Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Red Quilt

Something funny,  I always take my red flannel quilt traveling with me as I love to nap under it. I noticed that when I came back from Sacramento Kelly had it in her car and Sarah likes to come and get it to watch tv under, which is fine.

However, Tanner and I spent a little time Friday night teaching Bandido that this would now be his bed and he could not cry to get on my bed. Finally by 10 pm when I turned out the lights he was prone on the red quilt on the floor and seemed happy about it. (I can't lift anything over 5 lbs for the next 10 to 20 days)

When I woke up later to go to the bathroom, the red quilt had been stolen from underneath Bandido!

When he woke up later, he looked around very bewildered.
Note:  I found out later Sarah and her friend had taken it as they were sleeping on the couch.

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