Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Lea Goes to Italy

 These pictures speak for themselves.  Granddaughter Lea, who has a great job and is also modeling, recently took a vacation with a friend and sent back these gorgeous pictures.  Travel while you are young, isn 't that what we were all told but no one did but this generation most definitely are!!!!

Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Georgia is 103

 Today we celebrated the birthday of this lovely lady at Treeo, who actually turned 103.  She is still sharp as a tack and ran an escrow office in Sacramento until she was 92 after retiring 4 times!!!  She has gorgeous clothes, still wears heals and beautiful jewelry.  She has really raised the bar at Treeo.

The Anderson Girls

In 1934 our Dad left Utah and began managing a Karl Johnson store in Glendive, Montana.  His brother Lorin was managing a Karl Johnson star in the neighboring town of Miles City and had secured the jobs for both of them.   They were department stores and the brothers would later buy them and rename them Andersons.

We followed by train in May and I was 15 months and the depression was raging.  We also had two older brothers Dick and Dave and Jeanne, Marilyn, and myself were always known as the Anderson Girls.  Carole would follow in 1938 as another Anderson Girl.

The first picture was taken across the street from the first house we rented, right near the big bridge, and this was a sweet little park.  Mom looks pretty classy in her Tam.  And we were all well dressed.

The next picture is taken at Treeo, a senior residential home, in Orem, Utah.  Jeanne has lived there about 8 years, I followed last year, and Marilyn joined us the first of June 2022.


Sunday, June 05, 2022

The Cabin is Updated

Thanks to Randy, Darian, Dustin and Jon, the Anderson's Roost got new cupboards and counter etc.  It looks gorgeous here and they say it looks even better in person.  So nice!!!!  Thanks to the younger generation for continually making the cabin better and bigger, so much thanks!!!!


Friday, June 03, 2022

Happy Birthday to Charli!!!!

Charli is in Blue and celebrating her Princess birthday and sister Harper is the hugger.  These two darling great grandchildren belong to Amy and Joe and they live in Morgantown, West Virginia.


Sunday, April 17, 2022


 I was so frustrated with my computer I ordered a refurbished IMAC from Amazon along with a warranty and Microsoft files to add.  It was only $274 plus tax.  I began to worry that I was probably taking on something that would be to hard for me to learn and then I got a email that said the order had been canceled so I called and canceled the other two items also.  And I thought it was probably a good thing and then...

It was delivered the next day!  So I bravely set it up and turned it on and it was like greek to me...all about voice over and learning the keys etc.  I spent three days trying to figure it out and I was so discouraged.  Then the Games gal said she could help me the next morning and could tell if I had something I could keep or not.

I was so discouraged thinking what was wrong with me.  One fellow said in answer for help that IMACs are so easy and I really felt discouraged.  I prayed for my mind to be capable of figuring this out.  And...

When I sat down in the morning there was a new message on the board which gave me hope and then I looked under the mouse that I could not figure out how to work and lo and behold there a piece that came out and plugged into the back of the computer!!!!!!

And then it all came together and I was doing well...after a few glitches I was on my way.  Still have a few items to solve but Gary said he would try and help me if I need it.  We will see.

But everything is so much easier to do!!!!   Everything!!!  I should have gone Apple years ago.

Friday, April 15, 2022

No More Apple Turnovers

 I was itching so badly and having to use eczema therapy cream on my legs and arms every day and night and then I read that gluten was bad for eczema and I quit eating gluten and lo and behold I stopped itching.  Of course, I had already given up most everything.  Except sugar, I still sneak that in there too often but certainly not as much.

Today I was in Costco getting my hearing aids adjusted and on my way out I tried these mini choc chip cookies, gluten free, sugar free, made out of almonds, keto friendly.  They are excellent and will be my new snack.

Thursday, April 07, 2022

Meagan and Her Daughters Road Trip

Meagan's family have planned a ski trip to Alta and I am on the way.  Meagan and her girls are staying at Treeo for two nights and then picking up Matt and Nico at the airport.  They are just two floors above me so can come up and down the stairs very easily.


This morning Meagan took them to a ceramic store where they all painted their own.  They will be oven baked while they are skiing and pick them up when they return.

They slept late eveey morning so came down to my place and I made them my gluten free waffles and bacon.  They liked them.

While they were here they put out my cushions on my swing and put a hummingbird feeder on Sadies doggy door.  They also bought me a beautiful plant for spring.


Matt took our picture in front of one of the pink blossoming trees that are all around the parking lot of the church and I get to look at a big one from my patio window.

Meagan and the girls had stopped in Las Vegas and had a fun adventure and are staying in St George on the way back.  

Sadie had so much fun with the girls and was so excited to see them.  Eden had given her so much attention he climbed all over her, remembered her well.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Blessings and Miracles in Our Life

"Now I bless you that as you travel up and down in the earth that you may go in safety and that the hand of the Lord shall be outstretched to save you from accident and harm and sickness."..."I bless you with lengthened days and say unto you that it will be your privilege to live until you have fulfilled the full measure of your creation."

These are two blessings in my Patriarchal Blessing which I was given in my freshman year at BYU.  When I prayed for help from the Lord as my only resource and He inched my 49 Plymouth  up the slippery hill in Wyoming (on my way back to BYU from Marilyn's wedding in Glendive) I knew that the Lord kept his promises and he would always be there and I trusted in that promise.

I am 89 years old and I need to leave a record of the many times the Lord has outstretched his hand and saved me even when I did not know I was in danger.

The first one was actually in high school.  We had been at a high school dance in downtown Glendive.  I was probably a freshman and did not have a special boyfriend but my friend Sieve had this big crush on Dean and she wanted me to go with her and have Dean give us a ride home.  I do not know if she asked him or what but there was another boy in the front seat and Deloris and I were in the back.  No seat belts in those days.  We did not know that Dean (and whoever the other boy was) had been drinking and as we left the bright lights of the town and entered the darker area Dean began to speed and soon had the police chasing us.  He lost control and we were weaving back and forth and rolling all over and it appeared we were going to crash on one side or the other and then suddenly he took a  quick turn into the stockyards and drove into the interior and doused his lights.  The other boy had been throwing their cans of beer out of the car in case they got caught.  I was praying all along and promising I would never drive with anyone who had been drinking if the Lord would just save us.  He did and I never drove with anyone who had been drinking again.

The next event happened as Marilyn and I were driving home from BYU and I am not sure where we were but she was driving and it was very dark, probably in the mountains.  Just as we rolled around a corner too fast she accidently knocked the lights out and there was a bridge ahead and we were in the gravel on the right side.  Just before we would have hit the side of the bridge or gone into the river below the lights came on and Marilyn quickly swerved onto the bridge.  Marilyn really was an excellent driver.  Anyway I thanked the Lord for saving us and acknowledged his hand outstretched.

Then there was the miracle in the mountains I mentioned above.  Marilyn got married at Thanksgiving my junior year at college.  I was to now have the 49 Plymouth at college.  Driving back I was to stay ahead of  Jeanne and Stan and their children in case I should have a problem they would see me and be able to help me,  was the plan.  We had no telephones in those days.  I was driving alone.  We were in 'South Pass in Wyoming which is up and down hills and not a lot of traffic in the winter.  I saw a station where I could go to the bathroom and quickly dashed in and out but unfortunately I was not fast enough and just as I was to enter the highway I saw them zoom by.  So now I just hoped I could catch up to them.  I was almost to the top of a high hill when a car zoomed up on my left and because it was near the top he cut in front of me and I braked and slid down the hill.  I did all the right things, backing up and trying to get a run, etc but I could not get that car to go up the hill.  No chains, no snow tires, etc.  As I sat there at the bottom I talked to the Lord and told him I had tried and tried and I could not do it but I know that He could and I really needed his help.  And it was not long before I was trying to go again and we inched all the way to the top.  I never forgot the way I felt when that prayer was answered.  He did keep his promises and I trusted Him that He is always there.  I don't know how, but He is.

 In the years to come I did not share that story very much, but I never doubted.  And then one Sunday I felt inspired to share it in my testimony when I was living in Lake Almanor and I said I was not sure why I was sharing it that  day.  It was very evident that a little boy in the audience did not believe it could be and he said quite loudly that it was not possible.  The following testimony meeting the mother got up and said. "Last month Sister Hardy did not know why she was sharing her "miracle in the mountain" but it was for us.  We had a great teaching moment with our son talking about how God answers our prayers and was always there to help us.  Later in the month my husband was late coming home from his snow trip and she and her son had the opportunity to pray for his return while a couple of the men searched for him and he was found."  She thanked me for sharing the story as it was a faith promoting experience for her son.

Then there was the time when Melissa and I were driving up the hill out of Susanville.  A camper top flew off a truck not too far in front of us.  We did not know how to react but just before it could hit us it flew off to our right and out of our path.  I thanked the Lord.

When I was working in the Fashion Valley area I had gone to lunch and as I was entering the intersection as the light turned green and suddenly my foot went up and pressed on the brakes and I stopped suddenly and just then a car drove right in front of me.  I had not seen it coming at all.  I thanked the Lord.

One other time as I was leaving Myrna's house in Manhattan Beach on my way down to San Diego and I had entered the freeway and I saw two cars collide far on the right side of the freeway.  I did not react at all but one of the cars whizzed in front of me and hit the center cement and whizzed back again just before I then whizzed by.  I thanked the Lord.

One time when I was leaving Susanville some highway patrol were directing us to take Highway 44 because of forest fire.  This would take me north to Redding and a long way back.  When I had gone a ways a car I was following stopped me and told me he knew how to get back to Westwood on the dirt forest roads and follow him.  I did but he was going so fast I soon lost him and was out there in all these forest roads where I did not know where they went and I was needing gas.  I was planning on filling up in Westwood.  Here again I prayed to find my way out of there and came out just at the gas station in Westwood.  Just in time.  I did not do that by myself.  I thanked the Lord.

The same kind of thing happened on my first day in East Texas after driving from where we were staying in Houston.  I ended up on dirt roads again  with signs like T34 and did not know where  I was.  Here again I prayed my way out.  When I saw my supervisor the next morning in Houston I asked her what she was doing sending gray hair old ladies out to the boondocks.  And she said, "We are the only ones that have any common sense."  Well, there was truth to that but I surely did not like it.  But I thanked the Lord.

Then there was the time I was at the office in Mission Valley when we were setting up things and I had been filing things in a high four drawer file that had been damaged.  I had too much heavy drawers on top but did not realize this was a problem.  All of a sudden I noticed a paper on the far right of the table and I walked around the table to get it.  Just then the file fell just where I had been standing.  I thanked the Lord.

I was in Guam in 2002 working for SBA and we worked  in the end area of this huge mall where we would meet victims and process our loans.  The mall was on the high part of the island and when we went home to our hotel on the beach we had to go down this very long steep hill.  One evening as we sat there at the stop light at the bottom of the hill with other cars in front of us, the driver noticed this runaway car coming down the hill very fast and he had nowhere to get out of the way.  I looked behind me and said, "Don't worry, it won't hit us! " When the car got down to where we were it suddenly veered to the right side just behind us and did not hit any part of us.  The two guys in the front seat turned around and said. "How did you know that and I told them.though I am sure they doubted what I said.  But I thanked the Lord.

There may be "miracles" in our life we are totally unaware of.  The Lord keeps his promises.  I am not sure why I was being protected but maybe I needed to live a long time for some reason.  And I have lived alone for more than 25 years and needed all the help I could get.  Plus I was driving alone so much for so  many years and surely needed that protection.  It was a very good blessing for me in my work and home life.  When I got pretty old I stopped letting any grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc ride with me.  I was not putting their life at risk when I was not as able as I once was.  Common sense or loss of faith.  Common sense, I believe.  Thinking correctly.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Renae Ottley Paxman

Renae was a roommate at college for one year and best friend of my sister Marilyn.

Her death was recently listed in the BYU Alumni magazine.

 Renae Ottley Paxman passed away on June 29, 2021. Renae was born on Sept 15, 1931, in Carlin, NV to Leonard Peter and Ivy Taylor Ottley. She grew up in Nevada with her two sisters: Maxine and Ruth. She graduated from Carlin High School. She attended BYU and graduated with a bachelor's degree in education.

It was at the "Y " she met the love of her life -- Gary Paxman. They were married on Nov.10, 1953, in the Idaho Falls Temple. Renae and Gary settled in Idaho Falls and had 4 daughters: Patrice, Paulynn, Penny, and Pamela Kay. Renae loved being a mom and spending time with her family. Her children and grandchildren were the light of her life.

After graduating from college, Renae taught third grade in Nevada. When she and Gary settled in Idaho Falls, they ran Paxman's Drive-In, an iconic restaurant and favorite hangout, for many years. She also later worked at ZCMI as the manager of the China department, and Medical Mart as a billing specialist before retiring to care for Gary.

Renae was an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and enjoyed serving in the Relief Society and Primary for many years. She was an avid reader who loved mystery novels, as well as working in her beautiful rose garden. She was a talented cook and shared delicious meals with friends and family. Her life was always focused on family and serving others. She attended every ball game, concert, and dance recital of her children and grandchildren, and was very vocal in cheering for them. Being with her family is what brought her the most joy.

She is survived by daughters: Patrice (Peter) Demitropoulos of Idaho Falls, Paulynn (Todd) Simmons of Terreton, Penny (Mark) Peterson of Idaho Falls, and Pamela Kay (Mark) Gustin of Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin; her grandchildren: Brook, Tyler, Dustin, Lyndsie, Kelsey, Kolby, Nicholas, Tanner, Kylee, Chase, Cooper, Crew, Gracie, Gabe, and Garrison; and 33 great-grandchildren.

She is preceded in death by her husband Gary Latimer Paxman; sisters: Maxine Humphries and Ruth Wright; and parents: Leonard and Ivy Ottley.

The family will visit with friends from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., Monday, July 5, 2021, at Coltrin Mortuary, 2100 First Street. A graveside service will be held at 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, July 6th at Ammon Cemetery.

Family Members


Thursday, February 17, 2022

New Craving..Pepperidge Apple Turnovers

When I was working in Maryland I began buying Kroger's Apple Turnovers for Breakfast.  The Smith's strore (Krogers) also has good ones.   But usually they were gone by the time I might be shopping so I tried the Pepperidge Appleturners and they have more apples than Kroger's but there is also a shortgage on them so with the last shipment they had I bought 5 boxes.  Maybe I will aventually get sick of them.

I found you need to cook them for 25 minutes and follow directions.  I also turn them over when there is about 10 minutes left...this makes them crispy on both sides


Friday, February 11, 2022

Super Smoothie

To buildup my immune system and give me energy.  This plus cranberry choose is my smoothie for health in the morning. I am feeling a lot better!!!!



Wednesday, February 09, 2022

New Bed Spread

My old king spread had a tear on top and was dangerous because it was too big and I was tripping over it all the time.  This one is a queen size and still in my green and rose colors and fits to just above the floor all around.



Wednesday, February 02, 2022

My Indoor Gym

 My indoor gym.  This works really well for exercise while watcing tv, etc!!!  Maria sent it.


 For some reason I have been plagued with skin eruptions and eczema the last several years but at least seem to have it under control and no more itching.  My routine for a itch free life.

1-No dairy

2-After shower Eczema Therapy on legs, arms, neck

3-Triamcinolene Acetonide on "active" eczema morning and evening--sides of face, nose crease, front of wrists.  Jeanette Walker explained to me that this heals the eczema and to use it on all active areas.  I had had it for something but no one explained to me that this gets rid of the eczema.  I just have these few spots left.

4-Aveeno moisturizer under my makeup on the face in am

5-Ponds cleanser on face at night followed by salicylic acid medication followed by aveeno restorative night cream (and #3)

6-I do have a applicator with a long arm if want to put on my back any lotion, etc.

Anyway so far it is working and looking good or better at least!!!!

Julia's Visit and Catching Up with the Scott Hardy's

Richard's niece Julia Hardy Nielsen and her husband came to visit me the week before Christmas and invited me for Christmas dinner and then I got sick and was not able to go.

But I have enjoyed her two visits so much and have learned so much of what happened to their family after Richard died and I lost touch.

They will be retiring to St George in a couple years.

Jenny's husband is retired but they live here in Orem and she is doing real estate!!!

Matt and his family will be moving to Mapleton in a couple years.  He said they will be coming again in March and will visit me.

I read Alan's Stories from His Life and was so impressed by his life and family stories.  He said they would visit me when they come up to visit their children soon.

Lory died of cancer last year when she was 66.  So saddened to hear about that.  
She was not aware until it was way too late to do much.  They had a home here and the ranch near Brianhead.  Julia said they had a huge family reunion at the ranch before Lory knew she was sick and everyone was there!!!

Becky gave a brief history of Vida and Merlin at the Earl Family Zoom meeting and that was excellent.  She has had an excellent career.

Merlin has done extremely well in building homes and complexes in Las Vegas!!!

So they all have done well financially.  She said none of them wanted to be poor again as they were after their Dad died when he and Miriam had only been married for 9 years!!!

Miriam went on after Scott died and got her degrees in music and teaching and taught music and home economics in the Las Vegas schools.  She kept all their propety in her name and gave it all to the children quite fairly.  They sold everything I believe.

Miriam did an excellent job of raising her family.  I remember she told me she only had two rules for her family...1-they go to church every Sunday and 2-They say their prayers every day.  It must have worked because they all have success and lovely families.  So fun to hear about them all.

Oh, and Julia brought the most wonderful Mint Truffles.  They are called Utah Mint Truffles and she buys them at Costco.  So good!!!


Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Sunshine Every Afternoon and Sickness and Wellness

I love the way the sunshine comes
 in, in the afternoon.


So I ended up having the croupy cough for 3 and 1/2 weeks but NP Walker had sent me to an ENT to see if I could get better breathing in my nostrils.  I had a deviated septum operation in the 70s and I had cancer twice on my nose so the nostril was small.  Dr. Robbins said surgically he could do something but he wanted me to try Flonase for 3 weeks first.  I told him I thought I should not take inhaler except saline and he said it is a steroid but you can take it every day for the rest of your life and it will not harm you.

Guess what, taking flonase every night has been amazing.  I can breathe, I won't need any apparatus to help me breathe better!!!!!  However, because of the cougth and I was tested for covid twice and it was not covid, just a virus, I am staying away from the dining room and crowds.  I have not been attending church but watch it on Zoom.  Then I got a UTI and my NP. Jessica Walker has transfered to Park City so I had to go to Insta Care for a prescription and it did not finish the job so I went back and the put me on Cipro for another 5 days and cleared that up.  Then as had happened before I got thrush after all the antibiotics and I am clearning it up with Genitian Violet.

I am still staying away from the dining room (pick up my food and bring to room) and crowds such as activities and church.  I am trying to build up my immune system and I am sleeping well and eating less though I do consume desserts and sugar....  I do need to get a new specialist under Dr. Jones, I believe, before I can have my spring checkup.

I have had angina 3 times and my legs ache sometimes and I am sleeping more, that may be because of the aortic valve but I do not want to have the TAVR done.  

I have been told more than once now that it does not prolong your life that long and other problems can happen.  I found out that Bill Hayford had it done in 2015 and died in March 2016 anyway. 

So I am trying to walk twice a day with Sadie but sometimes only do it once.  I am sleeping well.
I also need to wash the windows of the patio doors.

One Month Old Cohen Scott

What a handome guy!!!


Monday, January 31, 2022

New Jacket for Winter

Carole recently bought a lavendor puffy coat for Winter and I was showing her the one I got on sale at Macys in the late fall.  If it really is too cold I wear my longer red jacket I bought in Texas the first year I worked there in 2001, I think.  It goes down further on the legs but this is a perfect weight and warmth most days


Thursday, January 27, 2022

Apple Turnovers and the Fun Puzzle

I finished the fun puzzle in only three days.  I really loved working on it.

Ever since I worked in Maryland and had the wonderful turnovers there I have loved finding good apple turnovers.  The ones at Smiths are really good but you can not count on them being there whenever you shop.  So I tried the Pepperidge apple turnovers and they are wonderful.  I found if I cook them longer and turn them over I get the crispness I want plus they have a lot more apple filling the Smiths!!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Fun Puzzle, Scarves and My Healthy Breakfast

Maria sent this puzzle for my birthday and it is so fun to put together and it goes really fast.  I love it.

I have this sweater that I love but the neckline is too open so I noticed I could get a dozen scarves at Amazon for $10 so I should always have a fun scarf to wear like we did the 40s and 50s.

Maria sent the Organic Superfoods to build up my immune system and Carole recommended the V8 Energy Drink and I have been using lemon and honey in hot water for my throat and I am using triple fruits with Coconut yogurt over the top.  No dairy is less mucus and I really like this breakfast.


Monday, January 24, 2022

Al Schock Dies January 20, 2022

I called Kay as soon as I heard.  Al was in the hospital about 4 days and all the children were able to see him and then just as they were going to release him, he passed away.  Kay is at peace with it.  They had 68 years together and had a very happy marriage.  His sister Viola was in my and Kay's class att school.  Al was in my sister Jeanne's class.  He almost made it to 93.



Big Al had a great run – passing away just four weeks shy of his 93rd birthday.

Albert Schock was born on a farm in eastern Montana near the town of Fallon. After losing the farm, Al, his two sisters, mom and dad all moved to Marsh. Here his father worked on the railroad; they soon moved to Colgate, Montana and the family of five lived in a boxcar converted to their home.

Al began his education at the German school in Marsh, attending 1st – 3rd grade where he learned to speak English. He completed 4th grade through graduation in Glendive, Montana, leaving home at the age of 13 to be able to play sports and continue his schooling in Glendive. He graduated from high school in 1947; football and track (high hurdles) were his two sports of choice and he excelled in both.

Al enlisted in the Army/Air Force in January 1948. He served four years, spending most of his time served in New York, with a year in England; he was one of the youngest Staff Sergeants. He played basketball in the Air Force and was part of the team when they were national champions.

After serving his country, Al attended Montana State beginning in the fall of 1951 and was a part of the football team. Here, he met Kay in 1952 which turned into an everlasting love. They married in 1953. Al graduated from Montana State in 1956 with an Electrical Engineering Degree.

General Electric in Schenectady, New York was the first stop for the Schock Family, Roanoke, Virginia was the next stop for the family with Al still employed at GE. They continued on, moving from Virginia to Schenectady again (with 2 boys in tow) then to Milwaukee with Louis Allis. From Milwaukee they made their way to Aurora, Colorado in 1959 where the last 2 Schock Boys arrived.

Al’s career took him to Reliance Electric in 1968 where he remained until he retired in the late 1980s and continued consulting in the mining industry for many more years. Throughout his years in Aurora, he enjoyed The Turnverein German Club, golfing, hunting, fishing, fly tying and brewing beer.

His love for custom carpentry, jewelry making, golf, photography, and coaching throughout the years leaves many beautiful pieces of furniture, bracelets and other projects with his family, making for many treasured memories. He was supportive of his sons, their spouses, grandkids and great grandkids.

Al’s legacy is extensive. He is survived by Kay, his wife of 68 years, daughter in law Dixie (Phoenix), sons Curt (Pam) Denver, Dale (Laurie) Tucson and Kent (Cecilia) Los Angeles.,. Al is loved and remembered by 14 grandkids and 16 great grandkids.   He was preceded in death by his oldest son Dean Alan.

Services will be held on Friday April 1st, at 10:00 am at Horan McConaty, 11150 E. Dartmouth Avenue, Aurora, Colorado 80014.  Reception to follow.  Military Honors will be the same afternoon at 1:30 at Fort Logan.  In lieu of flowers and gifts, donations can made to The Denver Hospice.


Saturday, January 22, 2022

Happy Birthday, Janet, 89 Years Old

I find if I move my puzzle in the daytime to let the light in I can see better.  And actually it is good at night, too, because there is a light directly above!!!

 Actually to celebrate my birthday this year I bought a Marie Callendar Strawberry Rhubarb Pie.  I baked it early and then shared it with Jeanne later in the day.  It was delicious.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Better Place for Jackets

When I moved into Treeo I put all the jackets in my bedroom closet and out here by the washer and dryer I put a vacuum and other stuff like that.  Today I found it is much better to have the jackets out here and find other places for the vacuum etc.  I still have my laundry soap and garbage bags, etc. out here without a problem.


Wednesday, January 19, 2022

A New Baby Announced

 Actually Amy sent a ultra sound by video but I could not print it, anyway Amy is pregnant!

Marissa just had her boy in January and Kelly is due, too.  Lots of grandbabies this year!!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Shopping Without a Car

This is the first time I went shopping at Smiths since I sold my car.  It is very easy to take this red cart from the laundry room and fill it with all my groceries and then check out and come home.  Smiths is so close.  I do not take Sadie with me, though.


Monday, January 17, 2022

New Orange Sweater

With some Amazon gift money Maria sent, I bought and orange sweater, sort of to give me a lift.


Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Cohen Scott Pulsipher Enters the World

Delivered by Tanner on January 4th, 8 lbs 7 oz and 23.5 long!!!!!

Beautiful Marissa with Cohen...look at all that hair!!!!


John Hardy Memorial Hike 2015

My Life So Far