Sunday, January 08, 2023

A Very Bad Night

Last night I had a very bad night.  I woke around 1:30 am to go to the bathroom
 but I could not pass my stool and it was so painful.  
In 2018 I had had a tumor removed from my tail and it is not exactly normal but
 it has been five years 
and I had not had such a problem.  Later I decided it was calcium my new 
doctor started me on recently and I remember I had a problem with 
calcium before.  It can be constipating.

At any rate I spent about 5 hours drinking water, walking in my room,
 in the bathroom (actually had my best score of Solitaire ever (7710!) but in
 pain most of the time.  Finally after praying, and all of the above I was relieved 
and went to sleep again.

James texted me at around 8 and told me he was walking Bear, 
I could see him across the street in the park.  I texted him I had had a 
very bad night, etc and would not be able to come over and not go to church
 with him.  He came and got Sadie and took her for a walk. 
  I went back to sleep and slept until 10 or 11.  

Growing old is one challenge after another.

Saturday, January 07, 2023

A Brief on Richard and my Courtship, Wedding, Marriage, Children and Death

Linda asked me if we had any wedding pictures.  And technically, no we didn't.   My story is told elsewhere but technically Bill, the helicopter pilot and boyfriend,  and I had set a date for a summer wedding.  He was a Christian Scientist and I was a Mormon but we finally decided to go for it anyway.  But someone up there had different plans for me! My parents who were in Utah and on their way down for my wedding came on down anyway to sympathize with me after we called off the wedding.

So I have these pictures at the beginning of the summer of 1959 .  Incidentally I did not see these pictures until just a few years ago when my nephew printed all of my Dad's movies online and I was able to take some individual pictures off of the film, that is why they are not really clear.

Anyway somewhere else is all the drama of this visit.

And then Richard came into my life just before Labor Day 1959 when I returned from BYU Summer School.  My friend had called me and said she had someone she wanted me to meet who had just moved in.  I said, "No way, not interested."

But that Sunday after Sacrament Meeting Richard came charging up and introduced himself and asked if I would go to the Fireside with him, I was going with Danny, he asked for a date Wednesday night, I had one with Bob, he asked for one Saturday and I had one with Clinton and so he asked what about tomorrow Labor Day to Balboa Park and I said OK.

Since I had broken up with Bill, who I had gone with almost since I moved to San Diego, these guys from the ward thought they would date me now.  And Richard was blown away by my popularity, but it was just a one week thing.  There is more to that story but anyway he began spending most of his time at my place and then took me to meet his mother in Las Vegas and decided we had should get married but we did not have any time off till Christmas and we were together all the time and fully committed to each other by then.  We had known each other only six weeks and had both broken engagements behind us.  Richard wrote a lovely letter to my parents explaining we would marry in the Temple later and thanked them for shooshing all the other guys away.  I found later that his parents did the same thing, elope when their parents were traveling and then marry in the Temple later!!!!

So we planned to elope one weekend, get married by the Bishop and then go to LA for a fast honeymoon and back to my teaching school and his appraising job on Monday.  All plans went well until Scott, his brother, found out and those details are somewhere else about the "wedding" he planned and cake he bought, etc and all his family and Vida  came to San Diego for a early Friday evening wedding.

 But no one took any pictures.   I had a on a lovely dress (I wish I had a picture) and the principal over my class for me and I had lots of time to dress.  It was early evening in a big hotel room with family and Cake and the Bishop and did we eat anything?  Cannot remember.  We had taken earlier pictures for the announcement or whatever we might need but no one was prepared with a camera that night I guess.

And then soon after we married on October 23 Mom and Dad came to San Diego again and we took pictures with them that were almost like wedding or honeymoon pictures.  Here again, these pictures are taken off the movie film.

 So we met the Sunday before Labor Day 1959, were married on October 23, 1959 and baby John was born August 19, 1960 and we went to the Temple on November 4, 1960 and Linda was born June 28th, 1962, Maria was born November 15, 1963 and James was born June 27th, 1966.  Richard died on November 27th, 1996.  John died on April 5th, 2004 and it is now 2023 so I have had lots of time alone to gather memories and records and put this all online and what is most important is in Family Search as well.  Our life is an open book online!

More Cohen Birthday Celebration

 Linda and Gary went to Vegas this weekend to help celebrate the big #1 Birthday and sent video sliding  of Cohen  sliding down a new red slide!  

Happy family with pictures of Cohen for every month of his life behind them.

The Cake!

Is Cohen smart or what, no putting his finger or hand in the cake, he eats the raspberries!!!

Thursday, January 05, 2023

Cohen receives Birthday Card

I sent an Ecard to Cohen but I had misspelled the email address so he never got it on his birthday which was January 3rd.  So I resent it on the 5th and it was a talking giant cheeseburger who would say his name.


Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Sunday, January 01, 2023

Janice Sent a Happy New Year

 My friend Janice from back in the 7th Ward days and the mother of one of John's best friends sent a Happy New Year with pictures of her children and grandchildren.

When she is visiting and I am at Linda's we get together.  So fun to keep updated on old friends!!!

Her children bought her a ticket to the Rose Bowl where U of U will be playing this year and a new red Utes jacket to wear.  Janice is a widow and visits lives in Scottsdale but visits her children in various places.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Update on Matt

I sent Matt a text Merry Christmas and he called me back and we talked for quite a long time and then he also sent me these pictures on Christmas.  He really appreciated my reaching out and we plan to stay in touch.  

Marnie, the sister of his Dad Mark (behind Matt in pix) reached out to Matt and asked him to come and help  them in Wixom, Michigan where she lives with her husband, son Austin (in lower picture) and now she is also caring for Matt's grandfather.  The grandmother died this past year and they are readying his house to sell and he will be living at her home.  Thus she needs Matt's help.

Also Matt and then Mark came also to get the house all ready for selling and now Matt will also be selling the furniture etc.

It is a good place for Matt to be as he furthers himself from the drug scene and all the toxic involvements.  He feels secure and has work to do and he is also trying to straighten out some things so he can get licensed as a "line man".  These are the guys who do the electrical etc work on the overhead wires and such.  Matt has amazing skills and a great work ethic and he is determined to get his life under control.  I think it is a miracle he is still alive and feel he has something special to share with the world.

Matt is the grandchild who worked on my lot so much to make the individual rock gardens, keep it cleaned up, prepared the area for the river rock patio, etc.  So we spent a lot of time together and I always appreciated his caring so much to help me.

Mark and his wife have five acres in Arkansas and have a life away from California also.  They like it.
Interesting they all have the beards but the dog.

Marnie trains or raises dogs for something (forgot what) and has several other businesses going.  Very busy lady

 Austen is taking his tests to become a CPA!

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 2022

We had Christmas Eve dinner at James' house and Meagan and Matt's family were there which made us all happy.

James did the turkey and between us we somehow got the stuffing and mashed
potatoes done and James had gotten some frozen rolls which were very good.

Meagan brought a huge pumpkin and apple pie and whipped cream.

I had made the Romney version of pistachio salad and Christmas Cookies and frosting.

Unfortunately I get too tired as is evidenced by this picture but everyone else looks good!!!

We had fun with white elephant gifts and James read us a little story and the children dressed up in the costumes that Camber has collected.  So Christmas 2002 was with family, yea, not alone!!!

Jacob was back from Hawaii and Lea was back from Bali and Kelsi was here but Jimmy had to work at the restaurant Jake's.

 I was late getting up but went over at 1:20 Christmas Day and had leftovers and we opened the presents under the tree.  I was too exhausted to go to Church even but I enjoyed the Tabernacle Choir and Treeo Christmas Ward Meeting on You Tube.

The Hardys were invited to a Christmas party at one of Camber's and Kelsi's friends home in Rancho Santa Fe so I went home to nap and they had more.

 Christmas.  I can only do so much partying!!!   

Christmas Sunday with the Hardys at Poinsettia Ward

Christmas Sunday with all the Pulsiphers in Las Vegas

The Three Boys of 2022 from the Pulsipher Clan

 Cohen, born in January (Tanner and Marissa's), Calvin, born in August (Amy and Joe's) and Rowan, born in May (Kelly and Collin's)

Linda said it took them all day to get this one shot because of different baby schedules, moods and etc!!!

Kelsi and I

Kelsi sent over this picture taken earlier this month.  Wow, do I look old or what--90 next month and it shows...need that lipstick!


Friday, December 23, 2022


Calvin Travis born on August 8 to Amy and Joe and he loves to stand up!!  They are all currently in Las Vegas for Christmas and it is Kristi's birthday so celebrating at her house.


Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Easter 1937 and Christmas 1937 and 1940 in Glendive, Montana

Pictures from David's Book of Remembrance 

1--These are pictures I do not remember seeing before in my books but the first picture is Easter
on the South Side at the white house on the corner.  This was the third house we lived in in Glendive
and I was probably 4 in spring 1937.
Those are huge buttons on our coats.  I assume they came from the Karl Johnson store Dad was 
managing.  But I know I wore a lot of hand me downs.  I wonder if Mom got things from rummage
sales, too.  We all look very nice though you can see scuffed shoes and David's pants are not new.
We did not have a lot of money, that I know.  When I eventually get to go to school, I remember
wearing clothes more than one day in a row and changing after school and hanging up my dress or
blouse and skirt with straps.  Actually those are the only school clothes I remember in first grade. 

 Luckily the store clothes will become a great blessing in our life, especially in high school and college.

These look like small Easter baskets by today's standards.  We would have had our hair rolled up in
rags the night before to make it curl on the end.  We would have been going to the Congregational
Sunday School where Dad sang in the choir.

2-It is winter and we are wearing anklets which is interesting.  I have on a different coat and David just 
has on a sweater.  This is also on the South Side and was probably 1937 because Carole has 
evidently not been born yet and we have our Christmas dolls.  This was the Christmas where Mom 
had us follow strings to find our dolls and David got the Kayo doll.  

I am not sure if it is the same Christmas Marilyn got a tricycle and it seemed the whole living room floor
was full of things.  That Christmas must have been a very good year at the store!  So the bountiful year
with an electric mixing bowl for Mom  and a tricycle may have been 1938 or 39.

We moved to a this house on the North Side Heights the summer of 1940 and we have our Christmas 
dolls so Carole would be 2 and I would be in second grade.   She was born in November of 1938 and I 
turned 6 in January 1939 and went to first grade on the south side at Lincoln School in September.

Dad was able to purchase this house and we had lived in 4 other houses since moving there in 1934.

This house was about a hundred years old I think.   It was remodeled when I was at college.  The man
looks familiar but can't think who he is, salesman or?  We often had missionaries eat with us but why a 
single man?  I usually wore pigtails.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Update on Health Care

I was having all these thigh muscle aches and so Dr. Pham suggested an x-ray of the lower back and then physical therapy.

So I went to the first appointment at Coastal Pain and he ordered an MRI.

However, in the meantime my prescription for rosuvastatin was refilled and Dr Pham said to take it at night.  So I started doing that and lo and behold I have not had the pain so on Dec 19 I called into my Doctor's office and told them to cancel it all!! 

I was talking to Jean from Clear Creek Ward and she said they have had her doing physical therapy for pains in her legs and it has not helped at all.  And Stephanie said she was thinking of giving up her physical therapy.

In February 2011 they did the lumbar laminectomy at Scripps because arthritic calcium was pressing on the nerves and causing the thigh aches.  It took a long recovery but really worked but I do not want anymore surgery.+

I think I will just keep walking and start using the jacuzzi and see if it continues not to hurt!!!

I need to up my Calcium, do some weight bearing exercises (have not started yet) and keep walking!  

Sunday, December 18, 2022

At Home and at Park City this Week

Linda invited Kelsi and James to dinner the night before they went to Utah and thought it was cute that they were both doing the same thing.

A Few Days Later at Park City, Snowboarding

Sarah and Ethan are with the Pulsiphers at Sweetwater in Park City for the day.

Tanner snowboards and Marissa and Cohen enjoy the snow.


Saturday, December 17, 2022

Lunch with Johnny and Maria, Christmas 2022

Linda and Gary are in Park City and Maria and Johnny will be at Johnny's work location near Walnut Creek, Ca.  Johnny added these poinsettias to the front porch and Maria put some presents under the tree.  They had invited James and I to lunch and we went to Miguel's by McDonalds and had excellent food and talk.  I had made her and Johnny some raisin bars and cookies.

Had not seen them since I went to Utah in 2021!!!!

On Christmas Day we opened the presents Maria had left and I received this lovely cup that Maria sells on a site.  She does the art, etc herself as therapy and is now making a business of her art.  Very nice!

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Masseys have a New Christmas Puppy, 2022

Meagan and family are going to join us for Christmas Eve!!!  Us is James' family and Me at the Hardy house in Carlsbad.

They named the new pup Bandit!!!

 Keira and Bandit

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Carole and tne St Lucia tradition

Carole taught her grandchildren about the Swedish tradition and then dressed them with all the perfect outfits.  Very nice.


Saturday, December 10, 2022

Early Christmas with the Hardy Family, 2022

Since Linda and Gary will be in Las Vegas with all their family for Christmas, she had the Hardys over for dinner, gingerbread house competition and white elephant.

It was a very fun party and we played a game at the end which Lea kept saying was very good therapy, and we laughed a lot.

 Unfortunately Camber has been in the hospital for almost 90 days and we miss her so much!!!

 Christmas 2022 with the Hardy Family and Sadie!

Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Christmas is Near, 2022

I have been listening to a supposed Christmas station for several days.  There is not one Christmas Carol or any reference to Christ is the music.  Evidently Jesus has been cancelled in America by the media.  So Sad.  I am glad I still have my own Christmas records.

I have just realized something else that once you are a Great Grandma you are last on the list of most family members thoughts.  Easy to understand, everyone has children or grandchildren and that is who Christmas is centered around.

I am just happy to have wonderful memories, in my mind and in my blog and books. 

I have lost quite a few pounds this week while I have been sick, back to what I was when I moved into Treeo and then I gained about 20 or more pounds.  Ate too much there.  Still recuperating and do not have much of an appetite.

Janet, 90 in January, yikes!

John Hardy Memorial Hike 2015

My Life So Far