Those birds I thought were geese are actually some game playing crows and they had a conference in my backyard so I know for sure. They appear to chase each other through the trees and call to each other and their caw is a
very noisy, very irritating sound, in fact. I need to get a bird book, I am getting so many different kinds of birds bathing in my bird baths.
Another strange thing. I have been having fun making tootsie rolls and trying to make them without having them sugar or get too hard, etc. The recipe calls for the milk to be added after the candy has been removed from the fire. Today I forgot and put it in with the sugar, cocoa etc. Strangely it totally changed the texture, though the ingredients were the same. The candy became hard like a lollipop instead of chewy. Does anyone understand why?
Wow, I can't believe you are making your own tootsie rolls! It sounds time consuming but delicious....did you know that there is a tootsie roll factory in Cambridge?
I aagree, Meagan, they are too inexpensive to bother with. I will just buy a big bag from Wal Mart and keep them around!!
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