Wednesday, September 09, 2009

The Critters Are Gone--For Now!

This morning I flooded 9 holes of the chipmunks--they were nowhere in sight. A short time later one of them came and inspected his burrows. Immediately he ran over to the neighbors yard and up a tree where he started chattering loudly to another chipmunk(She?) One of them started chasing the other and they jumped to one of my trees and pursued the chase until one of them (He?) ran off to the front yard and then I saw him chasing all over the very back of my lot about 5 minutes later.
My Take: I think he was making the nesting burrows and when they were flooded she scolded him for choosing such a bad place until he ran off to pursue a better habitat. At least I haven't seen or heard anything of them since! We'll see...

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