Monday, March 02, 2009

At James & Cambers in Capistrano

Imagine having this out your back door each evening. Life doesn't get much better than that.

Meagan and I drove to Capistrano on Saturday and Linda and Sarah followed to see where the Hardys are wintering.

Jacob was suffering from a sore throat but on Sunday morning felt well enough to walk the strand with me. Wow, did we see beautiful homes and no one on the beach--

What lucky kids to be able to have a whole beach and ocean in their back yard!
The air felt wonderful.
James, Jacob and Roger were having a serious Monopoly game.

Roger Frith was best friend to James when we lived in La Jolla. He brought his wife Caressa from North Dakota to enjoy Southern California Sun!

We enjoyed eating and sunning and walking on the beach--wear your shoes though--there are lots of large and small pebbles and rocks.
Great way to get a walk but Bandido didn't like the rocks and kept sniffing at the surf to see what it was...
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