Showing posts with label My Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Family. Show all posts

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Hardy Family Christmas Party, 2017

Craig, Matt and Gary 

Johnny and Maria

Matt brings a date and we all like her alot


Matt and new friend 

Teenager Jimmy

Camber, Jimmy's wife

Matt and Craig and Naomi


Meagan, Maria, and Amy

Grandpa Gary with Charlie--

for some reason my pictures are all Blurry?????

Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Getting Ready for Christmas!, 2017

Linda posted a comparison pix of her two daughters and their husbands.  Which one wore it better last year?  I think it was decided they all look great.  When I was shopping at Target today (I can get there on the back roads very easily!) I noticed they had these pajamas on sale.  So cute!

Meagan posted Keira at a cookie decorating party and the girls were singing a song which I did not know.  Why do I not know the Christmas songs anymore?

Eden is helping decorate their home with Christmas lights!  Next Sunday is the Christmas party here on the 10th, how time flies.

Monday, November 06, 2017

David and Dorothy

Picture from years ago but they probably look much the same.  He is 90 and Dorothy is 89.

David called first thing this morning.  I usually check on them so he was wondering what was going on.  I told him I am going to stay at my son's home for the winter in Del Mar and there are just so many things to do before I leave,  but I kept thinking I should call them.  I had to explain where Del Mar was and I told him Marilyn and Carole are coming to visit for the New Year week while the Hardys are skiing in Park City.  I also told him about Carole's new job as a Foster Grandmother at the kindergarten of her grandchildren's school and that Jeanne is a "rock star" at the Treeo and that Marilyn still hasn't decided what to do about her house.

He said all was going so well.  He sounded really chipper, too.  The lady who mows the lawn and sits with Dorothy when he shops and has been their friend for so many years has now taken over helping Dorothy with her baths and that is working out really well.  Dorothy still has a bit of a problem walking but he told her compared to all her friends (they have all died) she is doing very well.  They have one friend who is 93 who comes over once a week to check in with them and another friend who brings pizza every Friday.  There is a helper friend who comes weekly to do anything that they need doing.  He never wants to take any money but David always gives him some.

David says they have plenty of money for traveling now but are very content to stay home.  He is very happy to be in their home with so many friends that are taking care of the snow shoveling and checking on them.  They have a new bishop whom he has not met yet.  The money ($200,000) that Dorothy earned by just investing it and forgetting about it will be spent for the college education for the children of Dorothy's nieces and nephews.  So that is nice.  He has helped a lot of the family on Dorothy's side for years.

He also caught me up on Lorin's children who are living in Idaho Falls.  They all appear to be doing very well.  In fact, everyone I know seems to be doing very well except for me.  I am the only pauper in the crowd.  Thank heaven for good credit, I manage to keep everything going, and with help from Linda and Jimmy, too.  I love being in my home but I am actually looking forward to being away during the cold and snow this year.  It will be fun to come back for summer, though

I have the new tires on the car after Mary Anne and I went to Costco on Thursday.  So glad she went with me, I hate driving that canyon.  The new oral surgeon will not be in until February now so I won't have to worry about money for that until I come back.

Today I called Waste Management, Digital and Dish...all have a vacation program so glad about that.

Dave's friend is 93, I think Dorothy and Dave can live for a long time.  Neither of them have any real health problems and they have a nice life.  He said they do not watch much tv.  He says in the morning Dorothy reads the newspapers for a long time and he does tasks outside and in and in the afternoon they nap.  And he is the chief cook although they were expecting their Meals on Wheels which they get 3 times a week.  He says it is fairly good and they often have enough for the next day, too.

Dave is not at all stressed as he was when Dorothy broke her leg and all the traveling, etc. that that took.  He says they have a new furnace and their home is very well built so I am glad it is working out so well for them to stay home.  He is very happy they are not having to drive to Arizona anymore.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Family Helps in the Big Move in 1999 from San Diego to Lake Almanor

October 28, 2017

For some reason, I am full of energy in the middle of the night and so I was checking out the family blogs to see who is still doing them.  I read Linda's from start to finish and enjoyed it so much.  She has their whole courtship and marriage with lots of movies so concisely done. You can get through it rather fast.  Not like mine, which has a lot...of words.

What was especially interesting was the movies of my move from San Diego to Lake Almanor in 1999 when the Pulsiphers brought me and all my furniture from San Diego and with the help of the Valkos and some of their friends moved me into my house.  What a huge job!!  What a commitment!!!  How do we survive without family???  And they had 10 children in and out and about, helping but playing, too, and taking the movie and playing in the snow.  I don't know how the parents handled it all so well.

It was fun watching the dancing and plays and creative fun the kids were having at Marias's house in Susanville.  So funny.  I wondered where Craig learned to dance so well.  He and Melissa looked really good for being so young.

I was especially impressed with how the yard and house looked when I moved in.  So much has been done to it since, mostly by Mark, in the house and the boys in the yard and Pulsiphers in the rock patio.  Such an improvement now.  It really has been a wonderful place for me to live.  It was fun seeing Bandido as just a puppy, too.

Jimmy and his friends had packed all of my things in the moving van but unfortunately, when James drove it up the hill to the Pulsiphers, something happened and it all got messed up and Gary and his family had to repack it all.  Gary drove, actually, Gary paid for the truck, too.  So appreciative for family helping, as I say.  What a time that was.

When Craig was interviewing me in the movie it was obvious I was overweight but it was also amazing to see how happy I was and how light-hearted I looked.  This was three years after Richard died but I was glad to see I was not so weighted down anymore.  I was really happy with the move.  

I had felt so bad when John said I could not afford a house when I told him I was buying a house in Lake Almanor.  I remember crying and calling Maria and she and Mark consoled me.  But actually John was right.  I could not afford and not realize all the extra costs of home ownership.  I had a lot of tears before I was able to really afford it.

But I was so blessed when Maria found an advertisement for retired loan professionals to work for the SBA during times of disaster.  I was hired in 2000 but did not get my first assignment until September of 2001.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

My Sisters

My sisters attended the wedding reception of Marilyn's grandson Trout in Utah.

Carole and her friend Alyce visit the BYU bookstore (I think) and sit with Cougar.

Marilyn and Alyce traveled from Denver to Glendive together and then Marilyn, Carole and Alyce came to Utah after the Len Memorial in Glendive.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Mother's Day 2017

I took this picture before I left for Church.  I had not slept a wink last night.  For some reason some times my mind gets going and I cannot shut it off.  Finally at 2 am I worked on Family Search until 3:30 am and then tried to sleep again.  Still could not sleep.  I got up and watched 3 episodes of the old Mary Tyler Moore show.  It was good.  Still could not sleep.  Why can't I turn my mind off???

I dressed and went to church anyway and the Duerkson family spoke.  The children are always refreshing and Melinda told about her Mom being an alchoholic but would leave home to drink rather than be around them.  Her father raised them and she has a close attachment to him.  She did say, however, that when her mother was there she always made them feel loved.  Poor Forest was so emotional as he told about his 9th place in a family of ten.  His mother cleaned at night and he never felt he saw enough of her but his brothers and sisters tended to him.  Still he always wanted to goto work with his Mom.  I have heard several of his family speak.  They all seem to be a close knit family with testimonies.  I have never seen the Mom but the father is as large as life and seems a very happy person.

I did not stay for SS and RS, too tired...anyway I had a nice dinner and talked or snapchatted with most of the family. I realized later that 5 of us went home after Sacrament Meeting, all for different reasons.  Karen is getting her house ready to sell!!!

I really am blessed with a wonderful family and posterity.  I had a very caring and happy upbringing but never expected more than I got from my wonderful mother but was always very hard on myself as not being a perfect mother.  But the proof is in the pudding.  I do have super great  children so hope I did not scar any of them too much.  Maria was so sensitive, she felt my imperfections the most.  She is a  very compassionate and caring person though so maybe she learned from my imperfections.  Who is to say?  Motherhood is a blessing but also a great challenge.  I was very blessed to be able to be a mother and Richard was a very loving father.  So many people want for children and yet are not able to have them for some reason.  It was fun being a mother while I was in 7th Ward, we did lots of Mom and children activities...none of us were working at that time.  How wonderful that we could all be stay at home Moms!!!!  A rarity in today's world.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Family Events in Glendive Chapel--Funeral of Dick in 1985

Richard William Anderson

August 24, 1924 ----November 29, 1985

Carole, Marilyn, Me, Mom, Arky, Rod's Wife and baby

Hunter, Arky, Eric, Marilyn, Carole, David, Len, Jon, Jeanne, Mary, Chris, Mom, Dorothy, Dave, Me

Me, Dave, Mom, Jeanne, Marilyn, Carole

Len and Carole's family

Saturday, July 09, 2016

Jeanne Makes the Move!

Supposedly Jeanne is moving into Treeo on Center St in Orem today.  She changed her mind several times but I think once she realized Cathryn was not planning on staying she finally decided to go for sure.  She does not like living alone and she really does need someone there.  As she says, "I have perfect health from my nose down!"

The nice thing about Treeo is that the cost is month to month and so if you change your mind or want to go somewhere else, you can.

Marilyn says her room will be right next to Deloris--Deloris lived just down the street from us in Glendive and was in between Marilyn's and my age and we were all in the same group in high school but she was closer to Marilyn.  Plus they both did athletic things and had that in common.

Jeanne met Deloris over at Treeo when she was checking it out and she said, "Are you Deloris's mother?"--

According to Marilyn and Alice, Deloris is quite happy there.  For one thing she is getting better health care and realizes her situation was not quite as bad as she thought it was.  The other thing is she is not working the yard all the time and doesn't have those aches and pains so much.

I can understand how nice it will be to always have someone to talk to at meal time, if you want to. That is the way it was in SBA--even though you were alone in your room, you always had someone to chat with at meal time or work time.

I will be anxious to hear if she actually makes the move and how she likes it!!!

6 PM--Marilyn called Jeanne and confirmed she is in, She has her own phone with her regular number.  She just had supper downstairs with her friend Madeline and she is happy.

Friday, July 08, 2016

Thanks for the Memories...

Sadie woke me up at 3:30 this morning and wanted out for a minute so I came in to work on the computer and ended up reading John's Web Page and Memoir.  I am so glad Maria taught me how to do blogs in 2005 so I can do all these blogs.  About a 1000 had viewed his Web and over 800 on his Memoir.  John was such an interesting person with so many passions, as his friend told me, passions he actually carried out doing.

There were other things I was thinking I was thankful for this morning and the last few days.  I am so thankful I was taught not to smoke or drink, what a gift that has been in my life, to never be tempted and not have it interfere with my life, my health, so not needed.  Never wanted drugs or pills, etc in my life either, so thankful for that.  I was also thinking how blessed we were in the 40s and 50s to associate with friends who did not have to use the foul language so prevalent today, with friends who really enjoyed dancing and dating and picnics and horse back riding and all kinds of activities that did not include foul language, drinking, drugs, etc.  We had no tv either, but we did have lots of fun.

I am so thankful for the many opportunities I have had over the years to have responsible leadership and teaching roles, helped to learn so much that I have needed to carry on by myself, to keep my faith, to stay sane, to stay self-sufficient and carry on and recognize truth. 

I am so thankful for this lovely home and yard to work in, the quiet, the peace I always wanted,yes, it is work but thankfully I am able to handle it with a little help from my friends and family.

I appreciate my good car, my ability to work on the computer and carry out so many tasks I have set for myself, I appreciate that I understand a few techy things and can enjoy listening to so many books and appreciate good music and documentaries, always more things to do than I have time for.  I seldom need to leave my house and yet I am never bored.  I need to force myself to walk more, I just do not like to get out and do that much to Sadie's sadness. 

Learning the computer in 1985

I am thankful for my Smart phone that James and Camber provide, it is really a joy to communicate with my sisters and children and see their pictures and keep up with them a little.  I wish they shared more but everyone is so busy, I know.

I am thankful I am healthy at the moment and enjoying doing things.

A few years ago with Bandido.

I am especially thankful for the special people I have known in my life that have given me so much in the way of friendship, learning, wisdom, so many people I have appreciated.


I am thankful for my family, so many people have no one in their life, I may live alone, but I am not alone and I am so grateful for that.  Wish everyone kept their blogs going or used instagram, and I knew how to get pictures to my computer, everything is always changing...


I am glad I have enjoyed the pursuit of family history over the years, such a blessing in my life, always something to do, never bored with that.

Great Grandfather Benjamin Lillywhite

What has been frustrating me is photos, I can never find the photos I want and I am not sure if I scanned them or just can't find them, so frustrating Google...  Photos is definitely a frustration in my life at the moment.  But mostly life is good.  Thanks, God, for good family, friends, and memories.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Daughters Have a Fun Paint Night

Johnny wasn't feeling well so Linda filled in on a fun paint night with Maria!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Christmas Luau, Golden, Colorado, 2015

The Foothills Ward had a Christmas Luau tonight and the food was prepared by a Samoan family in the ward.  There was a tuna cream cheese mixture wrapped in a green leaf which was excellent, yellow potatoes, a pineapple and meat sauce over rice, oranges, pineapple.  I thought the food was excellent but no dessert.  No problem, Marilyn and I have so many goodies at home, we do not need more.

 For entertainment a couple who recently came back from Fiji had people use the sticks to make music (Jingle Bells) and then the larger sticks for people to dance in between and outside.  They enjoyed that a lot.  Bobby, the organist, also had a kind of karaoke that worked well.  She walked around with a mike and had people since part of the song "Feliz Navidad".  We went home before they started the dancing to a DJ but he had good music all evening long.  There was a huge turnout, filled about 30 or more tables.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Marilyn Writes About Glendive in 1947

This was a handwritten essay we found with Marilyn's records.

Remembrances of Glendive and School Days by Marilyn Anderson Smith
(written in 10th grade of high school)

We had a big Tom cat and we all loved him but when Carole was born he either ran away or some people poisoned him.  We all felt sad because we had really loved him.  I think he was jealous. 

Jeanne and I also had a favorite dress.  It was red taffeta and I liked mine very much.  I have my picture taken a number of times in it.

When Carole was born we needed a larger house so we moved to the heights where we still live.  It's on a hill all by itself so we call it "the house on the hill".

The next morning after we got the furniture there we went on a trip to Ogden.  All we had in the bedroom was the bed and it certainly looked funny.  We left at two in the morning so we didn't get much time to enjoy it.

We were only a half block from the pool so when we got back we spent most of the time swimming. We had hated to leave our friends but since we could still visit back and forth, it wasn't so bad.

We went on a lot of hikes, too. As we were just a little way from the hills.

The big event was when we learned how to swim and could jump off the five and ten boards; we'd run to the phone and call and tell Mom all about it.

I was one who loved to dress up, and I didn't always use discretion.  I liked to put a tight belt on everything I wore.  Once when we were going for a ride, I sat nonchalantly with mother's good hat on.  Another time it wasn't until we were all in church that I was discovered wearing my mother's high heels.  I really must have been a trial.

One of the Christmas's I remember was when I was about four and we three, Jeanne, Janet and I received dolls and buggies.  We had our picture taken with them.  Pat and Donna Schultz, who lived next door, got in it, too.

Our first trip back to Utah was a great event.  We met so many relatives that when we went to Salt Lake and the ‘Pen’ was pointed out to us, Janet asked if we had any relatives there.  Of course, we didn't.

The high-light of the trip was having our picture taken with my father's grandfather, who was then 93 years old.

Grade School Days

I started the first grade in the Lincoln School.  The first thing I remember when I first stepped in the room was a girl standing by the window crying.  I don't know if she was scared of us or just scared of starting school.  

My first grade teacher's name was Miss Strate.  I liked her very much and just read where she was chosen out of hundreds of teachers to go to Germany and teach.  We had a double room with the second grade, so some of the time when they had a class we didn't, we went to Miss Russell's room.  I remember the children in her room would always be going to her desk and it seemed that their work was so much harder than ours, but I guess it just seemed harder.

I had a lot of fun in that class.  It was the only time Norma got to be with me.  I caused her a lot of trouble by doing something to make her laugh and she would have to sit in the corner or else in the baby chair the sixth grade had made for us.  I never did.  I don't know why not.  In fact I never did stand in the corner except once for talking to a boy when the teacher had told us not to and that didn't happen until second grade.

There were only two boys in our first grade class, so naturally Norma liked one and I the other.  I made a big fool on Valentine's Day over him.  Once I wanted to ask him something and he ran away because he thought I was going to kiss him.

I went to the first three years in the Lincoln School before we moved to the Heights.

My second grade teacher was Miss Manning and she had had Dave and Jeanne before me so she alternated between calling me all the names.  Once we were skipping around the building with her during recess and she fell and sprained her ankle.  We didn't know what to do, but we felt awfully sorry because we liked her so much.

In the Rhythm Band I played the sticks and the triangle.  I liked playing in it but I certainly got tired of the sticks, da-da da, over and over.

I loved to take my lunch because then we got to drink the milk from the school and play games.
The next year I had Miss Manning's cousin, Miss Faltimeyer who is Mrs. Wing now.  I liked her too and I see her quite a bit now.

The time the river piled up cakes of ice and flooded over was a new experience to us.  We spent the day watching it.  Dick and Dave forgot to go to school after lunch and mother made them scrub the basement steps as punishment.

I missed my best friend after we had moved.  Her name was Norma Fryslie and she still is my friend even though she has moved away.  I remember the first day she moved here, I sat on the curbing across the street.  It was a funny sight to see, she and her brother got out of the car and the first thing they did was run around the house, they went quite a number of times.  Norma said later they hadn't wanted to miss anything.

One fourth of July, Dad had a float in the parade from the store and Janet and I got to ride on it.  We enjoyed it very much, especially since we got to carry a little paper umbrella, we both took turns.

As I grew older, Mom let us go up to the swimming pool by ourselves.  Lots of time we'd take our lunch and stay all day.  

That summer we moved to the Heights and when we got back from our trip to Utah I learned to ride the bike.  I'd start on the top of the hill and I couldn't work the brakes very well so no matter which way I'd turn at the bottom I'd take a flop, straight over the curbing.  After quite a number of flops I finally made it.

In the fourth grade I had Miss Livingston and as I remember it seems we argued almost all year.  If it wasn't this it was that, mostly just arguing about little things, like I said I could see steam and she said it was not but it still looked like steam to me.

My fifth grade teacher was Miss Stipick.  I like her but not as well as some of the others.  Once my eye looked pink to her and she thought I was getting the pink eye, so at recess she sent me home.  I stayed home that day and the next I went to the doctor and he said it wasn't anything.  I hadn't felt sick at all so I just had a little vacation.

That spring we were afraid that gas rationing would come because of the war.  That was the year 1941 so terrible to many people.  On Easter vacation we packed and left.  We planned to leave three days before but Carole got the three day measles so we missed school after instead of before and we had our work all made up for before, too.

During the summer I would swim, hike and just enjoy myself.  It was fun to look forward to school, but often we'd go for a while it wasn't quite as much fun.

In the sixth grade I had a lot of fun mostly because our teacher Miss Gudrun Kolberg made it that way.  She made the work fun and interesting, everyone liked her.  In singing class Miss Livingston chose six people to form a sextet and I was in it.  We sang at church and other places.  That year there was an "Amateur Hour" held at the high school and we sang for that; we didn't win and I certainly felt foolish because the song was such a simple baby song but we got a few claps.

Miss Kolberg got married about Christmas time, so the rest of the year we had Mr. McDonald.  I liked him even though some of the kids that had had him before said he was little strict, but he wasn't too much with us.

G. A. A. initiation (high school) was quite awful.  We had to wear a lot of funny clothes and anything another member told us to do we had to do it.  After school we had a picnic across the bridge and we had to go through town with those clothes on.  

I also joined Rainbow and the first meeting I went to I was put in the bow.

I didn't buy an annual and at the end of the first year I was very sore with myself because I hadn't.  I made it a point this year to get one.

A little after school was out we went to Ogden for a short visit.  We spent most of the time traveling around visiting relatives.  We did get to Salt Lake one day, but didn't have time to do anything but go down one street and window shop because we had to meet Dad, then we sat for an hour in the hotel waiting for him.

On the way back to Ogden we stopped at Laguna, a fun resort.  I was in a dress so I couldn't enjoy myself thoroughly but I had a lot of fun.  The main reason we wanted to go was to ride on the roller coaster and it wasn't working.  That was the first year since the war that the resort was open at all.

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Christmas Letter 2015 from Colorado

Merry Christmas 2015!  The pictures on my Christmas Card this year come from the Birthday Week I spent in San Diego area in January of this year.   Maria had rented me a timeshare in Carlsbad near the beach and Matt, my grandson, drove with me and stayed with me. 

 We spent the week enjoying family with eating out and visiting.  Everyone was there except for three of the grandchildren.

Significant  group events of the week was the spreading of my son John’s ashes from his favorite surf spot “Bathtub Rock” at Torrey Pines and sharing memories about him, remembering Richard, my husband, at his gravesite, and celebrating my birthday party.  Pictures are from those events.

When we gathered to walk down to Bathtub Rock from Torrey Pines Beach the tide was too high so we went out to a Mexican Brunch after sharing stories about John and his love for surfing, hiking, and other things we loved about him.  Later in the day we walked down to Bathtub Rock just before the sunset.  It was a memorable event.

Frenchie Pulsipher, grandfather of the Pulsipher grandchildren was also being visited that week.  His life was also coming to a close and family gathered to visit him and show their love.  After visiting him and Marilyn one day we drove to El Camino Park and gathered to share memories about Richard.  Most of the grandchildren did not know him at all and they appreciated hearing these stories.

At this time of the year it is a joy to think about all my family and how blessed I am that they are in my life.  All of my children-- Maria and her husband Johnny, Linda and her husband Gary with daughter Sarah, and James, Camber and their children Jacob, Lea, Jimmy and Kelsi live near each other on the coast of North San Diego. 

Maria’s children are scattered on both coasts but I always love keeping in touch with Matt, Melissa, Mike and Mitch and having them come to Lake Almanor to visit me.  Tanner P recently married Marissa and is going to BYUI and Kelly P is also finishing her education at BYUI.  Craig is working in L A. 

 I was so happy to be able to be at Tanner’s Wedding at the Salt Lake Temple and join with family in celebrating.  Amy will be marrying Joe on January 2 and I will be in San Diego for the Temple wedding there.  

Meagan, Matt, Keira and Eden are anxiously expecting a new family member in December and I will be excited to see him also in January. 

 Kristi, Mike, Kate, Brynn, Ryan and Molly are living in Nevada but I get to see them at family events, too.  Love all the family and enjoy their pictures on Instagram.

I am spending the winter in Golden, CO with my sister Marilyn.  She was recently widowed and it is a comfort for both of us to not be alone this winter.  It appears it may be a long, cold one.  Sadie is loving it here chasing bunnies and having two to dote on her.

 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Arky is Laid to Rest

Graveside services were held for Charles "Arky" Smith on Saturday, October 26, 2015.  About 35 people were there, 18 of them being relatives.

Pictured here left to right are Bobby Smith and his two sons CaseyGreer and Ben Smith, Holly Twenhofel ( Daughter Laurie's daughter), Zach, Daughter Sherry's son, Marilyn, Debbie (daughter) and Tom Brusehaver with Maddie, daughter of Debbie's daughter Megan (next to Tom) and her husband Shirantha Fernando behind Randy Smith, the youngest boy in front is Randy's, Debbie and Tom's sons are on either side of Randy, Antwone and Daejon, Adam Smith (son of Randy) and lastly Matt Chirrick and his wife (son of Debbie).

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Arky Passes Away.

Arky Smith, husband of my sister Marilyn, passed away at noon today.  It was peaceful.  Here he is with Debbie's daughter Megan and her daughter Maddie, who were visiting from Minnesota.

Most of Marilyn's family are gathering at her home this week, coming from Montana, Utah, Texas and Minnesota.  They will have a graveside service on Saturday.

Fortunately most of the family had visited Arky this summer.  He has had lymphoma for almost five years and had become quite anemic, having to have many blood transfusions this summer.

This past week Debbie was visiting and he requested a catfish dinner.  She bought it and he told her how to cook and they said he really ate a lot, really enjoyed it.

I remember when Marilyn and Arky visited us in San Diego and for our dinner out he wanted catfish so we found a place and took him there.  It was a western place with Line Dancing and lots of fun. They also served hush puppies with the catfish, quite good as I recall.  Arky loved his catfish.

I will be going out to Colorado after Tanner's wedding and spend time with Marilyn.

Marilyn and Arky married Nov 24, 1954.  It would have been 61 years this year!

Charles Meredith Smith 

Charles “Arky” Smith, age 88, died peacefully on Sunday, September 20, 2015 at his home of 40 years in Golden, Colorado. Born May 8, 1927 he was the only child of Ina and Charlie Smith of Magnolia, Arkansas. In school, he excelled in sports and worked summers in the oilfields near Magnolia. He attended University of Tulsa on a football scholarship and excelled in football, basketball, and baseball. He played football in the Orange Bowl on New Year’s Day in 1945. TU was where he earned the nickname “Arky”, which he went by throughout his life. He graduated with a degree in Physical Education. He left school for one year to serve in the Army as a Security Agent in Washington D.C. Arky graduated from University of Tulsa in 1948, went to work in the oil fields for a year, and then went back to school for two more years to play baseball.

Arky met and married Marilyn Anderson in 1954 in Glendive, Montana where he was working for Baroid Drilling Co. Their three daughters were born in Montana before they moved to Monahans, Texas where their two sons were born. In 1967, the family moved to Midland, Texas, where Arky enjoyed coaching little league, golfing, hunting, and caring for his yard. 1975 took him to Beirut, Lebanon for a job transfer, but due to the civil unrest there, he chose not to move the family and came home after six months. 

Arky was an avid golfer for over 60 years, winning countless tournament trophies, leading groups at his local clubs, and had two hole-in-ones. He didn’t quit golfing until he couldn’t see the ball in the air anymore, but even then was still only 2 over par. Later in retirement, he worked as a ranger at Foothills Golf Course in Denver. In retirement he also enjoyed keeping his yard in tip top shape and collecting apples from the tree in his backyard for baking apple pies. He loved being outside and spending time with family. His home was always open to family get-togethers and frequent visits from his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. He was kind and generous, and will be greatly missed by all who knew him. 

He was preceded in death by daughters, Laurie Twenhofel of Lakewood, CO and Sherry Smith of Austin, TX. 

Survivors include his wife Marilyn Smith, his children: Deborah(Tom) Brusehaver of Eden Prarie, MN, Robert Smith of Orem, UT, Randall Smith of Townsend, MT. He is also survived by 17 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren. 

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Linda and Maria at My House!!!

Linda and Maria came up in Maria's car last Sunday!  Maria was here part of the time and spent other time with Matt, Mitch and their girl friends in Tahoe.  It was wonderful having them here and they also helped me a lot.

Before Maria went down to Tahoe, she and Linda had bagged all the rest of the yard which I was never able to finish!  Then they cleaned out the garage and we accumulated a car full of Thrift items. Linda and I took them to the Thrift.  Maria also found a lot of things of her to throw away!

While Linda was here we (mostly her) put up the new blinds in the two bedrooms.  At last we can open and shut the blinds again.

Then we found some paint from when the house was originally built I guess and Linda painted the hallway, part of the entry way and a couple walls in each bedroom, that finished the paint.  She also painted the trim on the garage door.  And then she stained the front deck and steps!!!  Wow, really appreciated all her work.

Finally we made trips to the dump and disposed of all the bags of waste and lots of trash from the garage cleanup.  What a lot of things we accomplished while they were here.

Maria and Linda are both such beautiful, smart, loving ladies who are so giving and kind to me. Such
wonderful daughters, I am fortunate indeed!

For my part, I did try to feed them well while they were here.  Except I have very little sweets around and Linda had to munch on the marshmallows to satisfy her sweet tooth.

Me with no make up or hair combed!!!  Thus the sunglasses.

John Hardy Memorial Hike 2015

My Life So Far