Monday, January 21, 2013

Meet Sadie

Sadie and her brother were rescued from an animal shelter on Dec 12, 2012.   She is a mix.  Her brother looked totally like a Beagel,  Sadie is more like her Mom, a Spaniel, and father perhaps who is Terrier.  I have to qualify this.  In talking to one of the volunteers two weeks later she says they don't really know what her parentage is.  On the spay report the Vet put down chiwawa???  So who in the world are you, Sadie?

She has a sweet, understanding temperment who likes to like your neck and face and picks up new skills fairly easily.
She is enjoying playing with Sarah and friends and her toys but likes to cuddle in her little hooded home as soon as she  enters her  2 x 8 cage in my room. She is a climber, the suitcases were no deterrent to her escaping to the world beyond.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Truth and Memory

I have been listening to the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel about his experience during the Holocaust.  It is extremely interesting and now I find there is a controversy about it's truthfulness.  I quote here from Wikepedia:

Truth and memory
Ruth Franklin writes that Night's "resuscitation" by Oprah Winfrey came at a difficult time for the genre of memoir, after a previous book-club author, James Frey, was found to have fabricated parts of his autobiography, A Million Little Pieces. She argues that Winfrey's endorsement of Wiesel's work was a canny move, perhaps designed to restore the book club's credibility with a book regarded as beyond criticism. She writes that Night has a useful lesson to teach about the complexities of memoir and memory, and that the story of how it came to be written reveals how many factors come into play in creating a memoir: "the obligation to remember and to testify, certainly, but also the artistic and even moral obligation to construct a true persona and to craft a beautiful work ... truth in prose, it turns out, is not always the same thing as truth in life."

Wiesel tells a story about a visit to a Rebbe, a Hasidic rabbi, he hadn't seen for 20 years. The Rebbe is upset to learn that Wiesel has become a writer, and wants to know what he writes. "Stories," Wiesel tells him, "... true stories":
About people you knew? "Yes, about people I might have known." About things that happened? "Yes, about things that happened or could have happened." But they did not? "No, not all of them did. In fact, some were invented from almost the beginning to almost the end." The Rebbe leaned forward as if to measure me up and said with more sorrow than anger: That means you are writing lies! I did not answer immediately. The scolded child within me had nothing to say in his defense. Yet, I had to justify myself: "Things are not that simple, Rebbe. Some events do take place but are not true; others are—although they never occurred."
Now I am wondering whether to listen to the other two books in the Trilogy...???   And whether I commit the same folly... or do we all????

Thursday, January 10, 2013

San Carlos

Sunday we had a wonderful birthday dinner for Johnny at the home of Johnny's Mom and Dad in University City.   We had steak and salmon and Susie's wonderful tossed arugula salad and ended up with cake!  The next day I traveled to Linda and Gary's rental in San Carlos and Melissa flew home. 

Since then I have taken my Subaru to the El Cajon Dealership to see if I can find out what is causing it to freeze up sometime.  I thought it was the fuel line but they are talking about transmission!!  That sounds like big costs to me,  tomorrow I will probably get the bad news.  Since I just bought new tires I am hoping it is fixable.  I am not quite ready to  buy a newer car, that is for sure.

Yesterday Linda took me in to get my eyes measured and check in for my cataract surgery next week.  Sounds simple enough, hope all goes well.

The tv here does not record for some reason but you can go into Demand the next day and watch what shows you missed the night before.  That is a new service of Cox I think.  What doesn't show up on Primetime I watch on my computer so I am not missing my regulars.

In the afternoon I have been watching the Food Network and am fascinated with the food that Gianda prepares.  I also watched "Fork and Knife" on Netflix and would really like to try a totally plant based diet for at least a month and see what a difference it would make in my health and especially in my cholesterol.  I think I will pick up a book tomorrow and try it!

It is cooler here lately but I am sleeping well and listening to my books at night and keeping busy keeping up on "Upstairs Downstairs" as well as the new 2013 episodes of my favorite tv shows so all is well. 

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Happy Birthday, Dad.

My Dad was born in 1902 so he would have been 47 in this picture, only a year older than Johnny.   

Johnny's Birthday

Johnny, Maria, Melissa and I saw the movie "Zero Dawn 30" which was the detail of the storming and killing of Osama Ben Laden.  Very interesting learning about this CIA agent (woman) and her role in finding him.  It seems an almost impossible task, so was very fascinating.  They are keeping her identity secret according to the detail Melissa looked up.

After the movie we went to California Pizza to celebrate John's 46th! 

Friday, January 04, 2013

Massey Christmas 2012

I  like this picture of Matt, Meagan and Keira in front of a Christmas tree.  Wonder if it is the Del Coronado?

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Off to San Diego

I drove to Chico on Wednesday and the roads were not bad but it is very cold at Chico at night.  Melissa and I saw the movie "Guilt Trip" which was  ok funny.  I have always enjoyed Barbara Streisand movies.  Thursday I slept later than I should have so we didn't arrive in San Diego till dark.  We should have driven on 395!  Still having some problems with Subaru, so will have to check it out in San Diego at the Subaru dealer.  There is still so much snow in Lake Almanor, it is sticking to the trees and roof but the snow blower is fixed and Mike has his Dad's 4 Wheel Drive so he should be fine. Maria had spaghetti for us made out of brown rice.  It was good, I will have to buy some of that.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Life of "Camelot"

It is wonderful to have so much time to enjoy the arts.  At night I am listening to the book "Unbroken" which is amazing.  The author Laura Hillenbrand is the one who wrote "Seabiscuit" and her description is of such clarity.  "Unbroken" is the true story of WWII Hero Louis Zamperini, who was an Olympic runner.  His plane went down and he spent 47 days at sea and then two years imprisoned in a Japanese camp of torture.  The movie is being made this year.  He is 95 years old and still touring with his story and attitude of Forgiveness.  His survival was due mainly to his optimistic attitude and use of his brilliant mind, I think, much like "The Count of Monte Cristo" except that the Count was out for revenge, not forgiveness, but what a story.

During the day I have been watching the 1973 series of "Upstairs, Downstairs"   a lot like Downton Abbey.  I love the British series,  there are so many good ones.

Since Netflix was having a problem loading, today I watched TCM.  They are playing the classics, "My Fair Lady", "Camelot". "Hello, Dolly".

It has been awhile since I watched "Camelot" and I had forgotten how well done it was, how great Richard Harris is in it and how sad it is and how beautiful Vanessa Redgrave was as a young woman, and Lancelot, wow, who wouldn't love him.  The words of the songs so marvelously depicted the sad tale and the emotion was so raw.  I cried, I admit, and I couldn't remember how it ended.  I loved the ending, the positive outlook and quote about the young boy "being just a drop in the big motion of the sea but some of them sparkle, some of them sparkle" and the fact that what they had tried to do at "Camelot" would be remembered and the stories retold and others would try to live that way, too.   That is what it is all about, to try and make life good for yourselves and others and to do the best you can.  Of course, it was easy to be sympathetic with Guinevere and Lancelot, too, if you've ever loved passionately and hopelessly, anyway it is.

It reminded me of Richard's relatives who had tried to live the United Order in Nevada but gave up after two and a half years.  We are just so human and weak that someone always ruins perfection.  Reminded me of the Kennedy years, too, "Camelot" as it was called.  He betrayed his wife, he was shot and Camelot was destroyed.

We are so blessed to have song writers and authors who can take history and bring it to life for us in such poignant, message giving, and entertaining ways.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Fairy Tale Interrupted

Giving my eyes a rest, I have been listening to books on my Library To Go on my computer.  I listened to two so-so mysteries and then looked to the autobiography section and came upon the book "Fairy Tale Interrupted".

Rosemary Terrenzio was a young PR person who became the personal assistant to John Kennedy Jr when he started the magazine 'George".  She worked for him for five years until his death in July 1999.  She also becane a close friend of Carolyn, his wife, during that time.  Working for him and being close to Carolyn changed her life, as you can imagine.

This past year she had her memoir published about this time in her life and I found it very entertaining and enlightening about the Kennedys as well as life among the determined to be successful New York yuppies.  It was also very moving as she told about the struggle of her life to begin again and move on after their deaths.

Coming from the Bronz without the background and education of her mentors and those in the Kennedy lifestyle, it is a great listen to of how she learns and copes and becomes a necessary and important part of their life.  She narrates the book herself and I think this adds to its success, probably better to listen to than just read. 

Love memoirs...

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas and Day After 2012

Matt and Johnny fixed the snowblower and spent a lot of time widening the driveway and Johnny made a path to the Propane Tank.  What a lot of work for the guys.

 Time to Say Goodbye and thanks for all the snow blowing and shoveling and fixing the snow blower, etc, and etc.  Loved having Maria and Johnny an extra day.

Clear starry sky and a full moon, wish I knew how to photograph it. 

 Funny birdhouse.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas After the Power Came On, 2012

Miraculously we were ready to sit at 6:30 PM with a full Thanksgiving Dinner.

Matt had just arrived from Tahoe.

We did the White Elephant Game after dinner.

Sean from Oroville, Melissa's boyfriend.

Maria has all her children in one place at Christmas, with Bruce, too.

The Christmas of Snow

The snowblower broke and Michael had to shovel every day for three days before help arrived.

Melissa and Sean arrived around 3 followed by Maria and Johnny who brought Mitch.

Power was out for a day,came back and then was out from 11 AM Dec 23 to 3 PM Dec 24.

I had called Maria and asked her to pick up some ham as no oven, and then just as Melissa
arrived, the power came on and we rescued the turkey and put it in the oven.

 We had lots of good desserts.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Winter Wonderland Extraordinaire

View from the back deck.

View to the left

View to the right.

Across the street.

Picnic anyone?

Birdhouses styled for Christmas.
 "I think that I shall never see, a thing as lovely as a tree..."

Notice those blue skies, it is sunny and over 40 degrees--beautiful in Lake Almanor.

Friday, December 21, 2012

A Thank You from Brynn

What a big smile from Brynn as she opens her Christmas present.  Thank you, Sarah, for sending.

Now This Is Snow Day!

Two hours can't see how much snow is coming down.  Schools are closed and snowplows cannot keep the roads clean...says we may get 6 ft of snow.  Good thing I have new tires on my car and a lot of food in the house.  Hope no one gets snowed away for Christmas.  I better prepare for a power outage.

It is really coming down, snowing and blowing and the morning has just begun!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

What I Want

So tomorrow my Reverse Mortgage closes and I will get some cash!!!  Of course, being the sensible person I am, I will not be spending much except for paying bills but...I decided I would satisfy a few wants.  And here is what they are...

New of the nicest memories of my Trafalgar trip to Scandinavia in the year 2000 was the fluffy white towels hanging on rods filled with warm water.  Towels can get so sad and droopy, so new towels are a must.

New white undies...ooh, they can get so dingy and dull, so definitely on the list.

New silky pajamas and one to buy for me anymore so must indulge myself.

New watch...why can I not keep a watch working and without a crack on the face very long I am not sure, but I have been without a watch for a long time now.  Time to invest...

New Vera Wang...I am down to last few scents, so I must replace.  I have many other colognes but I do love my Vera Wang.

More casual many of my everyday plates are chipped, time to throw them out and replace.

A new broom!!!...I love to sweep with a good broom my decks, my steps, my driveway.  Vida always used to sweep the front and back of my house, something I always neglected, now I like to do the same thing.

Teeth cleaned...oh my, I am ashamed I have thrown those reminders away for so long now, I cannot put it off any longer.

Well, except for bills and a few last Christmas things, that is my short list.  I am sure I can think of something else though...that is if there is any left after I pay bills and put some savings away.

Time for my bubble bath.  I do spoil myself these days, loved my long nap today.  That is one of the nicest things about being retired, being able to crash whenever the need arises.  I can remember in 2001 when we were working such long hours in Texas and and I laid my head on my desk for just a minute it boss came and whispered in my ear.  "Janet, if you need a rest, you need to leave the area", no bosses, nobody needing me, I can just nap whenever I want...good there are some perks with old age.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Special Moments This Month

...Happy remembrances of Bandido
...Beautiful messages about Bandido
...Listening to Andrea Bocelli singing the Lord's Prayer
...Keira in her swishy red dress and white coat
...Watching the video on Bandido and Keira walking
...Holly hugging me and saying 'Thank You'
...Singing Carols with the Branch
...Getting two compliments while shopping, 'Beautiful hair' and 'Smell wonderful'
...Driving through the snow covered pines
...Enjoying delicious dinner at the Church
...The red sunset on the way home from Susanville
...Jane's Lesson from Mormon, Chapter 8
...Listening to 'Wish Upon a Star' by Rod Stewart
...Michael being ready for Bandido and I
...Feeling energetic and contented
...Long phone calls with friends and family
...Memories of Glendive shared with Myrna
...Memories of past Christmas's with Richard, John and other children and family
...Memory of toddler running to me and asking if I was Mrs. Santa Claus
...Homemade 'perfect' caramel suckers
...Hot cocoa and marshmallow
...Bubble baths by candlelight while listening to favorite music
...Being snuggly warm in AM under Chico sweatshirt from Melissa


Monday, December 10, 2012

Wow, Clean Up Going Great

I am so proud of myself that I worked all day.  I had to keep stopping and resting but I usually have to quit after a half day of physical labor any more.  This is good.  Mike thinks we should leave the deck open and put the grill there.  That is an idea if we could finish it nicely.

We now have six piles of cedar boughs that I hope we can get into the back of the Subaru in one trip (on a plastic sheet, of course).  If not, it will have to be two.  Mike will help me with that on Friday.  If we only had a truck...
We have more kindling to chop that I have ever had.
And Ron said he would bring his chain saw and cut up the long piece that is left when he comes back from So. Calif.

Oh, yes, I also collected 10 bags of droppings from the storm and that is only around the house.  The whole back 40 hasn't been touched.  Joys of living in the pines.  My new way of getting rid of those bags is one bag with each garbage pickup.  That means we will always have bags to put out because we collect more than we get rid of...

But I HAD THE ENERGY AND STRENGTH TO DO IT.  THAT IS MAJOR.  Mike had separated all the boughs from the main tree and then I separated the kindling from the throw away boughs.  Too bad no one wants them for Christmas.  Wish I knew someone who wanted the Cedar for carving.  Beautiful wood.

I need to get one of those blow gadgets--it is not easy sweeping the little needles off the driveway after a storm.

Fond Memories from College

Some of my fondest memories from college:

Christy and Allen Hall, sunning on the deck, going to the dances, endless talking and laughing, the wonderful food, peanut butter and bread and canned peaches hidden in our drawers, playing "Perfidia" on the piano as I remembered my boyfriend. Going to Idaho with Del and Doyle and Christy and two others, such a fun weekend at their farms and the Stake dance. Going to the Genealogy Building on the bus on Thursday nights and copying all the information I could find, Erica giving me the treasured Record Book to take care of and telling me that was my mission. Actually singing and dancing in a musical. Sunday Church in the Joseph Smith Building, such a large group of us, testimony meeting was amazing. "Jim" from Idaho and the blind date for the dance--he made me laugh, such a sweet, humble, poor guy who didn't have a decent shirt to wear. For the rest of the quarter he would run to catch up with me every day as we went to lower campus and then he was gone from my life and I never knew what happened to him. So poor he had to quit? mission? Total mystery but one of those unforgettable people you meet once in awhile. The football games, basketball games, and the Tuesday Devotionals, I loved them, mostly the apostles came to speak to us. Being able to meet Pres McKay when he came to freshman year was so full.

Next fall I lived in a house off campus and I didn't like it as well as living in the dorms and it was further to walk. I had to get insets to wear because my arches were breaking down in those flats we wore. But I enjoyed going to the Genealogical Building and my Genealogy Class, big highlight with Archibald Bennett as our teacher. My coat with the fur collar, being pulled on a sled in the snow by a car--the boys from Wyoming who lived across the street. At Christmas I stayed home to help my Dad and then I came back in the spring.

The summer was to be so fun living in Campus Dorm with Ellie, working at the Dairy Freez, picking apples from the BYU Orchard at midnight, gathering around the piano and Janie entertained us and working at the switchboard. The guys would all stop and talk because I was sitting there all alone at night with not many calls to tend to, and I was knitting argyle sox and I was asked on so many dates I couldn't go on because I was working at night either at the Freez or the Switchboard. Unbelievable. In the fall I worked as a proctor in the daytime for the new freshman taking tests and I met Ivan, he was the football player from Tempe, another great guy, we dated all quarter, not sure what happened. That fall I was living in the new Heritage Halls...

Marta and......what did I intend to write here???

Memories of Skiing

Today is a beautiful sunny day that is perfect for cleanup after the recent storms.  As I work for an hour and then have to rest for a half hour or more I am reminded of our skiing days because Richard could only ski for a run or two and then he would have to resst.

We started skiing when Jimmy was about 9 and Richard and I had at least a dozen or so years before we quit and just watched.  I loved those trips where we would all be crammed together for the holidays and Christmas was always a simple affair.

The first trip to Mammoth was a riot.  We had left our rented boots in the car and they were icy cold and stiff.  We could hardly get them on.  Was this fun?  A little painful at first but we learned.  The next year we bought the time shares at Park City and that became our Christmas for many years.

I remember one Christmas Eve we put the turkey in before we left for the slopes and picked up a scrawny tree on the way back to the lodge and the guys took down a door so their was room to sit around the coffee table and have lots of room for everyone.  We were skiing with Martin's family that year.  Those were good times.   This is a picture with Martin's family and Brian and Norma taken at Snowbird.

But Richard would always ski a run or two and then he would have to rest in the snack area at the base of the mountain.  Everyone liked to take a turn resting with him because it meant hot chocolate or nachos or some other treat.  The novice skiiers always had a good skiing partner in Richard.  He was patient and would take the time to help them and encourage them. 

Not like John who talked me into going on a very difficult slope with him.  I skiied to the side, took off my skiis and walked down the hill.  Or the time the children encouraged me to follow them and waited at the bottom of the hill to see how I would do on the jump at the end.  And, of course, the time that someone I was with (Linda?) was very embarrassed when I forgot to get off at the top and they had to stop the ski chairs and help me down.

Lots of good memories from those ski trips.  I am glad we shared that time together as a family.

Saturday, December 08, 2012

When You Wish Upon A Star

I never realized what a beautiful song "When You Wish Upon a Star" was until Rod Stewart put it in his Christmas album this year.

 It is the song Jiminy Cricket sings in "Pinocchio".  I also found a darling video version by Linda Ronstadt that she made for a friend who had a new baby--she was giving her lullabies.

Disney include it in their album called "Disney's Greatest Love Songs" and I found the first verse which most versions do not include.

When a star is born
They possess a gift or two
One of them is this
They have the power to make a wish come true

When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires will come to you

If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do

Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of their secret longing

Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star your dreams come through.

Anyway love it sung as a Christmas song--thanks Rod Stewart.

Friday, December 07, 2012

Great Expectations

Recently I watched the movie "Great Expectations" and have been thinking about expectations and the problems that can come from our expectations.

With my music and imagination I live alot of my expectations in my mind.   I have learned over the years not to have expectations of people because they never do or say what you have high expectations for...but in my daydreams is a life rich with my expectations being met.

Some say we can't accomplish anything good without high expectations but others say to have expectations is to always be disappointed but I liked this from "Anne of Green Gables."  (which actually is great reading for adults),  I read of lot of the series last year but anyway the quote:

"Oh, Marilla, looking forward to things is half the pleasure of them." exclaimed Anne. "You mayn't get the things themselves; but nothing can prevent you from having the fun of looking forward to them.  Mrs. Lynde says, 'Blessed are they who expect nothing for they shall not be disappointed.'
But I think it would be worse to expect nothing than to be disappointed."

I remember when my  college roommate Colleen and I planned a trip over a break to go to one of the shows in Los Angeles--can't remember now what it was but it all fell through and Colleen was devastated but I told her I had already lived it in my mind so I didn't mind so much.  

I also liked this one-- "It is probably unfair to expect the world at large, or even most people, to see us for all we are.  It is essential, however, that we see ourselves for all we are."   by Victoria Moran "Younger by the Day

Oh Christmas Tree, 2012

I haven't had a Christmas tree for a long time and this is a really strange one.  One of the top branches of a tree fell off in the recent storm and it is so perfect I figured out how to make it in to a little tree.  I have so many decorations on it though you can't see it!!!  Mike wants lots of little presents under it...

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Kathy Hardy turns 80!

Such a beautiful picture of Kathy and Martin (Richard's brother) with their children Mark, Susan, Anne, Lauren and Jim.

Santa Woes

Keira had the exact same reaction to Santa as Linda did in 1963--it actually seems like a very sensible reaction at that age when you think about it.

John Hardy Memorial Hike 2015

My Life So Far