Friday, August 01, 2008


When I came to San Diego to teach in 1956 one of the first places we went was Tijuana to shop. When my parents came that summer we also went across. In fact, all of the tourists that visited us went to Tijuana. It was a fun place to go in those days.
We also had exchanges with the Tijuana ward and ate down there with them and they with us. Each Christmas we would have a ward drive for Toys for Tijuana and this would go to the ward and also to the orphanage there.
I just read an article in the Washington Post about the severe Aids epidemic in Tijuana--one in every 125 people has aids from prostitution and drug use. But it says Aids is a hitchhiker into the United States with the many that go back and forth across the border. Just another "signs of the times" and very sad. Richard loved the Mexican people and enjoyed helping them whenever he could. We always had them as day workers in our home and often as yard workers. It is sad to read this.

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