Sunday, April 05, 2009

Five Years Ago Today

It is so hard to believe it was five years ago today that I received that painful phone call, "He didn't make it, He didn't make it..." In remembrance just let me share again the poem John wrote, that I like so much.
Very Essence
"Is not general incivility the very essence of love," Jane Austen said.
Judging from our God's Plan of Salvation for us, I must say he has a very great love, indeed.
I hope our God is able to discern the depth of my love for Him and my brethren when I begin to giggle on Judgment Day.
Such incivility was always successful for Jane's characters.
John Hardy
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1 comment:

C.J. said...

I love John's poem too. I've had a glimpse of what a parent goes through when they lose a child because we witnessed a fatal accident and have been in contact with the young man's parents. My compassion has been compounded ten-fold.

John Hardy Memorial Hike 2015

My Life So Far