Sunday, June 16, 2019

So Sad!!!

June 16, 2009 I just can't seem to pull myself out of this "sad" mode.  Not being able to get handyman help on the roof and painting is part of it.  Then the recent deaths in the past month have been haunting me.

Nani (from my San Diego friends) went in for a small back operation and stayed the night and in the morning she was having difficulty breathing.  They worked on her for 3 hours and she died.  Evidently, a blood clot went straight to her heart.  Margot called me, this was all she knew.

Then John's close friend John D found out he had lung cancer 8 months ago and he died last weekend.  Much too young.  James has been asked to speak at his funeral this next Thursday.  I sent a card and a couple of pix from Meagan's 2004 birthday (which John D had attended) to Jenny.  But it has plagued me as so sad and why.  Why are some of us living so much longer and yet so many young people are dying way too soon?

James, John, Gary July, 2004

Linda and James' families with John D and his three children, Meagan and myself, plus Maria's daughter Melissa, and Gary's niece, July 2004.

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John Hardy Memorial Hike 2015

My Life So Far