Thursday, June 06, 2019

Yard is so Clean

Linda helped me do a lot of the raking this year and then Nathan and son came and hauled it all away!!!  And I have been keeping it up, it looks very clean, front and back!!!

I have a new hammock and do not want to the squirrels to chew the cords for their nests.  I read that they do not like a mint taste so I have put Scope mouthwash all over the cords.  I hope it works.  I got one bag of sand but Maryanne brought me a bag of the right kind from Chico.  The big problem is the deck and its need for a coverall paint.  I asked Nathan to do it and he said he would but I am concerned because his son did the white on the house trim and it is terrible!!  Joe said I should get my money back.  It will have to be redone.  I also need to find someone to get rid of the moss on the roof!!
I finally put the cushions out but the deck looks so bad.  The hens and chickens did so well I put them in the succulent pot as all the succulents had died over the winter.

We went to the Nursery and bought our plants before Mother's Day but then it turned cold, however, finally got them all out.  The Impations do not look good this year!!!  But the geraniums look terrific.  Need more pix!!

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John Hardy Memorial Hike 2015

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