Friday, March 12, 2010

My Extended Families

When my parents came to visit Richard and I in our little apartment in San Diego we spent time visting the zoo and other popular places in San Diego but we always had to be back by 3:30  on a weekday.  Why?  They had a favorite
soap opera they just could not miss!!  No tivo in those days. 

We laughed about it at the time--they were so intent on keeping up with their little family drama.  And now I find myself doing the same thing.  Through TV, the recorder and Hulu on my computer I keep up with:
  1. Office
  2. Modern Family
  3. Grey's Anatomy
  4. Private Practice
  5. Survivor
  6. Parenthood
  7. American Idol
  8. Dancing With the Stars
  9. Castle
  10. The Forgotten
  11. The Good Wife
  12. Friday Night Life
  13. Ugly Betty
  14. Damages
  15. Army Wives
  16. Life Unexpected
  17. Brothers and Sisters
  18. Desperate Housewives
Wow, that is a lot of TV.  But life is different when you are old, not working, and alone.  You can't read all the time.  You become a part of many 'families' on tv.  It is especially sad when you get totally involved and then they cancel them!!

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