This afternoon I was reminded of the visit my Mom and Dad made to Richard and I soon after we married. We were living in a small apartment in East San Diego with furniture we had bought at a Used Furniture auction. They wanted some light in the living room so bought a couple of lamps, but otherwise, just appreciated our meager offerings. They were close to 6o years old, but Dad had already retired and they were living in Idaho Falls. I was still teaching school, also in East San Diego, and Richard was working for a bank in downtown San Diego.
I don't know if it was vacation from school or what but I do remember doing things with them during the day. I was very much amused by the fact that no matter what we were doing we had to be home in time for the soap opera they faithfully watched. I don't remember what it was. Evidently with Dad home fulltime and living in an area where there was more shows available, they had become hooked. They would sit there on the couch like a couple of teen agers at the movies. Now mind you, they never had TV until their youngest child was in college and then in Glendive the offerings were very meager. At any rate, they had their routine. I didn't understand it then as I was as yet not hooked on TV but I do understand it now.
Every afternoon after our walk and during what I used to call the "witching hour" (the time before supper when the children were most demanding and I was most exhausted trying to get dinner on and finish for the day) anyway, this is when I always sit down and watch a movie. Now that I can record movies, it is easy, and I have a lot to choose from and not subject to Oprah or some of those shows I have become bored with.
Routines are good for old people I have decided and this has become 'one' of mine.
Yesterday I watched an old 'rock and roll' film and wondered when what we called 'jitterbugging' changed into 'rock and roll'. The dance was so similar. I found the difference was when the instruments went from the swing bands to the guitars, electric and otherwise. I had never thought about that before. Anyway it was a good time for me to get in a little 'dance' exercise while I prepared dinner.
I remember (not so long ago) when I seldom had time to sit down for any extended time and watch TV, now I can sit down any time I choose. My schedule is my own.
This season (besides my movies) there are already some really good primetime shows, so I am looking forward to a busy spring of 'must see' TV with lots of time for viewing.
I guess there are some good things about growing old.
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