Sunday, April 25, 2010

Carotid Artery Surgery Tomorrow

Oh, yes, they moved up my surgery to tomorrow.  I hardly ever get phone calls and I get into the movie on Friday afternoon and I suddenly get three phone calls in a row so I decide I better find out what is so important.  I am very nervous about this.  I have trust issues, always have.  Trusting a surgeon to cut into your neck after he has had a long heart surgery or even at all is very difficult for me.  I tend to imagine the worst happening like nipping the wrong thing.  Did he actual tell me all the risks and then say it hadn't happened in years like it actually did at some time?  I am not sure but I didn't want to ask for details.  I have probably watched too many medical shows which makes it worse.  But it does seem that they don't get much time to study the individual patient.  They look at the file for the first time (it appears) when you are sitting there in front of them and then start looking at the screen at all kinds of tests and then make a decision what they are going to do (0h, if you agree, of course).  Very unsettling to me.  They make it appear like it is your choice but after telling you all the risks, is it really your choice? I don't think so.  Anyway if I am still here on Tuesday I will report how the whole thing played out.  I have tried very hard to avoid doctors and hospitals for a long time but the last two years I have seen too many.  Hope this is the last for awhile.

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