The Hardy family in years gone by.
On Memorial morning Maria called and said she would go with me to El Camino Memorial where Richard is buried. Kelsi and Jimmy decided they wanted to go also and Matt was with Maria so we five started out.
When we arrived I told Maria to turn on the wrong road and we couldn't find the gravesite. Then a nice lady comes up on her cart and says she can help. Another person had given us a free flag when we entered. So nice of everyone!
The final result of our efforts--with flag and flowers and a clean marker not encroached upon by grass...
The helpers pose as the nice lady calls to check on where the burial plot is.
The nice lady showed us where the plot was and then got her tools to help edge the marker and clean it off.
Matt dug up the vase, Janet filled it with water and Maria brought the roses to fill the vase.
After the marker was all edged and cleaned, the roses placed in the vase, and flag planted, Maria took my picture by the grave.
While I was looking at some of the graves near Richard's (Jack Hansen, Bob Black, etc) Thad and Judy Pugmire and their children were at Judy's Mom's grave. Aileen had been a friend of mine and my Relief Society president. I had forgotten she had died so young. Judy was my children's babysitter when we lived in Pacific Beach and lived in 7th Ward. She was such a great baby sitter!
The nice lady even stayed to take our picture. I have been to the gravesite many times but have never had the service we had on Memorial Day. It was very nice.
Maria and Matt took Kelsi over to the hill where many children are buried. There are always balloons and windmills and colorful markers. It is sad to know so many children die so young.
Richard died too young also. We all miss him.