Showing posts with label My Home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Home. Show all posts

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Family Helps in the Big Move in 1999 from San Diego to Lake Almanor

October 28, 2017

For some reason, I am full of energy in the middle of the night and so I was checking out the family blogs to see who is still doing them.  I read Linda's from start to finish and enjoyed it so much.  She has their whole courtship and marriage with lots of movies so concisely done. You can get through it rather fast.  Not like mine, which has a lot...of words.

What was especially interesting was the movies of my move from San Diego to Lake Almanor in 1999 when the Pulsiphers brought me and all my furniture from San Diego and with the help of the Valkos and some of their friends moved me into my house.  What a huge job!!  What a commitment!!!  How do we survive without family???  And they had 10 children in and out and about, helping but playing, too, and taking the movie and playing in the snow.  I don't know how the parents handled it all so well.

It was fun watching the dancing and plays and creative fun the kids were having at Marias's house in Susanville.  So funny.  I wondered where Craig learned to dance so well.  He and Melissa looked really good for being so young.

I was especially impressed with how the yard and house looked when I moved in.  So much has been done to it since, mostly by Mark, in the house and the boys in the yard and Pulsiphers in the rock patio.  Such an improvement now.  It really has been a wonderful place for me to live.  It was fun seeing Bandido as just a puppy, too.

Jimmy and his friends had packed all of my things in the moving van but unfortunately, when James drove it up the hill to the Pulsiphers, something happened and it all got messed up and Gary and his family had to repack it all.  Gary drove, actually, Gary paid for the truck, too.  So appreciative for family helping, as I say.  What a time that was.

When Craig was interviewing me in the movie it was obvious I was overweight but it was also amazing to see how happy I was and how light-hearted I looked.  This was three years after Richard died but I was glad to see I was not so weighted down anymore.  I was really happy with the move.  

I had felt so bad when John said I could not afford a house when I told him I was buying a house in Lake Almanor.  I remember crying and calling Maria and she and Mark consoled me.  But actually John was right.  I could not afford and not realize all the extra costs of home ownership.  I had a lot of tears before I was able to really afford it.

But I was so blessed when Maria found an advertisement for retired loan professionals to work for the SBA during times of disaster.  I was hired in 2000 but did not get my first assignment until September of 2001.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Ravens or Crows???

There has been a large group of black birds all over the street and in the yard and across the street and I wonder what kind they are and why there is such a gang of them hanging out together and what they are doing!!

Then I see a lone black bird, larger, swooping around.

Since I can never remember the differences I looked it up.  The large group are Crows and they often travel and live in large groups.  Their tails are straight across.

The lone guy may or may not have another with him but they seldom gather in groups.  He has the tail that is longer in the middle and he is a Raven.

Now I know, I should take their pix.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Ready for Christmas 2017, Christmas in Del Mar

For me I have always decorated for Christmas sometime between Halloween and Thanksgiving but this year I am earlier because I will not even be here!!!

I love to sit in the fall evenings with the fire in the stove and lights on the Christmas tree.  This year the only other decorating I am doing though is the red pillow covers.  The material I bought in Singapore with Meagan which was always intended for a dress and jacket for me I decided would be much better as pillow covers for Christmas.  I think they are beautiful!!!

When I sent this card out in 2017, one person told me she wanted to be me when she grew up.  She thought this was such a cute idea.

Christmas dinner and white elephant was held at the home of James and Camber.
This picture of me with some of my grandchildren and great grandchildren is one of my favorite pictures.  My friend Jean actually had a puzzle made of it and gave it to me after Christmas.  I gave it to the Hardy children last Christmas.

Such beautiful grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Septic Solution for Another Seven Years!!!

This picture of Matt and Maria on Instagram reminded me that I never wrote down the Septic Solution!!  Greg L. never did come and put the covers on the Septic tanks, even though I talked to him, etc. etc.  He never sent me a bill for the digging his guys did either!!

So when Matt and Maria came in the spring the septic tanks were still unfilled holes just covered by the boards that the handyman put down.  Matt was looking for work and I was happy he was there to do it.

I decided since Westwood Sanitation said it would be 7 years before the septic would need to be cleaned again that we should just cover them with dirt the way they have been since the house was built.  It would save money in the long run and Matt understands the grading that would have to be done.

So Matt did an excellent job, took a long time, but he uncovered the tanks, covered them with dirt and then graded the dirt so there would not be any problem with drainage.  It is hard to find a handyman that can do that kind of work and do it well but as I say Matt understands all things outdoors.


Saturday, July 22, 2017

June and July at Home

It has been quite awhile since I have written in here about but my life is pretty much a ditto every day.  This summer has been particularly peaceful with no wind or rain storms so far so I just do my watering and a minimal amount of raking to keep it looking neat.  Problem is that I have had a lot of allergies and the dryness has really affected me so I spend most of my days inside and just come out in the morning and evening to water and walk Sadie.

Since there are more cars and people I am not letting Sadie run loose.  Plus I have seen two mountain lions (same one?) run across my yard in the daytime.  One time Sadie was not outside and the last time she was peeking out from the deck at me when I came back from the front.  Whether she had seen it and run on the deck I do not know but I must be careful with her.  Evidently, they like deer and deer usually pass through the back of my yard or sleep there most every day and night.

As far as my health is concerned, except for the dryness, I am doing ok.  Dr. Salehi has had most every test taken and sent me to the cardiologist.  I evidently did very well on the treadmill and although my cholesterol is high like it has been for the last 40 years he is not insisting on statins.  He tells me to eat a fistful size of protein every day and my vegetables!!!  One thing though is they found I was not getting enough oxygen at this high altitude at night.  Day is ok.  So I sleep with oxygen in my nose and I cannot believe how much better I sleep!!!  Who knew?  Dr. Salehi wants me to get my blood sugar down this month and I was doing very well until I made the flourless peanut butter cookies this week.   I ate them all, keeping them in the freezer for visitors does not work.  I love cookies from the freezer and I just cannot eat them, sugar is my addiction, so goodbye sugar!!!!

Monday Maryanne drove me down to Chico and she did some things to her car and I went to see the dermatologist.  He recommended this cream and because I do not have Medicare D It cost me $253!!!  If I had gotten it from Lassen Drug they would probably have discounted it but we were in Chico and I decided to just get it...and I am now looking spotted and red and I guess it will only get worse before it gets better.  Probably be at my worst when Meagan and her family come up in mid-August!!!

The lilies have all bloomed and most of them already dropped their plumes.  The deer did get a few.  They were especially full this year and tall, from all the rain I guess.  In fact, I think this year has been the prettiest for the yard and no hail so far to mess it up like last year.

I am not accomplishing much in the way of my history books or family history etc. because I am spending so much time listening to books!!  I read a little but my eyes get tired so I mostly listen. I was just doing my Library to Go but now Deseret Bookshelf has an annual fee for listening to all the audio books or reading about 1500 E books and I have already listened to about six books and read one E book and I still have other books waiting for me on my Library to Go.  So much to read, and so little time!!!!  I especially liked Gerald Lunds recent series Fire and Steel...takes place during and after World War I and Adolf Hitler's ascent to power and growth of the church in Germany at that time.

Last month Dorothy fell and broke her femur and Dave has had quite a time taking care of her.  She spent about a month in the hospital and rehab and doing well but David has an aching back and feels very tired.  Thank heaven her niece and nephews have been up and helped and they have some good neighbors that have helped.  Dave said he just needs to find someone to come in regularly so he can find time to go buy groceries.  They have been using Meals on Wheels and he says it is pretty good though Dorothy likes his cooking better.  Dave turned 90 on June 25th!!!  They live up in Idaho Falls with the closest relatives in Salt Lake City!  This was the first time in Dorothy's life that she has ever been in a hospital.  She is a very healthy 89 years old!!!  Except for a little dementia which Dave says is better since she came back from rehab.  All that stimulation must have been good for her.

I am still keeping my weight down but eaten too many carbs and gotten my round muffin top all around!!!  Do not exercise enough except for yard work I guess.  Life is good!!  Linda says they will be in Reno in October and can I come down then.  I may be house hopping down there...not so sure but I guess I will go to San Diego for about six months, that is certain.

I have really enjoyed the bird bath Linda bought for me last year or the year before.  It is so fun to watch the birds, they really do like to bathe, especially the big fat robins.  They do it over and over and splash a lot!!  This is one of the Memorial Gardens Matt did for John after he died in 2004.  Matt gathered rocks from all over the yard and then filled it with dirt and I did the planting.  This year this one was very pretty, flowers popped up that had spread from all the rain we had I think.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Health Update

I was overdue for my annual exam and had not set it up yet with Dr. Nielsen in Susanville.  I had decided to leave the Seneca Hospital Group after not being able to be treated last fall.  But when I called Dr. Nielsen's office to give them the requested information the receptionist said they had a new system and no matter what I was told before I would have to get them two years of records and then the Dr. would decide if he would take me.  The last receptionist said all she needed was the date of last annual exam and Dr. Nielsen had told me, no problem, he would be glad to have me come back. I got nowhere with an explanation to the new receptionist so I hung up on her and called Seneca back.

Within the hour Seneca had called me back and I had an appointment with Dr.  Salehi, a new woman doctor.  I met with her on Friday and after looking at all my records which she had up on the computer on the wall, she sent me over for an EKG and had made an appointment with a cardiologist.  I felt like she really cared about me!!!

Surprisingly she called me at home after supper and asked about my status again and said it appears I had an incident sometime in the past and she made me promise that if I had the least problem breathing etc. that I would call 911 and not just sluff it off.   She called again to remind me of taking the baby aspirin every day.  So I thought about that night February 22 and wonder if that is when it happened.  I was sick for three weeks after!!!!   I wrote about that incident on March 14.

Today I went in for the complete blood test and urine analysis and tomorrow morning I see the cardiologist and Wednesday I see Dr. Salehi what is this all about?  We will see.

Yesterday I went to the Community Concert with Karin, Church was especially good.  I could not hear but one of the talks well.  Why don't people speak into the microphone???  And enunciate and speak with projection???  If I am the only one who can't hear I guess it does not matter but SS was good.  Bro Thurgood knows The Plan of Salvation very well and Kathy did a wonderful job on her lesson of tolerance and love for everyone.

Yesterday I learned that Will (across the street) had died on May 7.  His children are preparing to sell the house as "it will not be the same without Mom and Dad".  I think some of his children are hurting for money also.  It is free and clear.  Marilyn, who was a widow, also, and lived next to Will, died in April and her children are keeping the home in the family.

I will really miss Will, he was 91, but he was my "go to guy" for any inside or outside help I needed on my place.  And he loved helping.  Usually called me "Sweetheart".  He was missing his wife!!! I am glad I did finally go out to dinner with him before he left for the winter vacation with his sister. His son said he had gotten pneumonia in Texas and came back a different man than when he left.

That will be two homes across from me For Sale and also the vacant lot!!!!

Mother's Day 2017

I took this picture before I left for Church.  I had not slept a wink last night.  For some reason some times my mind gets going and I cannot shut it off.  Finally at 2 am I worked on Family Search until 3:30 am and then tried to sleep again.  Still could not sleep.  I got up and watched 3 episodes of the old Mary Tyler Moore show.  It was good.  Still could not sleep.  Why can't I turn my mind off???

I dressed and went to church anyway and the Duerkson family spoke.  The children are always refreshing and Melinda told about her Mom being an alchoholic but would leave home to drink rather than be around them.  Her father raised them and she has a close attachment to him.  She did say, however, that when her mother was there she always made them feel loved.  Poor Forest was so emotional as he told about his 9th place in a family of ten.  His mother cleaned at night and he never felt he saw enough of her but his brothers and sisters tended to him.  Still he always wanted to goto work with his Mom.  I have heard several of his family speak.  They all seem to be a close knit family with testimonies.  I have never seen the Mom but the father is as large as life and seems a very happy person.

I did not stay for SS and RS, too tired...anyway I had a nice dinner and talked or snapchatted with most of the family. I realized later that 5 of us went home after Sacrament Meeting, all for different reasons.  Karen is getting her house ready to sell!!!

I really am blessed with a wonderful family and posterity.  I had a very caring and happy upbringing but never expected more than I got from my wonderful mother but was always very hard on myself as not being a perfect mother.  But the proof is in the pudding.  I do have super great  children so hope I did not scar any of them too much.  Maria was so sensitive, she felt my imperfections the most.  She is a  very compassionate and caring person though so maybe she learned from my imperfections.  Who is to say?  Motherhood is a blessing but also a great challenge.  I was very blessed to be able to be a mother and Richard was a very loving father.  So many people want for children and yet are not able to have them for some reason.  It was fun being a mother while I was in 7th Ward, we did lots of Mom and children activities...none of us were working at that time.  How wonderful that we could all be stay at home Moms!!!!  A rarity in today's world.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Finally, Back to Normal

On the night of February 22 I was hot, and then chills and really feeling sick.  Yes, I did have a fever, first time in forever.  I was not sure I would make it through the night, I felt like my heart was giving out (over active imagination I guess but my blood pressure was sky high and I had the worst, worst headache ever) and I went to the clinic as soon as it opened.  Probably for the first time in my life I did not even have makeup or hair combed, I felt that bad.  He gave me a prescription for UTI and Sinus Infection and I know I had tendonitis in the knees as well as a back ache and that headache which went on and on.  I think the pain pills are worse for you than the suffering so I did not take any, and got rid of meds as soon as able.  I spent about three weeks in bed or on the couch, seldom dressed, went nowhere and now I am working outside 2 hours a day to start to do the spring clean up.

Yes, that is still snow in my yard, but I am cleaning where it has melted.

I am monitoring my work time because otherwise I will be so achy.  Saturday I cleaned both decks of all the winter muck and I could not even walk in the morning I was so sore.  Anyway I am 84 going on 25 the way I want to get things done but trying to go slow.  I may get the Handyman to do the bagging and disposal of waste, I will see.  I don't mind the raking as long as I don't overdue it.  The bagging is harder for me.  But since I have lost weight it is easier than it used to be.  I feel fairly good except for the knees and legs.  Today I got some compression sox and I think they help alot with the varicose veins.  And the knee stopped hurting.  See how I feel tomorrow.  I am an old lady but I do not want to just sit, sit, sit, but I love being home.  March Madness is starting and I will enjoy that.  Mostly in the day time I leave the tv off.  I love the quiet.  Although I did watch a series while I was sick and listen to a lot of books.  I did not want to move.  I think the antibiotic used on me for the last two years has caused the tendonitis, will talk to Dr. Nelsen about that.

I love living up here, I love getting the yard cleaned up, I just wish I could paint and do more of the things needed.  Oh, well, the sun is shining and I am finally feeling well!!!

I found out it was late April or May that I had my annual exam last year so I will schedule with Dr. Nelsen and see how he thinks I am doing and if he recommends anything.  I decided after several years of no regular Dr at the clinic but Dr. Tonya I need to go back to Dr. Nelsen and he is not at the clinic anymore.  So life moves on.

Somehow my computer tricked me and went over to Internet Explorer and everything Microsoft instead of Chrome and Google.  I do not even know when or how it happened.  I like some of the things and not others.  But I just ask Cortana to find Chrome and I am back to the way it was.  It is very strange.  Have not decided yet what to do about it.

I have learned how to edit the Instagram pictures and put in my Picasa and print out.  I love the way my little Brother printer prints out such nice pictures and uses little ink.  I have been sending them to Matt.  I finally bought a little scale and read the rules of usps mailing.  Letters should not be over 1/4 inch thick.  I have been mailing them thick with too much postage.  I wonder if they get to him.  I will do better now.

This is a status letter for me.  I have worked 4 1/2 hrs on the fire prevention cleanup so far and I still have much to do, I will keep better track this year.  Actually last year Matt did most of it, I just did the back lot.

Today I watched the Kings/Heat game from last night.  Since I had not heard the outcome I was pleasantly surprised. They won!  The Kings are Baaack--lots of new young ones who looked great!!!!

Oh, yes, I washed my lettuce really well this week and actually iced it and everything, it has been crisp all week. Love that.  Marilyn thinks it is the lettuce that made me sick...not sure about that.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Snow, Snow, Snow

Today we took a walk in the snow and it was so beautiful.

I stopped by the wall of snow from the snowplows and it is way above my head already.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Monday, November 21, 2016

Family Comes First!

Today as I was headed for the gate to take me out of the Club I saw a really sweet and powerful thing that I had never seen before. Momma Deer was standing right in the road watching her four does cross from one side of the road to the other.   Nothing new there, but then I see another figure off to the right.  A big deer, with huge antlers...must be Daddy. and then they both, the Momma and the Daddy Deer stood and faced me head on and stood their ground until all the does were safely across the street and into the woods and then Momma Deer turned and followed them and eventually Daddy Deer let me continue on my way!

I should have taken a video!!!!

Friday, October 14, 2016

And the Beat Goes On...All about the Septic

It is a rainy day and the tarp put over the septic covers did no good, the wells were filled with water.   "No problem," said Vince, the Sanitation man, we have tools.  So two hours later my septic wells are all clean and I should not have to do anything for another seven years, not three years or five years, but seven!!!  I could see  all the muck and paper when he was working.  It was full but he said the problem is how it is constructed inside, something needed to be a foot longer or so.  So it was not anything I was doing wrong except 11 years was a little too long before getting it pumped.  Oh, yes, and he said it did not have to be inspected every year and definitely, "Do not put any Ridex, etc. down the toilets!"  It is does not need anything, he said.

Then he said they could put the risers on on Monday.  He would have Stephanie call me.  But then I got to thinking about the guys who did the work yesterday and they suggested I call Greg about doing the risers.  They were the ones that rushed out to help me so quickly shouldn't they have the job?  I called Greg's office and again the gal (wife? secretary?) wanted Greg to talk to me.  He convinced me they wanted to do it and it would cost more but they should use the better lids.  The plastic ones that Vince uses are too flimsy, children can actually stand on them and they break.  So I said I would let them take care of it and I called Stephanie and told her the same.  He said they had to order the lids today and it would be done middle of next week.  It always costs to use Greg but hasn't he always done a superb job and he is very kind and helpful.  I loved the way they trimmed all my trees when I first moved here.

So there goes the rest of the tax money I had saved.  Guess I will have to use a charge card to pay my taxes...bummer.

2/21/17  To be remembered for Spring.  For some reason Greg did not respond, after calls and a letter so in the spring, call Westwood and get this finished!!!  Nathan did cover with plywood so hopefully it did not damage the septic too much to go through the winter uncovered.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Frustrations of Life

It seems ironic that I, who always appreciated having someone take care of me has had to take care of myself for 20 years now!  Still I don't mind reaching out for help when it is near. Fortunately most guys are very helpful.  The last few days have been frustrating to say the least.  I could not get in to see a doctor in Chester or Westwood.  The Walk In Clinics are closed!  There is only one doctor taking on new patients and all my doctors are gone!!!  What is going on?  I finally had to go to the Emergency Room in Susanville and it appears I am not the only one from my area to do so.  They asked if I was one of Dr. Ward's patients.  He has left. Tonya has left and Dr. Nielsen is now head of the Clinic in Susanville and Dr. Natali, my first and longest Dr, is in Westwood but not taking any new patients!!!

I was in the system though because of the tetanus shot Michael and I decided I needed and because Dr. Nielsen sent me there to get images of the arteries in my legs.  I got very good service and they referred me to Dr. Nielsen for follow up.  I really liked him as a Dr. so I think I will just ask if I can come back to him as my regular Dr, even if he is in Susanville.

Then today I spent about an hour trying to flush my toilet.  Finally I went across the street to see if Will had a snake.  He brought it over and tried.  No luck.  Then he tried the snake in the pipe under the house.  It was too short.  All this took about 3 hours and then he said we needed to go rent a roto router but we couldn't find any place to rent it.  So next stop is call a plumber.  I did not call the one who put in my water heater, too expensive.  But I found a nice little ad and called Womack (Brent) and they came immediately and cleaned it out in no time and told me to call Westwood Sanitation as I needed to get my septic pumped asap!!!

The problem is my septic is cement and it is buried so someone has to dig down to it first and that will cost $225...the two boys that came to my rescue today will also get $140 for their work and the pumping will cost $450.  There goes the money I had saved for taxes.

It seems I am a very poor home owner.  I should have been putting Ridex down my toilets.  After eating an early supper  at Burger Depot (they are closing for the winter tomorrow) with Marianne I went to Holiday and ran into my favorite fireman, who used to be my neighbor and was always so helpful..He said I should be doing the Ridex once a month and have my septic pumped every three to five years.  If I knew this I forgot...But he said if I am putting bleach in my laundry I am just wasting my money with the Ridex so I guess I stop putting bleach in my wash and just do the Ridex.  Everyone seems to know the man who has the only Sanitation company in town.  His name is Vince and he will tell me what I should be doing for sure!!!!  And what I have down wrong.

Poor Will cleaned out a lot of stinky glunk into a bucket and had to take it to his house to flush down.  He is worried about his heart.  He is on medicine that costs $1000 a month and waiting to get in to see his heart doctor.  He is very concerned though\ because sometimes his heart pumps so loud.  He is anxious to see the doctor and find out what is the problem and get on his way to Texas where he and his sister spend the winter and just have fun taking little excursions everywhere.  Will is 90 years old and should not be aggressively helping me with my problems but he is always so willing, I must not ask him anymore.  He will be leaving shortly so I will be on my own then for sure.

Oh, yes, when I was trying to get the toilet fixed I accidentally knocked over my pills and two days worth went in the toilet so now I probably won't get well!!!!!

Why is life so frustrating and running a home so darned expensive????

Aha, it is almost 5 AM and I have been up since 2--I can get so much done at this time when my mind is working and all is quiet.  So I found I had the septic inspected in '99 when I bought the house and in 2005 it was inspected and pumped and I do have the map of where it is for Westwood Sanitation.  I had Indian Septic do it in 2005, a lot cheaper!  So I missed having it done in 2010, so it is definitely overdue!!!!

I also vacuumed up all the debris from outside.  We have all the cone petals falling from the trees and the wind sends it to the porch and steps and with all the running in and out of the house yesterday it was all over my rugs.

Greg T brought back my big blower and he had put on a new plug and it works!!!!  Yea, I could get rid of all that stuff on my lot now if I want to...I wish I had bought a longer red cord, I should have gotten the 100 feet at least, bummer.

So, amazing how many guys have been in my life this week, helping me do all that needs to be done. Even the computer input at Banner Hospital was a guy.

And in my searching and cleaning out of my files I found I had my annual physical in April of this year so not due till April of 2017.  I am putting it here so I have it on record because I will forget.

Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Winter Will Be ? Summer was Hotter...

Summer Weather Recap / Autumn Outlook – from Dale Knutsen
"Summer in the Lake Almanor basin was dominated by our typical dry conditions with only a few brief episodes of scattered thunderstorms or sprinkles. The combined recorded rainfall for the three month period from July through September only amounted to 0.77 inch at the Prattville monitoring site. It is not unusual to have even less during that period, even though the long-term average accumulation for those months would be a little over an inch.
Summer temperatures were a little on the warm side, especially August. The average lows and highs for July were about a half degree warmer than the norm. August was substantially hotter, with our average low coming in 2.5 degrees above the long-term figure and our average high running 3.8 degrees hotter. Things settled down a bit in September when our average low was 0.3 degree cooler than the norm and our average high was 1.1 degrees warmer.
The weather prognosticators haven’t come across any clear indicators of what we should anticipate for autumn and winter. Water temperature patterns in the Pacific are an important influence on west coast weather, but there are no strong El Nino or La Nina effects apparent at this time. That leaves the weather models (and forecasters) in an ambiguous state where there are approximately equal chances of a wet season, a dry season or something in between. All of which makes your guess as good as that of a professional!"

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Farewell Summer!

The summer is gone, it was too short but very nice.  We did not have any storms but I was able to keep everything watered.  I think the Jack Rabbit I see around has eaten most everything he can though.  That is not good.  I will have to find something that he does not like I guess.  I have learned how to pace myself and only do certain things on certain days so I do not overdo.

I especially enjoyed having the bird bath in perfect view from the patio window so I often caught birds enjoying it.  Of late there have been two huge pileated woodpeckers, supposed to be the largest woodpeckers in the world, hanging around the bird bath and the two trees.  In reading about them I find they like carpenter ants and dead trees and like to make nests.  If they eat all the carpenter ants around here that will be a big plus.

I spent July with my house shut up and the humidifier on because I was so congested and I figured the allergies were bad and then I started this "ban the bloat" diet and had to give up dairy.  Voila, my congestion cleared up after a few weeks without dairy so I am making that a part of my lifestyle, too.  I like all the soups I have been making and good food I have been eating.  Even eating steel oats for breakfast now and almond milk and enjoying it with all the fresh berries I buy each week.

I have also been doing more walking, which Sadie loves, and I lost about 10 lbs, so that is good.   Actually that means I have lost about 40 of the 50 lbs I gained after joining Richard in the mortgage business in 1980.   Feeling great, still need to get more off the waistline if possible.
Last night I could not get to sleep so I kept listening to the Ron Chernov history book "Alexander Hamilton" and finally finished it.  It was very enjoyable and I will not remember it but the musical helps to remember the important parts.  Glad I got to meet Eliza, his wife, she was a very choice person.  It is very disillusioning to realize how imperfect men are, politicians especially, so egotistical and power hungry and jealous of each other.  No wonder we can never get it right as far as our country is concerned.

The other book I finished was Elin Hilderbrand's "The Blue Bistro".  She writes summer romance novels all taking place in Nantucket, but she is really a good writer.  How she can come up with so many different stories is only amazing but I have liked every book I have read, which is at least 6 or 7 of them.  There are about another eight or so to go and she looks young so will probably keep writing.  I have read a lot of other books this summer but I have not listed them all.  Actually I do not read them, I listen to them on Library to Go on the App Overdrive.  Love it.

I do not understand why I get so many drafts of what I am writing.  I will have to look at it tomorrow when I am not so tired.

Thursday, September 15, 2016


This pot of succulents has made it all through summer with no breakage, no hail storms, so it has remained beautiful.  

Yesterday I peaked out at the deck and there was a huge face peeking at me through these deck pickets.  It was a huge deer with antlers and it looked like he was ready to make lunch of my pretty succulents.  I shooshed him away fast.  He had huge antlers, too.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Linda Was Here!!!

Had  a whirlwind week with Linda here and loved every minute, there was the Republican Convention  to watch, beautiful weather, and lots to eat.  When Linda comes she always jumps in and does what needs to be done, and there is always something that needs to be done!!  This pic is just before we left for Reno to take her home.  

While she was here more groceries were bought, carpets were cleaned, the front steps stained, Venetian blinds actually taken down and washed and windows cleaned, new mailbox mounted, two loads of yard waste taken to the dumps, Sadie taken for a loooong walk, and we went out to eat at Happy Garden, her treat.  Wow, how did so much get done????
We also had lots of fun conversation, the one thing I miss when I am alone.  Now my fridge is full and I am catching up on paper work, sleep, and reading.

While Linda was here, more lilies bloomed, but I wonder why were so many lilies bare of a bloom at all?  I have used the deer repellent a lot!

But I noticed some other things besides the lilies low down were eaten and today I saw one of those ugly jack rabbits hop out of the yard. They must be eating some things when Sadie does not see them.

Wish I had their pix, they are so ugly, not the cute little bunny types who hop around Marilyn's yard.

One thing that has been a problem is the umbrella on my porch.  Matt figured out why the other umbrella stand would not work on it, so I had Linda help put it back under the picnic table umbrella and on the way home from the airport I dashed in to see if Rite Aid had any stands and lucky me, there was one left and it was on sale for $15.

Now after the summer is almost over the umbrella can stand without moving the table around, and the table can be used for eating, yea!!!

Hard to see, but the bird bath has been getting lots of action, saw a huge blue bird take a very leisurely bath one day.  I should learn their names.

While Linda was here, I had a long talk with Jeanne at Treeo and she loves it there!!!  How great.

Saturday, July 09, 2016

The Unforgiving Computer

The young man who traded his skills to teach me the computer in exchange for our office to use the loan processing program  he was trying to get public used to say to me, "Janet, the computer is unforgiving, now listen to me!" (1985)

Yet, again, I find out how unforgiving it is...I wake up around midnight to take Sadie out and could not get back to sleep so I worked on my newest blog--The San Diego Scene Part 2.

I was already frustrating on finding the pictures I wanted but I worked for two hours on finding them and adding them and editing my text only to find none of it had been saved!!!

Now, I thought it automatically saved a draft when you forgot to do that, but evidently not...

Friday, July 08, 2016

Thanks for the Memories...

Sadie woke me up at 3:30 this morning and wanted out for a minute so I came in to work on the computer and ended up reading John's Web Page and Memoir.  I am so glad Maria taught me how to do blogs in 2005 so I can do all these blogs.  About a 1000 had viewed his Web and over 800 on his Memoir.  John was such an interesting person with so many passions, as his friend told me, passions he actually carried out doing.

There were other things I was thinking I was thankful for this morning and the last few days.  I am so thankful I was taught not to smoke or drink, what a gift that has been in my life, to never be tempted and not have it interfere with my life, my health, so not needed.  Never wanted drugs or pills, etc in my life either, so thankful for that.  I was also thinking how blessed we were in the 40s and 50s to associate with friends who did not have to use the foul language so prevalent today, with friends who really enjoyed dancing and dating and picnics and horse back riding and all kinds of activities that did not include foul language, drinking, drugs, etc.  We had no tv either, but we did have lots of fun.

I am so thankful for the many opportunities I have had over the years to have responsible leadership and teaching roles, helped to learn so much that I have needed to carry on by myself, to keep my faith, to stay sane, to stay self-sufficient and carry on and recognize truth. 

I am so thankful for this lovely home and yard to work in, the quiet, the peace I always wanted,yes, it is work but thankfully I am able to handle it with a little help from my friends and family.

I appreciate my good car, my ability to work on the computer and carry out so many tasks I have set for myself, I appreciate that I understand a few techy things and can enjoy listening to so many books and appreciate good music and documentaries, always more things to do than I have time for.  I seldom need to leave my house and yet I am never bored.  I need to force myself to walk more, I just do not like to get out and do that much to Sadie's sadness. 

Learning the computer in 1985

I am thankful for my Smart phone that James and Camber provide, it is really a joy to communicate with my sisters and children and see their pictures and keep up with them a little.  I wish they shared more but everyone is so busy, I know.

I am thankful I am healthy at the moment and enjoying doing things.

A few years ago with Bandido.

I am especially thankful for the special people I have known in my life that have given me so much in the way of friendship, learning, wisdom, so many people I have appreciated.


I am thankful for my family, so many people have no one in their life, I may live alone, but I am not alone and I am so grateful for that.  Wish everyone kept their blogs going or used instagram, and I knew how to get pictures to my computer, everything is always changing...


I am glad I have enjoyed the pursuit of family history over the years, such a blessing in my life, always something to do, never bored with that.

Great Grandfather Benjamin Lillywhite

What has been frustrating me is photos, I can never find the photos I want and I am not sure if I scanned them or just can't find them, so frustrating Google...  Photos is definitely a frustration in my life at the moment.  But mostly life is good.  Thanks, God, for good family, friends, and memories.

Thursday, July 07, 2016

Beautiful Weather and Books

I am enjoying getting up early and watering and watching the lilies bloom.  Just hope the deer won't chomp at them.  I was surprised to see a deer had moved the wires around the little bushes to get at some of the branches two days in a row but did not take a try at the lilies.  Perhaps the spray I use on them really works!

Just finished another book by Mary Kubica.  She writes thrillers, no doubt about that, I just have to keep listening even if it is late at night or I am cleaning or whatever.  What would I do without my books.

It is time to start summarizing all those black books on my shelves and finish my life, once and for all.  I wonder if I am up to it.  I was looking at the years 81 to 90 for the dividend I should have received from the stores as Carole and Marilyn said.  I do not remember it and I can find no reference to it at all...and as I read through some of the letters, I could not remember very much of what I read. However, I do have some vivid learning memories about the loan business which I never wrote down so now is the time.  Why does it matter, it matters to me, that is why.  It is write about the Business...

John Hardy Memorial Hike 2015

My Life So Far