Thursday, August 20, 2009

I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends, August 2009

Last week Matt filled my log raised bed with good dirt and on Sunday I asked if anyone had some Iris they would be dividing this year. Mary Anne said, "Come on over any afternoon."

So yesterday I drove to her home in Chester and she dug up bunches of Iris from her yard (although it was a very small area of her big yard-she has lots!) and by the time I had divided and planted there were 75 new Iris in my yard! I had too many for my little teardrop plot so put some in the front yard as well.
Ah, sweet mystery of life, we will see how many thrive and show their glory next year. Isn't life just fun, fun, fun.

Update:Unfortunately those Iris did not do well and soon disappeared.  The Deer?, my Care?, what.  Years later I saw thriving beautiful Iris down the street and wondered again...where did I go wrong?

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