Monday, October 25, 2010

'Sorting It Out'

Saturday when we stopped at Wal Mart, I bought four pair of dark blue sox to wear with my jeans.  Now why did I need more sox?  Because I hadn't sorted out my sox for some time, that is why.  I had a drawer full of sox and couldn't find any to wear.  (I do tend to wear them out because I am always wearing my sox with no shoes, even sometimes out to the mail across the street, the bottoms do wear out).  This morning I sorted and matched and found I had over 22 pair of black or blue sox, over 20 pair of white, seven pair of odd colors, and about 10 pair of nylon knee highs.  This is not counting my drawer full of panty hose.

I feel so good when I sort out a drawer or sort out a closet, even if I don't find anything to throw away, at least I know what I have and what I really do not need.  When we lived in La Jolla we had a Friday cleaning lady who not only cleaned my 3500 sq ft home from stem to stern, she also did my wash and dry.  When we would come home in the late night after our Friday night date, the house would be clean and Richard 's and my underwear and sox would all be neatly folded, matched and in our drawers.  What a wonder woman that Maria was.  She kept my home life in order.  Richard loved having his sox matched.  His mother had probably always done the same thing. 

One of my favorite authors from Ireland is always using the term "sorting it out" in reference to thoughts and making decisions.  This is so important to sort out our thoughts and opinions once in awhile.  What is refreshing about living with someone over 50 years younger than me is that we rarely agree on too much except what is good to eat.  And yet, I do not feel any animosity about it.  That is just the way it is.  A product from the 30's and a product from the 80's is  going to have  very different points of view about life.  Mike knows about things I know nothing about and I have experienced a life he will never know.

We both need to 'sort it out' from time to time and share.

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