Friday, April 10, 2009

It's Been a Wonderful Life!

Last night I was reading my Life Book--it is complete through college and I have 12 volumes of information plus a journal on my computer to go through to finish it to my current age. It may never be completed as a readable book. But I guess it does not really matter. I remember the lady who had lost all her family memory books and photos that she had spent so many, many hours on and then they were all lost in the Idaho floods. She said the important thing was not the books but the joy she had in putting them together that had made her realize what a blessed life she had. That is the way I feel today. I have had a wonderful life full of so many happy times with loving family and friends. My childhood, high school days and college time were memorable. I am so glad I had so many pictures, letters, and other memorabilia to draw on as well as my memory.

In fact, except for a couple of broken hearts along the way I didn't really have any hard times in my life until the 1979 - 1999 period. That is a 20 year period out of my life that has a lot of very unfortunate, forgettable happenings and probably has the least recorded information to draw from to write about it. But maybe that is a good thing. I have been blessed with a very bad memory and unless I have something to jog it, I don't remember at maybe that period will just reflect the good things in our life like Meagan and all the other grandchildren that were born during that period.

I have so many projects indoors and outside here at my home I won't have a minute of boredom for a long, long time.

It's a good life!

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