I wanted to make some of my favorite gluten free bread but alas, I was out of yeast and so I tried the biscuits. They were marvelous, raspberry jam on biscuits never tasted so good!! Many thanks to Roben Ryberg, who put all these tasty recipes together in her book "Gluten-Free Kitchen."
I took too long of a nap and so I awoke early, early this morning and spent my time perusing blogs on the internet, Advice Blogs, for the most part and I was reminded of 2 Timothy in the Bible where he describes the perilous Last Days. I remember emphasizing it with my high school seminary students back in the 70s. He says in Chapter 3, Verse 7 "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." So many experts out there with their wordy wisdom--bah, humbug.
I watched my saved TV program of Betty White and her antics with her "old" friends. I must say they are a spry, clever group that make the young people laugh and wonder. Very funny entertainment. I thought about this "aging" thing and how we change. Our minds slow down, our memory fades, we are not as quick on our feet or as fast at the wheel and it is interesting how the "younger" people treat us.
For the most part I must say most younger people treat us with great kindness and caring, especially if they see we need help in some way. I have never been called "Honey" or "Sweetie" so much as in my latter years. This speaks very well of human beings, being tender to those less able. However, on occasion I have met those who are impatient and rude...mostly selfish, arrogant, impatient 30 something guys. I must be reminded though that I am not always patient with the antics of my elder "Bandido". Old people and dogs can be very exasperating and I understand that.
For instance I try and get up before Bandido needs to wander out to the kitchen and hopefully outdoors to relieve himself. Mostly we do well, but how upsetting when I kindly put him outdoors and he then quickly stands by the door again to come in as if he is finished and ready to eat and so proud of himself--only to make a puddle in the middle of the kitchen floor 10 minutes later. What is that all about?
Patience, patience, and understanding, we all need it, we are all faulty, we are all imperfect. Which reminds me of a sweet, sweet movie I saw the other day of a beautiful, smart lady looking for the Perfect Man. She found him, but guess what, she didn't love him...she loved an imperfect, charming, funny, messy haired, faulty guy. Isn't that wonderful? We can be loved, even as imperfect as we are, and treated kindly.
Reminds me of the very funnty, always, Seinfield episode where they all looking in the crib at the amazingly ugly baby (supposedly) who the parents are gushing over...and they are all stumbling to know what to say. Of course, we know they are all self-absorbed 30 somethings, they wouldn't know "cute" unless it was their own...
"Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"..I will.see only beauty and good today. It is my choice.