Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Mike drove down to Chico and brought Mitch and Melissa back and Matt drove from Tahoe.  Everyone was here in time for turkey and ham sandwiches and cocoa Wednesday night.  They even got into the Cheesecake.

Matt kept the fire going, no one can make a fire like Matt can. 
 Melissa called us all out to the deck for pictures and caught me unaware but she said she liked the way I was standing.
Mitch was wearing a hat like the college boys wore in the 40's. 

Mike and Mitch look like the Blues Brothers.

I insisted Mike show his hair instead  of his hood.

Mitch was happy to see Bruce, as were we all.  Poor Bandido didn't even get out of his cage for the day.

Melissa said we looked like models!
I really enjoyed having all of Maria's children for Thanksgiving.
What a good looking group, I like the trees in back, too.

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