilyn's inheritance from David. I explained again that they were settling the estate as they had to and even if Dick were alive, he would have received a portion, too.  It was not David's inheritance, it was a settling of the estate and he intended to help his sisters, now Marilyn's children.  Their attitude is it is Marilyn's money and she can choose to use it anyway she wishes.  In light of her now having $750,000 for the sale of her house makes no difference.  And the fact that many of us know what Dave's intention was, it makes no difference. Debbie texted me to stop talking to Marilyn about it and so I have but it has been hard for me to understand both of their attitudes and harder to forgive than I imagined.  

Especially since we had taken in Sherry when she was just out of high school and she lived with us and Richard helped her get a car and taught her a profession and she moved out when she could support herself and married and had Zach.  And then when the marriage went bad they moved back in our home and were there until Zach was 3 and with her profession she was able to move to Austin where she wanted to live.  We never asked Marilyn and Arky for any help but we never charged Sherry rent.  We treated her as one of our own and she was must appreciative, especially of all the help Richard gave her.  They never offered any help and I am not even sure they thanked Richard for all he did.  

In spite of the fact that they both know my money is gone as I had no benefits from all my years of work.  Marilyn said I was rich and very unaware of my working until I was 79 to support myself.  Very strange.  Debbie said Marilyn scrimped all her life and that is why she has money.  (In other words I piddled mine away).  Richard spent our money on the business but our home was not worth much more than hers but Richard borrowed on it and when he borrowed on our retirement home that was the end for me.  I had to sell and support myself.  I had a hard time forgiving that, too but I did.  He worked very hard but he was dedicated to his service to his clients that last situation he tried to save them from took all our money.  I understood but it was very hard for me, for years.  Debbie did send me a check for $1500 for all the help I did to get Marilyn in and settled etc, etc, etc.  I really needed it so I could pay off my dental bills, etc.  But I intend to pay Linda and Gary back for October over time and I just wish I had some burial money.  I am having a very time forgiving this.  Those of us that know the situation all have a hard time understanding both Marilyn and Debbie's attitude.  I am spending my thoughts on my digitizing and reading and trying to forgive by ignoring.

Sept 25, 2020


Sarah has been popping in to eat her lunch occasionally as she is now attending the Skin Institute which is over on State street.  She is really enjoying it and she looks very good.  They are exercising and eating well.  Ethan has added the Civil Engineering to his Contracting so school is a little harder but it will really be good for him I would think. 

 They had a great time in Galveston and went on to Columbia for a vacation. 

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Calvin Debut

Beautiful Family

Amy and Calvin

Joe, Amy, Charli, Harper, Calvin

Charli and Harper get to hold Calvin.

Mommy Amy with Charli and Harper

Daddy Joe with Harper and Charli




John Hardy Memorial Hike 2015

My Life So Far