Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Yea! Matt was here!

He came, he saw, he conquered! And I am all ready for winter again.
It always amazes me how fast and thorough grandson Matt is in his work habits. In two hours he had cleaned off the roof, cleaned all the rain gutters, trimmed an obtrusive cedar tree, chopped the remaining wood, stacked new wood on the deck, changed the light bulbs in three places and fixed my broken wagon.
I don't know how I will manage here without my grandsons keeping my life in order.
Matt had not seen the river rock patio since it was finished with the help of the Pulsiphers last summer. He was quite impressed. It was five years ago that the first work was done on my backyard and it is Matt who has done most of the hard labor.
After John died, Matt helped me create the two mourning gardens below. He hauled all the rocks from around my lot to make a circle and then filled them in with dirt from further back in the lot. He also dug out and leveled the area for the river rock patio. It had been quite a slope and then the dug out dirt made another little garden where the plum tree is planted.
I would still like to gather a few more river rocks for a path to the hammock and other birdbath. (PS Forget the path to the hammock--hammock #2 bit the dust--between the squirrels and the sun? the ropes just disintegrate--Matt took a nice tumble checking it out!)
For some reason not even the weeds grow in the dirt--no idea why except the dirt is very rocky and compacted.
'Ain't nobody happy growing in that there dirt' but with the help of my children and grandchildren we have created a little slice of heaven here for Bandido and me. Thanks Matt, for all your hard work yesterday.
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