Isn't it strange how most of the bad stuff that happens to us is because of a bad choice we made? I was the one who deleted all my family histories--by being careless and not thinking what I was doing. Today coming back from Susanville I was singing to one of my favorite Vic Damone records and not thinking what I was doing either, I had not put the speed control on--which you must do--because the speed limit is 55. It is funny almost that you get a huge ticket up here for driving the speed you have to drive at to survive when going through LA.
Of course, at the moment I hit 80 for a second, I was driving north and the highway patrol was driving south. His red lights went on instantly.
He was nice enough, said he wrote it for 70 but Michael said it won't matter, it will still be almost $400 even if you do take the driving class and keep it off your record. Woe is me, not what I need right now. Michael said so many people are getting tickets, one of his fellow workers just did. It is an easy money maker for the State is this area, that is for sure. Why don't I learn? I have been here for 13 years...
Hardly makes the money I saved at Margie's Book Nook important. I found the two additional books I need to finish the O'Hurley series by Nora Roberts. I also found a "Carl" book for Keira. The book nook has soooo many used books but they love it and so do we.
I also found the Guar Gum I need for my Gluten free cooking at the Susanville Health Food Store. They said they also have buns usually but were all out and they have lots of other stuff, too. Interesting how popular it is. But, it is much better to cook what you can yourself as it is not cheap.