Monday, January 24, 2011

The Christening Dress

Yesterday while I was helping Kelsi put her clothes away in her new bedroom Camber brought me the Christening Dress I had been looking for.  I had thought Linda and Maria were blessed in it but I can see Mom had sent them a nylon dress from Andersons.  Anyway I believe Linda's daughters were all named in the dress and Melissa.  Camber's Mom had bought Lea a new dress and so she and Kelsi never used it.

Anyway it is in perfect condition if Kristi or Meagan want to use it for that special occasion of naming the new baby daughter. 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

January 22, 2011

For my birthday we gathered at my favorite fish taco place called El Portal Mexican Grill
and the food was delicious.  I shared some gluten free cupcakes  and they liked them, too.

We didn't do a very good job of getting everyone's picture though.  We missed Matt M, Maria and Linda.

The boys had come from a roofing job, and James and Lea from moving from one house to another  and Matt M from soccer so I really appreciated everyone making the special effort to wish me a Happy Birthday!!

I also appreciated the birthday song on my cell from Camber and Kelsi, calls from Jeanne, Marilyn, and Carole, all the birthday wishes on Facebook and a special birthday call from Ryan and Kate, the great grandchildren.  Thanks to everyone for a lovely birthday!

Me, Mike and Meagan

Matt V, Johnny, Matt S and Kelly
James, Lea, and Mike.

Sarah was trying out for softball league with her Dad Gary and Jacob and Jimmy had soccer with their Mom.

After we went to see the new digs the James Hardy family is living in this year in Rancho Santa Fe.  I think Maria decided it was a terrific place to have a wedding.  Yes, the date is set for April 2 for Maria and Johnny!

I told everyone no gifts but I surely ended up with a lot of nice things and gift cards and even movie tickets.  So nice to be with family at birthday time.

 Next big event is Gary's birthday and Meagan's new baby--both scheduled for February 6, can hardly wait!!   

Friday, January 21, 2011

Zoo Again!

Kelsi and I hit the Zoo again to take the bus ride and ended up with their big soft cones--so good!  My legs ached so much after my last day at the zoo, the bus was great.

Instead of  going to the Wild Animal Park on Friday, Kelsi wanted to see a movie.  We saw "Tangled" and it was as good as Linda said it would be.  Fun time with Kelsi.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Back to the Zoo!

Since James and Camber are moving from one house to another this week I am taking Kelsi to the Zoo again.   We will ride the bus this time and try and catch the big animals we missed and the Pandas and Sea Lions and maybe, just maybe we will check out the Wild Animal Park on Friday before I deliver her to her new home.  I will have to wait and see how tired I am.  But this is such a great time of year to go.  The only problem I have is my aching legs.  I am so out of shape.

I will never forget one hot, hot day in the sumer when I had three of Maria's at the Wild Animal Park.  Melissa was still in diapers (which we ran out of) and she had diarrhea.  I was so hot, my capris were soaked.  The children were all too little to be of any help, it was a disaster.  I don't know why I thought I could manage them all by myself.  When I saw a worker go by with a cart he was driving I wanted a ride so badly, I will never forget that trip but I am sure the children don't remember it at all.

Sort of like taking our own children on a train trip so they would have that wonderful memory.  I am sure they don't remember it at all.


Today they checked my carotid arteries at Scripps and they are looking good!!!  No need to check again until next year so I really am doing fine!  Dr. Hemp asked me how  old I was and then said, "Oh, well, you are already beating the odds."

Truly as I sat there in the waiting room and saw so many people in wheel chairs I did feel very healthy indeed.  I also read half of my new book "Home to Holly Springs" by Jan Karon, one of my favorite authors,
so time was not wasted by waiting.

Biggest problem is driving home in the dark.  My eyes do not like all those bright lights from the cars and such--I just should not drive at night at all.  Couldn't be helped though, Dr. Hemp was two hours late for his appointment as usual.  I shouldn't complain.  He doesn't see many patients at all, he mostly just does surgeries but when he asked if I had a Dr down here and it was negative, he said to just see him again next year and they would do the test.  I appreciate that.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Books, Books, Books

Good news today, visit to skin cancer doctor--none this year!!

What would we do without books to read?  I am into a new author to me, Luanne Rice.  I just read a fun, family mystery called "The Secret Hours" and now I am reading another of hers called "Summer of Roses" and there are so many more.  I love it when I find an author I have not read.  I put her quote about "Conservatives are just liberals who have grandchildren" on Facebook and immediately a sidebar showing her Facebook came up.  It is unbelievable how far reaching Facebook is.  I see the young adults from Church get their social calendar from there also.  What a world we live in.

Yesterday after church the Pulsiphers had a marvelous roast beef dinner with both roasted and mashed potatoes.  Tanner did the mashed potatoes.  It is one thing they all do so well.

I always marvelled that my mother could put on a roast beef dinner every Sunday, I somehow could never manage that.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Piano Teacher

Yesterday afternoon while waiting for  prescriptions from Wal Mart I learned about a library that was close  by.  Needing to replace my lost SD library card anyway, I spent some time there and checked out "The Piano Teacher" by Janice Y. K. Lee.  I remember I had read the review in the Costco magazine.  It is her first novel.

In reading reviews, I was surprised at several who did not like it.  I am really enjoying it, she reveals bits and pieces at a time of the characters.  I am especially interested in Hong Kong during WWII and how it affects the Americans and British who were living there.  Marie Arana gave this review and I like that she introduces me to three new books about WWII, which is a subject I like to read about.  The fact that I actually can visualize some of the places in Hong Kong it mentions is really neat.  Meagan flew me over there in 2005 and I especially remember the Peak area which plays a big role in the book.

"War. Love. Betrayal. The harsh lessons of history. These are big subjects for any veteran writer, and yet, in her first novel, Janice Y.K. Lee confronts them admirably. The Piano Teacher is an intricate tale about the British colony of Hong Kong during World War II, when the island's inhabitants were overrun by Japanese forces, suffered a harrowing occupation and emerged profoundly shaken -- their sense of self undone.

It's hard to imagine a more complicated theme. Few have dealt with it successfully: J.G. Ballard did so in Empire of the Sun, about a lone English boy in Shanghai during the Japanese invasion; Graham Greene, too, in The Quiet American, about the French in Saigon after the war; and J.G. Farrell in The Singapore Grip, about British bankers in 1939, on the verge of a terrible conflagration. These are superb novels that manage to convey the divided loyalties, sudden reversals of fortune and deadly opportunism that a colony in peril can breed."

Anyway, good read and three more to come, yea.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Beginnings

Tuesday night was the New Beginnings program for the young women of the Santee Ward.  Sarah is a petite, lovely, second year Beehive.

Linda prepared and gave part of the presentation, which was spectacular.  The girls are so fortunate to have such beautiful, accomplished and caring leaders to guide them during this exciting time of their life as they change from girls to women and develop their talents and beauty.

Sarah gave part of the presentation and was with the group who sang the closing song about Virtue.  It is a new song and was especially well done.  They gave such a great performance.   Gary gave the closing remarks so it was a family affair. 

My mother used to lament that we were missisng Mutual, which was such an important part of her life.  I can see it would have been very helpful to me.  We pretty much winged the growing up thing, without any more than motherly advice, which is not always taken as well as it should be.

Gorilla World

After Linda, Kate, and Ryan left we ate some Nachos and Ice Cream. Kelsi kept saying she wanted to see the umbrellas, I thought. But it was the gorillas she wanted to see. They were very active and close today so very fun. Especially when papa took a swipe at mama? to make her get out of the way and baby stole papa's doo doo and preceded to eat it. Always fun watching the gorillas, Kelsi was right.
Kelsi wanted to take pictures and she did a pretty good job! These next two are hers.

A Day at the Zoo

Kelsi waits by the entrance for Kate and Ryan.

Yea, Linda arrives with Ryan and Kate.

Ryan and Kate are a caterpillar and a butterfly.
Petting goats at the Children's Zoo is fun.

Cute Bugs.

Always fun to climb on the turtle.

Good ride, Ryan.

Dipping in the ice with the Seals.

Ryan pops up.  This is all a new attraction to the Polar Bear exhibit.  The bears were having
great fun showing off but the children were more interested in playing in the ice caves.

Climbing in the helicopter is also a new thing at the Zoo!

Meagan came to join us and I forgot to get her picture...darn it.

Dinner and Games at the Pulsiphers

First party since arriving in San Diego was at Linda and Gary's house on Sunday night, the 9th.  Linda made some pulled pork for sandwiches and beans and Camber and Maria brought salads.  Yummy.  Oh, yes, and the Pulsiphers had made wonderful cupcakes.

We played silly games and it was fun having all the grandchildren old enough to join in the games.

Linda and Kristi
Meagan and Matt
Jacob and Camber
Jacob, James, and Jimmy
Johnny and Maria

More Pictures at Pulsiphers

Matt S, Kelly, and Matt V

Kate, Sarah, and Lea


Janet and Mike

Friday, January 07, 2011

Selective Memory

My sister, Marilyn, called and said she loved reading "The Montana Years" and that there was a lot more detail than she remembered. 

She did say I had forgotten that we had an 18th Birthday Party for Marilyn at Norma Kay's house.  Kay was in my grade, not Marilyn's.  I do not remember it at all. 

It is very interesting what "selective memory" we have.  I am not sure that term applies here but I did look it up and this is what it means:

Lacunar amnesia is the loss of memory about one specific event. It is a type of amnesia that leaves a lacuna (a gap) in the record of memory.

According to Steven Johnson, (the author of Mind Wide Open: Your Brain and the Neuroscience of Everyday Life):

"Scientists believe memories are captured and stored by two separate parts of the brain, the hippocampus, the normal seat of memory, and the amygdala, one of the brain's emotional centers...   the brain is designed to preserve emotionally strong memories. Even amnesiacs, under the right circumstances, can remember their past feelings."

Furthermore, according to Alex Chadwick speaking on NPR:

"Some scientists now believe that memories effectively get rewritten every time they're activated...  Theoretically, if you could block that chemical reaction in a human brain while triggering a specific memory, you could make a targeted erasure. Think of a dreadful fight with your girlfriend while blocking that chemical reaction, and zap! The memory's gone."

Daniel Goleman, in his book Vital Lies, Simple Truths, defines a lacuna as :

"...   Lacunas, in short, create blind spots "

As I say, I can't imagine why I would selectively forget Marilyn's birthday party, but the above has certainly happened in the selective memories I have regarding relationships that fall apart.  I simply have erased certain memories from my brain, absolutely.  I also would erase from my mind disagreements with my husband.  It certainly makes for a more peaceful coexistence.  Richard, on the other hand, could remember everything--this is not nearly as good for the psyche.

Selective memory is a great survival mechanism.

Marilyn, a few years ago, at the Anderson Cabin.

Dad's Birthday

Back Row: Dave and his wife Dorothy, Janet, Dick
Front row: Jeanne, Mom, Carole, Dad, Marilyn

Wednesday, Jan 5,  was my Dad's birthday and my brother called to wish me a Happy Birthday.  That is OK, mine comes a little later in January. 

He said they both enjoyed my book "The Montana Years" but I had forgotten he went to Dawson County Junior College in Glendive before he went to Utah State and he had two years there, ever though he did not graduate.  He went straight from college to marriage and then managed one of the several stores my Dad and his brother had at that time. He said he also didn't remember me being with the folks when they picked him up in Idaho after he burned his legs in an accident.  Neither one of us could remember what car we had.  I just remember seeing his feet stick out the back door whenever we stopped and I was cautioned not to close the door on his feet.

Dave and Dorothy eventually ended up in  the Anderson's store in Miles City.  Miles City was about 80 miles from Glendive.  One time when I stopped there on my way to or from  someplace he let me out the alley door where my car was parked.  It was early in the morning and someone he knew came by and was gawking.  Dave called out, "She's my sister."

Dave and Dorothy 2009

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Kathy Bishop's Family

This is a picture of my brother Dick's daughter Kathy (center in red) and his wife Mary ( with dog) and Kathy's husband Myron Bishop (holding baby Matthew in rear) and their children and spouses. Nice picture.

Mary lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico and Kathy and Myron live in Lander, Wyoming.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Yes, I think this is a good time to review my personal goals, habits and determinations.  It is never to late to make a fresh start.  Seems the things I want to improve on are always the same but that just means I am probably not trying hard enough.  What do I need to do for 2011?

More Exercise--although I am busy all day long, it is hard for me to stick to an exercise routine, especially since I have problems with my left metatarsal.  This has resulted in Bandido and I each acquiring a few pounds this year.  Yes, I will work on that.

End mindless snacking--I do this when I have a project, when I am thinking about something, when I am stressed, when I am bored, when I am lonely--it seems the reasons for mindless snacking are endless.  I need to try and understand that outlet and stop it!!!  I have given up so many foods such as gluten products and it has not been hard so I know I can do it.  I just need to keep my head in gear instead of drifting into a daze.

Make time for things I enjoy and stop tasking all the time.  Yes, I am great at finishing my tasks.  I need to be better at doing what I enjoy which is????  I will work on that.  Smile, smile, smile is the first order of every moment.  And laugh out loud at least once a day.  Things don't seem as funny to me as they used to...

Sleep more, yes, sleep more.  I am sure I am sleep deprived--eat those cherries before bedtime,  Stop staying up late.  Get back to my habit of early rising, exercising, and then dressing for the day.  I have spoiled myself with too many pajama mornings, just because I can.

Reach out more--I am too satisfied with my little world--I need to get more involved...although this is just a goal, it is not a prerequisite for my happiness, it is just something that would probably add to my life.

Oh, yes, Janet, and don't forget to get back to your 30 minutes of dancing a ditched that for 2010...put it back in your life for 2011.  Now print this off and put it front of your face once in awhile!!!

On Waking Up More Beautiful

I thought this was an especially helpful article--I already do several of them, but I surely haven't heard of the rooster pill???

1. Get an Early Start
Make a habit of washing your face a few hours before bed. If you wait until you're tired, you're more likely to blow it off -- allowing "toxins and dirt to stay on there all night," says dermatologist Laurie Polis of N.Y.C. Another consequence? You miss the best time to treat your skin. "At night there's more blood flow to the skin's surface, and there's nothing else on your face to interfere with absorption," Polis says.

2. Sleep on Your Back
Note to Audrey Hepburn fans: Lying on your stomach is bad for "beauty sleep." The average head weighs 7 to 8 pounds -- a lot of pressure to be putting on your face every night. In fact, many dermatologists say they can tell what side of the face people sleep on by the number of wrinkles there.

3. Get a Lift
Sleep with your head elevated on two pillows, or put the headrest area of your bed on 2- to 4-inch pieces of wood. Gravity helps lymph and blood flow so fluid won't accumulate, Polis says.

4. Save Money, Not Wrinkles
At night you don't need to worry about eye treatments smearing your makeup, so slather on the richest formula you can. Polis swears by Aquaphor: "It conditions lashes and hydrates the delicate eye skin really well."

5. Sneak a Glow
Mix a drop of self-tanner into your night cream or use a cream that contains a bit of tan-producing DHA.
Try: Clarins Radiance-Plus self-tanning cream, $52;

6. Avoid Carb Face
To wake with defined cheekbones, eat a high-protein, low-sugar dinner (try salmon and asparagus, a natural diuretic). Skip the rice, pasta and potatoes. "When our diet's high in glycemic carbohydrates, our features take on a soft, doughy appearance," says Connecticut dermatologist Nicholas Perricone.

7. Wrap It Up
To minimize A.M. frizz, sleep on a satin pillowcase or put your hair in a silk scarf. "Those fabrics are much softer than cotton, so there's less friction," says Harry Josh, a John Frieda stylist.

8. Find Your Inner Ballerina
Pile hair into a twist on the top of your head (use a scrunchie to avoid crimping). "In the morning you'll have major volume and beautiful waves," Josh says.

9. Turn on the Hair Conditioning
Sleep with a moisturizing treatment in damp hair overnight. We like Philip B. Katira Hair Masque, but any rich conditioner will do. Rinse in the morning.
Try: Philip B. Katira Hair Masque, $40;

10. Pop a Rooster Pill
Trust us, we were skeptical. But after swallowing two Wake Up on Time pills at 11 P.M., we found it much easier to get out of bed seven hours later. Created by a sleep-deprived single mother, the pills contain an energizing blend of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamins B6 and B12 and guarana-seed extract. It's formulated with a coating that releases ingredients into your bloodstream toward the end of your last sleep cycle, so you wake up feeling clear-headed, not fuzzy.
Try: Wake Up On Time, $30/40 tablets;

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Everything I Never Needed to Know About My Birth Day

Your date of conception was on or about 1 May 1932 which was a Sunday.
You were born on a Sunday under the astrological sign Aquarius.

The year 1933 was not a leap year.
Your birthday falls into the Chinese year beginning 2/6/1932 and ending 1/25/1933.
You were born in the Chinese year of the Monkey.

The date of Easter on your birth year was Sunday, 16 April 1933.

Your lucky day is Saturday.
Your lucky number is 4 and 8.
Your ruling planet(s) is Saturn and Uranus..
Your birth flower is CARNATION
Your birthstone is Garnet
The Mystical properties of Garnet
Garnet is used as a power stone
Your birth tree is Elm Tree, the noble-mindedness
Pleasant shape, tasteful clothes, modest demands, tends not forgive mistakes, cheerful, likes to lead but not to obey, honest and faithful partner, tends to a know-all-attitude and making decisions for others, noble-minded, generous, good sense of humour, practical.

The moon's phase on the day you were born was waning crescent.
Sunday, January 22, 1933
Moon's age (days): 25

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Anderson Family August 1967

This was taken after my father's funeral in August 1967.

He passed away while fishing his favorite fishing place on the Lamar River near Silver Gate, Montana. Linda had just turned 5 and Jimmy 1 in June.

You can see my brother Dick and Mary and Roddy on the left. Then Carole and Len, then Marilyn and Arky (holding Randy) and their children Sherry, Debby, Laurie and Bobby, Jeanne and Stan with Carole, Steven and Doug, then Richard and I with Jimmy and Linda (Maria and John were home with Richard's mother) and then my brother David and Dorothy. In the front row are Dick's girls Kathy and Cheri and Jeanne's boys David and Brian.  Where is Stephanie, Carole's daughter?  The baby must be Carole's Eric?

I flew up with Linda and Jimmy.  Richard flew up just for the funeral and went right back.  I stayed longer and helped Mom with some things.  It was hard on Maria with us being gone so long and Richard being at work most of the time.

The Day After Christmas 2010

In Church on Sunday, Mandy, one of our vacationing regulars from Reno (they have a second home in LACC) told about her six year old boy declaring "That's not true!" when I spoke at the November Fast Meeting and told the story of a tender mercy of the Lord in my college days.  (Refer to "An Answer to Prayer in the Mountains" in 'The Montana Years').

She went on to say how they used it for a 'teaching moment' and gave a very good talk about the importance of these teaching moments with our children.   She also said that every once in awhile he will now say, "Remember that lady who Heavenly Father helped up the slippery hill?" 

When her husband Andrew spoke, he also talked to the son in the audience about when the son's prayer was answered as well.  They both gave very touching talks.  Their families on both sides had been at their Lake Almanor vacation homes for Christmas and they were able to have their eight year old daughter baptized on Christmas Day in our Chapel.  That will be a nice memory for all of them.

Afterward I said to Mandy that I hoped she had convinced her son I was not a liar.  I then reminded her that I had commented before I spoke that for some reason I felt I needed to tell that story that day.  She said, "It was for us, it was for us."  She also said that for some reason he was listening very attentively to everything I said and that was most unusual for him.  However, she was very embarrassed when he blurted that out quite loudly and was trying to cover his mouth.

When he told her later in their "teaching moment" that it couldn't be true because he had prayed to Heavenly Father and He didn't do what he wanted.  Then they went over many times in their life when prayers had been answered.  They referred to the day in February when the father, the daughter and he had been stranded out on the dark mountain when their snowmobile had run out of gas.  They had prayed for help and that help had come.

Very lovely family and very interesting talks.  We always enjoy having someone besides our few members visit and especially when they share their lives with us.

Lovely side yard in the snow.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas in Lake Almanor 2010

This was our Christmas Family this year.  Matt, Mitch and Me plus Bruce and Bandido.  It is only the second time in the 11 years I have been here that I have been home for Christmas.
However, we had the traditional Hardy Christmas.  Christmas Eve dinner followed by our Christmas program--minus the Nativity Scene but we looked at the pictures of Christmas in Rancho Bernardo in about 1991 when all the grandchildren were dressed as shepherds or angels and Kristi was Mary, Mike was Joseph and Meagan was an Angel.

We then opened Christmas presents.  There were not too many and we did not have the traditional White Elephant.  I was touched that the boys gave me a beautiful card and that lovely red Christmas throw on my lap plus a darling glass house to hide secret things in (like hershey kisses).

As usual when Bruce is here, Bandido was very serene but he slept mostly in Matt's room.  Bandido always did like men better than women.  What is that about?

We then learned a new version of Hearts, Black Maria, and Janet lost to the boys.  Next day it was Mitch that lost.  We also had lots of television to watch.  Christmas morning the boys went fishing at the lake.  We had lots of left overs and goodies to eat so it was a very pleasant Christmas weekend.  Mitch enjoyed an outing with a friend and Matt and Bruce went snowshoeing with Leo.


The boys each had a couch and I had my rocking chair.  Very comfy.  You can see the cute house on the Christmas table.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Salami and Pepperoni--What is the Difference?

Christmas always reminds me of salami and I like it with french bread and butter, and sometimes cheese or a top a ritz cracker.  It was something I remember eating as a child with hot chocolate. 

So today I was wondering what was the difference between salami and pepperoni--because pepperoni is something I could do without.  Here is the answer.

Pepperoni is a corruption of 'peperoni', the Italian plural of peperone, referring to the bell pepper in it.

It is a spicy Italian-American variety of dry salami made of beef, pork and often veal. Pepperoni is a descendant of the spicy salamis of Southern Italy, such as salsiccia Napoletana piccante, a spicy dry sausage from Naples. Pepperoni is frequently used as a pizza topping in American-style pizzerias.

A 'Salame' (plural: Salami) is any cured (fermented, salted and air-dried) sausage made in the Italian tradition. The name comes from the Italian verb 'salare', meaning to salt.

Further, pepperoni is for pizza and salami is for sandwiches.  Since I never had pizza until I was about 24, it is understandable why I love the salami of my childhood more.

Jimmy and Cool Dog

Is that Bruce with you Jimmy?  Or somebody else's dog?  He surely looks cool, just like you.

Jacob Takes it Laying Down

I'm dreaming of a White Christmas.

Uncle Gary uses his skills on Jacob.

John Hardy Memorial Hike 2015

My Life So Far