Friday, July 31, 2009

Grumpy Old Men and Cranky Old Ladies

What is there about us old men and old ladies that makes us speak our mind and become grumpies and crankies. I thought one of my neighbors was bad when I went to ask him about bringing a truck back to my yard to pick up my yard waste. He was just a whole lot grumpier than he needed to be. And his sweet wife was embarrassed behind him.
But today when I went out to inspect the tree another neighbor had had cut down and the clean up of my yard the workers were doing, I let the two young guys in the truck know their clean up job was not finished. I rake up all those loose branches at least twice a year. Why should I let them leave all the ones they caused for me to rake up later? I think not. Anyway I became that cranky old lady that pops in and out of my house from time to time. And they cleaned it up.
There was a time in my life I would have said nothing. My husband always had to handle any difficult situations that arose. But not anymore. The hard knocks of the business world and then being on my own to handle everything has changed me. That cranky old lady is me...

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