Saturday, February 02, 2013

Dressed to the Nines for Birthday Party

 Maria decked me out in red and purple--it is official, I am an old woman! 


With Amy, the Nurse at Las Vegas and grad from BYU.

With Lea and Sarah, teen-agers extraordinaire.

with Johnny, Maria's husband and Master's student.

with Craig, the Masters student at UCLA

With Meagan, first granddaughter and Tufts Double Master's Grad and mother of Keira,second to youngest great granddaughter.

They asked me to read the poem "Warning" about wearing purple and red 'when I am old' and other outrageous things.

Sadie was so tired from chasing and playing with Bear all day she slept through most of the party.

The reason I am commenting on Master's Degrees etc. is because we are becoming a family of advance degree graduates and I think it is wonderful!

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