Monday, August 25, 2008

If I Knew You were Coming, I'd Have Baked a Cake!...

...was a song from my youth.
Well, we did know she was coming and I did bake a cake. It was called Italian Cream Cake in honor of Maria coming back from her "educational trip" to Italy. While looking in my journal I found this about Maria's patriarchal blessing experience which I was able to share with her.
It was really a beautiful blessing. He (Patriarch) asked me if I knew what a choice person she is!
Maria hadn't slept for 36 hours but looked relaxed and managed a big smile before Melissa took off for college in Chico.
A fond farewell to Melissa before she embarks off to Butte College.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

New Proposed Location for Solomon's Temple

For those of you who might be concerned about the Temple being built in Jerusalem before the Second Coming of Christ, there is very interesting news. As you probably know, there has been concern about disturbing the Dome of the Rock, the magnificent Muslim mosque, to restore Solomon's temple.
However, a team was sent to Jerusalem last April to research the Temple Mount and surrounding area. I won't list who they were and all their credentials but they had them. And they came up with a new proposed location of where the Temple was and there is nothing on it to prevent the Temple being restored!
Unfortunately more research is still needed. At present, most on-site research is strictly prohibited. Additional careful measurements need to be made. Nevertheless, the evidence is much more solid than anything for other proposed locations, much of which is based on groundless speculation. It definitely appears that some ancient building stood there, and it is about the right size, shape and orientation to have been Solomon's temple.
Evidence has been presented for the location of Solomon's temple having been situated between the existing Dome of the Rock and dome of the Tablets. If this location is indeed correct, then the exact location and orientation have been pinpointed in a place where no building currently stands. Thus the temple could be restored there without impacting the Dome of the Rock in any way.
To read the full article with pictures and all details and specifics, go to Meridian Magazine and read the article with the same name as this blog.

Nightmare! Nightmare!

Wow, am I ever glad that nightmare is over!!!
The last thing I read before I went to bed is that Barack Obama had chosen Sen. Biden as his running mate and I had thought, "Did he ever shoot himself in the foot, I can't believe it." Sen Biden, to me, has always been one of the most unlikable Senators there is. What are they thinking? Good for McCain, anyway.

Then I had this nightmare where I went to work for him and the work conditions were so appalling. I was just admiring this other woman who very cleverly told him what she thought of the "office" and I was thinking, "Why can't I speak up like that?" Then, thank heaven, I woke up.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Mitch was the Man today!

Mitch came up and we made two trips to the creek for river rock. I am hoping this will be enough to finish the patio, yea!!!
Then he climbed the roof and cleaned it off plus cleaning out all the gutters, big job!!!
Then he loaded the last wood I have to the deck...I have been promised more wood coming from the guys at church. Last year I was totally empty when they filled my bin also.
But he wasn't finished yet! He started digging five holes for me to put my white birch trees that I am ordering. This is so that when you look out my dining room you see fluttering pretty leaves rather than somebody else's deck. when you dig holes here you have to keep filling them with water and dig over a period of weeks. It is almost solid rock!
While I was outside I discovered the deer have been in one of my enclosed gardens which makes me wonder why do I have a wire fence around them? I watched a mama deer leap in and later leap out with beautiful the only ones not able to get in easily now are the baby deer and me. The squirrels also jump on the fence and then in. Frustration.
Anyway we did good today and I really appreciated all of Mitch's hard work! Thank you, Mitch.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Summer Under the Stars

This has been a delightful summer of excellent movies from TCM. They have been having "Summer Under the Stars" and feature movies for one movie star for one or more days. I record them and then watch at my leisure. By turning on my TV in the living room and bedroom I can get my whole house cleaned while watching a good movie.

And I can't say too much about the wonderful movies of the 40's--the old black and whites and then some of the 50's. Last week I enjoyed Kim Novak. She was an idol of mine for her looks. This week it has been Greer Garson.
She is one special lady and supposedly has the most beautiful voice in movies. She has always been an idol of mine in the way she carries herself, the way she speaks. Yesterday I watched "Random Harvest" a truly romantic film of WWII.

It just seems the movies of the 40's have so much more depth and personify the best and worst in all of us which such clarity. They also leave a lot to the imagination, which is always best, I think.

Billy Joel - Uptown Girl

Yesterday I saw an intriguing article on 10 musical videos that had been made by musical star couples when they were "together" who later broke up.
Most of them were trash as far as I was concerned but I really enjoyed "Billy Joel - Uptown Girl". It was made in 1983 when Billy Joel and Christy Brinkly were a couple and he takes the part of a mechanic in a garage and she drives up with her chauffeur in a fancy car and gets out and does a dance with him and the other mechanics. He was young and small then and she was a classy model.
It is worth the watch and listen but the embedding was removed so you have to go to You Tube and put in Billy Joel-Uptown Girl to enjoy.

Monday, August 18, 2008

News from Italy

In view of Maria's experiences I was interested in this news out of Italy today!
No sandcastles please, you're in Italy
Mon Aug 18, 8:59 AM ET
When in Capri, don't wander off the beach in a bikini. If you go to the sea in Eraclea, near Venice, remember that building sandcastles is forbidden. And don't even think about mowing your lawn at the weekend in Forte dei Marmi.
Emboldened by a nationwide crackdown on crime and a government decree giving them extra law-and-order powers, Italian mayors have issued a string of often bizarre by-laws to enhance "public decorum."
Public displays of affection in a car can earn you a fine of up to 500 euros ($745) in Eboli, feeding pigeons is off-limits in the centre of Lucca while in Novara groups of more than two people are forbidden from lounging around in parks at night.
Italian newspapers have dubbed this year's holiday season "the summer of bans." But this week one town hall was forced to acknowledge things may have gone too far.
Rodrigo Piccoli, 33, called national radio to protest after he was fined 50 euros for lying down in a park in the northern city of Vicenza to read a book. The mayor has since promised to drop the ban.

Happy Birthday, John

August 18th, the anniversary of John's birth. Richard and I were living in a small apartment in Pacific Beach when John was born. We were very happy. Here is an excerpt from my journal written in December 1960:
John Eric is waking. I'll leave him till he cries for me, he seems to enjoy his crib and looking at the bunnies--probably even babies enjoy a little privacy. He's 3 1/2 months old now and so very alert and active. He weighs around 14 lbs. and is 25" long-- a husky fellow who laughs and smiles for everyone. Most people think he is older and I do believe he was about 3 weeks past due when he was born. He was due July 27th and not born till August 18th. Even then I had uteri inertia and they had to take him caesarean. The doctor says I should have only two more babies and have them two years apart. I'm not sure how much confidence I have in Dr. Shephard though, even if he is a Mormon. I may change next time. Baby John wants me now, he doesn't cry much, just fusses to tell you things. He always lets me know when he's messed his pants so guess he'll be a particular boy about his clothes!! Funny fellow, he's almost back to sleep again--he sleeps much more lately it seems. Yesterday he had his casts removed that he had worn for 3 weeks to tighten his heel cord. It was not serious and looks much better. We received our processed roll of film back. I'm so anxious to see our first movies--hope we really keep a good movie record of our children.
December 7, 1960 Poor John is feverish and unhappy today. He had his second polio shot yesterday and it has affected him. I've been getting a few things ready for Christmas--I'm so anxious to get a tree up, the wrapped packages look so pretty. Saturday we bought our projector and screen. We've shown our Thanksgiving film over and over. I never tire of looking at baby John, I believe he is such a sweetie. I never dreamed I could have such a darling, lovable baby.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


OK, I took the challenge, this is not word doesn't say it.
Where is your cell phone?.........................PURSE?
Your significant other?...............................CARING
Your hair?.........................................60’s
Your mother?...................................KIND
Your father?....................................GENTLE
Your favorite thing?.............................MOVIES
Your dream last night........................HAZY
Your favorite drink................................WATER
Your dream/goal..............................JOY
The room you're in..........................OFFICE
Your children?...................................AMAZING
Your fear?.......................................POVERTY
Where do you want to be in 6 years?.............HERE
Where were you last night?.........................HERE
What you're not?....................................SOCIAL
One of your wish list items?.........................MONEY
Where'd you grow up?................................MONTANA
What'd you read last?......................... THE MEDIATOR
What are you wearing?.........................WRAPAROUND
Your TV?......................................COMPANION
Your pet?.................................FOLLOWER
Your computer?...............................NECESSARY
Your life?.....................................PLEASANT
Your mood?................................GRATEFUL
Missing someone?............................RICHARD
Your car?.........................................OUTBACK
Something you're not wearing?..................UNDIES
Favorite store?..............................COLDWATER CREEK
Your summer?....................................LOVELY
Like someone?.....................................FAMILY
Your favorite color?................................RED
Last time you laughed................................KARAOKE
Last time you cried?.....................................TESTIMONY

Friday, August 08, 2008

Just Kate!

Great Grandbaby Kate is a delightful child and Kristi is such a great Mom. Kate really enjoys being with everybody and is busy, busy, busy all the time. She usually won't look in the camera but I caught her four times here, just couldn't get her to smile.
Looks like she is always eating but she is a good eater. Cute, cute, cute. Every day's a good day for Kate!

Looking Good!!!

The Pulsipher children stopped at the river last night after their supper and brought the rocks over this morning and I couldn't resist going out and working on it.
Then Gary, Tanner, Linda and I did one more run and I have it this far tonight!!! I can't believe it after 4 years it is almost finished!!!
The Pulsiphers have really been super about giving so much time to gathering river rocks--thank you, thank you, thank you.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Fun on the Lake and Happy Anniversary!

Linda and Gary have been married 26 years today. Wow, if Richard were alive, we would have been married 49 years!! Anyway they went to Dianna's at the Club for prime rib and said it was good. Hard to believe how quickly life passes by.

 Today I was on the boat with them while they did their wakeboarding. They are all so good and it was quite smooth. Great lake and it was beautiful as always!! I took a lot of videos but haven't figured out how to put them on my computer yet???

 Tonight Kelly, Craig, Amy, Sarah, and Tanner all sang karaoke at Teen Karaoke. That was entertaining. I am always amazed how many want to sing and dance and how few are really talented. Makes you appreciate to pros but it was fun. The kids had made cake for their parents so we finished off the day with that. Nice day!!
Oh, yes, I worked from 6 to 8 am putting down the rocks they brought me yesterday. A little back breaking for an old lady but keeps me young I guess.

River Rock Patio

The patio is almost half done!! And it is looking great. The Pulsiphers have made about three trips to the creekbed--(only need about 200 more). Oh well, Matt first starting digging the area out 4 years ago so if it takes a little more time, that is ok, I am patient.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Summer Concert and Work on the Patio!

Every Sunday night in the summer there is a music under the stars.

But first comes a surprise!  Before Matt leaves with his truck to go back to Reno late Sunday afternoon it looks like my patio is getting a little closer.

Gary somehow finangled some sand from a landscaping place and everyone helped shovel it out and smooth it in my area. 

Pizza Time on Tuesday night.

After pizza at Taratino's they all helped gather some rocks from the river. I can see it will take me years though because a car full of rocks really doesn't go very far!

I really appreciate Gary going to all the effort to find sand before Mike took his truck back to Reno and everyone helping so much. Thank you, thank you, Pulsiphers and Stewarts!

Friday, August 01, 2008


When I came to San Diego to teach in 1956 one of the first places we went was Tijuana to shop. When my parents came that summer we also went across. In fact, all of the tourists that visited us went to Tijuana. It was a fun place to go in those days.
We also had exchanges with the Tijuana ward and ate down there with them and they with us. Each Christmas we would have a ward drive for Toys for Tijuana and this would go to the ward and also to the orphanage there.
I just read an article in the Washington Post about the severe Aids epidemic in Tijuana--one in every 125 people has aids from prostitution and drug use. But it says Aids is a hitchhiker into the United States with the many that go back and forth across the border. Just another "signs of the times" and very sad. Richard loved the Mexican people and enjoyed helping them whenever he could. We always had them as day workers in our home and often as yard workers. It is sad to read this.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Today I was educating myself by watching documentaries and became fascinated with all the money being spent on the buildings for the Olympics. Who decides what is enough or too much, is something I have always wondered? 1000 welders had to be trained to do the 15 months of welding for the Birdnest!
Then there is the Bubble building that is also intricate and expensive. Evidently the Chinese want to have something that no one has done before and it is costing plenty!! But in a world full of needs should money be spent like this on the Olympics? It has become a competiveness between countries and I think it has gone too far.
On the opposite end of spending money is the Duggar family who started out doing everything for themselves and even built a 7000 square foot home that is debt free. On their website you learn about financial freedom and their philosophy on having children. They are really living christian values. She even homeschools!!! Totally unselfish. They are always being asked if they are Mormon or Catholic and they are neither! Interesting story on their website.
Since they have become famous though, I am sure there is lots of income from appearances and photoshoots. Good for them, they will be interesting to watch as the children continue to grow up. They reminded me of the Packard family as far as organization and all the children being responsible for each other and sharing the load. Amazing parents is all I can say!!!
And last but not least, news of the day, is that BYU is the Most Socially Conservative school of the top 368 colleges in America!!! Yea for BYU!
Oh, and one more thing I learned today is how to make Wendy's Frosty, which has always been a favorite of mine. The formula is twice as much milk as Nestle's Quik and three times as much ice cream as milk. Umm, yummy!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

'Come See the Paradise'

Tonight I watched a very provocative film about World War II and the civil rights that were taken away from the Japanese Americans. It was shameful and a great mistake. The movie is 'Come See the Paradise' and was filmed in 1990 with Dennis Quaid and supposedly is very factual as to events and places, etc.
The movie had a sweet love story woven throughout the fact based movie but the treatment of the Japapanese Americans was really sickening and sad to watch. It would not make you proud to be an American.
I was so young in WWII I have really never known many of the horrible facts of events before, during, and after the war and am always anxious to learn more.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Mediterranean Trip

Linda asked me today where we went on our Mediterranean Trip and I must admit I couldn't really remember the names of the places so I had to do a memory check with my slides. It was such a fantastic trip, how can I not remember every minute is a mystery but mind is a mystery to me at this age.
I am so glad I have it all recorded on my blog and have the pix on Picasa Web and can read about it all and also have a memory book with lots of pictures and data. I am lucky that when I can do nothing else but look at pictures I will still be able to recall the wondrous days of my life.

Observation about Saturday Night

"Saturday Night is the Loneliest Night of the Week" was a song written during World War II about the gals left at home while their boyfriends are off to war. I know most of the words.
Anyway tonight as I was observing that I seldom get emails on Saturday night or Friday night either, I was thinking it is because most people obviously have something better to do than sit at their computer!!! Woe is me...

Pioneer Day

I just watched the Pioneer Concert from the LDS Conference Center with the Mormon Tabernacle Choice and the Osmonds. It was excellent.
This was the final stop on the Osmonds 50th Anniversary World Tour. On the very last number which was "I Believe" the two brothers who are hearing impaired "signed" the song. It was very touching.
The Osmonds have gone through a lot from that beginning on the Andy Williams Show 50 years ago (which they showed), and they really are an amazing family. Marie looked amazing with her slim Nutri-system body.
If you missed it, I am sure it will be shown again on the BYU Channel!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Living Well and Living Fully

"We don't beat the reaper by living longer, we beat the reaper by living well and living fully." This quote from Randy Pausch, who died today at 47 from pancreatic cancer, is worth remembering and living.
Randy Pausch was the professor at Carnegie Mellon whose "Last Lecture" and book of the same name became a best seller and the lecture is very popular on YouTube. He lived a full life, all of his life and made a difference in other people's life.
I became interested in him because of the pancreatic cancer. When I was working at Choice Mortgage there were five young men in our extended circle of appraisers, loan officers, title officers, real estate officers, etc. who had this pancreatic cancer and all in their mid 40's. It seemed so odd to me and evidently this Randy wanted more research done on pancreatic cancer and donated funds for such because it is not exactly clear what causes it and very difficult to cure.
In the first video Randy states he originally did the last lecture, not for the 400 watching at Mellon College, but for his three children who will watch it someday. In the second video he states he waited until 39 to marry because he had never found anyone until then whose happiness meant more to him than his own and then he picks her up and carries her off the stage.
Both videos are worth taking the time to watch and learn from. I hope you enjoy your life all of your life and live your dreams each day.

Monday, July 21, 2008

California Pizza Barbeque Chicken Salad

Once again I tried one of the recipes out of the "Insider's Recipe Book" I keep on my desktop and sent to you all. Yes, Maria, there were a lot of ingredients I had to buy and I was still out of black beans so went without them but I tried the California Pizza 'Barbeque Chicken Salad' and it was really good.
Instead of mixing all the ingredients together for the salad part, I kept them in separate dishes and just did a 'pile on' salad. That way I can have salad over several days. Marjorie came on Sunday and she liked it as well.
I couldn't make my barbeque turn on easily (I am a whimp) so I just did oven barbequeing of the chicken but it was still great.
Anyway, love that book. Going to try the Big Boy's Strawberry Pie (used to be one of our favorites back in the good ole days) and it uses a can of 7-up!! And Maria, there is a recipe for funnel cake.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Mysteries of My Simple Life

Those birds I thought were geese are actually some game playing crows and they had a conference in my backyard so I know for sure. They appear to chase each other through the trees and call to each other and their caw is a very noisy, very irritating sound, in fact. I need to get a bird book, I am getting so many different kinds of birds bathing in my bird baths.
Another strange thing. I have been having fun making tootsie rolls and trying to make them without having them sugar or get too hard, etc. The recipe calls for the milk to be added after the candy has been removed from the fire. Today I forgot and put it in with the sugar, cocoa etc. Strangely it totally changed the texture, though the ingredients were the same. The candy became hard like a lollipop instead of chewy. Does anyone understand why?

What's New in Lake Almanor?

Lots of new and large and expensive homes, that is what's new. What a lot of building has gone on...and the lavish landscaping, makes my feeble efforts look very puny. Lake Almanor Country Club is truly becoming a rich man's playground...good thing I am happy to stay in my own backyard with my own set of marbles.
I took some old clothes to the thrift store at the Fire Station and then wandered back on Peninsula to the market. The tennis courts have a store that has cute clothes and other fun things to buy. The food wagon has a big presence at the swimming hole. The place the Pulsiphers have rented (hope it went through) is really fantastic and no one was staying here this week. The Kodiak restaurant has been purchased by someone new and is supposed to be very good called the Q or something like that. The eatery at the miniature golf course is bragging to be the best hamburgers in town.
The boat docks seemed filled with summer boaters but the lake still looks empty. Saw several fisherman in boats by the bridge the other day near Chester. It has not been too hot, in fact in the mid 40's at 6 in the morning but warms up to the 70's quite quickly and in the 80's if you stand in the sun. Beautiful for visitors.
Haven't been to any of the concerts yet but I can hear them and everyone seems happy with them. Monday night dances at the clubhouse are popular I guess but dinner is too expensive for my budget even on that night, $17. Dinner's at Dianna's (clubhouse) are in the $22 to & $29 range for those who want a lush night out other nights of the week. The Peninsula Market has changed hands and is really looking good plus has lots of deli sandwiches and salads as well as terrific looking meat for barbequing. Expensive but nice. As I say it is really getting to be the playground of the rich. Just saw a lakeside lot for sale for $1,300,000 and that is just for the lot!!!!
I am also hearing the honking of geese in my area which I do not remember before. Usually they are down a little closer to the lake. Really noisy. Seems to take a pass or two and then move on and quiet is restored.
Anyway things are looking very prosperous around here. Dyer Mountain Ski/Sun Project is still in foreclosure but they are saying they are just dealing with investors and it is still a go... I am hoping, of course, it never goes. There has already been too much change since I moved here 9 years ago. On the road down to Peninsula Market from Clifford there is another "lots for sale" project as more and more homes are built for the summer crowd.
Oh, yes, I forgot to mention the airport is really improved and expanded so there must be some of the rich that do fly in.
PS Another postive is that one of the homes at the backside of my lot put in deer pleasing grass so the deer are staying away from my place except for potty breaks and sleeping in the night and do most of their eating further back yonder...Yea!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My Sister Carole's Clan

The Fuqua's gathered at Silver Gate over the 4th and posed for some pictures. Carole and Len have 5 boys and one daughter plus spouses, girlfriends and grandchildren. Good looking group. Carole is the blonde in the back.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Maria Recuperating

I meant to take pictures yesterday when I went to Susanville to show that Maria was recuperating but instead I didn't take a pix and left my cell phone instead. What can I say? It is who I am these days.
It is always a scare when you get a call and a child is in the hospital or worse. Our children are supposed to be stronger, healthier, wealthier, and happier than their parents. That is what we hope for anyway.
I enjoyed seeing Maria up and about and Mitch and Melissa and spending a whole afternoon with them. Melissa said I was enabling them to be lazy by waiting on them with a dinner. I told her they were enabling me to serve them.
I am blessed with the most wonderful children and grandchildren and even the most wonderful great granddaughter that anyone could ever ask for and I am eternally grateful for that. Richard is missing so much just as my Dad missed so much and John is missing so much. Why are they taken before they get to enjoy their children grown up and meet the grandchildren? I don't understand that.
As we learned on Sunday it will have to be in the millenium when we spend a lot of time together.
Anyway I hope you are feeling better for your trip to Italy, Maria, and am so happy you have a strong heart after all!

Summer Sprucing

One trip to Susanville and one trip to church costs $18.25 now so I stay at home a lot. Mostly I try and make things grow but Dee Dee, who has lived here a long time, says it won't happen unless I haul in new dirt! And we know that is not happening. Anyway notice how everything is reaching toward the south trying to get sun.
This soil is nothing but tree roots, what can I say, they are doing the best they can with no good soil and not much sun.
New stain on the front and back decks looks good but notice that the shady, rootfilled flower beds are not too happy.
Regardless, with temps between 60-80 during the day, it is a wonderful place to be right now. I love it.
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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

What's New at my House?

With the river rock Matt helped me gather on July 5th I am within two feet of finishing my river rock walk from front to back. With all the ups an downs and etc. it is probably not too safe to walk on but looks kind of neat I think. And all those lillies I planted in cages last year are paying off! At least they will grow in my impoverished dirt...

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Celebrating the 4th

The 4th of July was celebrated as usual watching the parade in Chester. It couldn't hold a candle to the parades we used to have in Glendive but it surely draws a huge crowd each year. Marjorie bought me Lions Club barbeque for lunch and we perused all the craft booths. We even indulged in a shake and sundae from the new Ice Cream and Burger stand at Peterson's Place and it was very good. Will be good competition to Frosties down the street.
In the evening there was Mexican fare with Maria, Mitch, Matt, and Melissa at my house but no trip to the beach! The day turned out cooler than usual with a breeze and we watched videos instead and I forgot to take pictures again. Other than that it was a lovely day and I was happy to have Matt spend the night and catch up on all the yard duties the next day...fixed my chimney, cleaned out all the gutters, swept the roof, new light bulbs as needed and even took me to the river and helped me gather a lot of river rock. So much easier with muscle around. Thank you, Matt.
And Mitch, before he left on the 4th, did figure out how to do that dictate and write program I have in Word! Good ole Microsoft. I had no idea I had that capability. Should come in handy when my hands are too stiff to type. Richard would be so happy to finally be able to dictate into the computer, a program he was always pursuing. Thank you, Mitch.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

The Simple Things in Life...

Robin Red Breast takes a Bath...
Since I made my bird baths, it has been a delight to watch the birds take their bath. They dip and shake about 4 times before relinquishing the bath to a friend. I notice the squirrels like to drink from the bath but will not get in.
Which reminds me, Bandido must have a bath today, he loves to dig and roll in the dirt. This has always seemed very strange to me since he is supposedly a lap dog. Guess he is just a mutt, after all. And that is the exciting life of Grandma Janet this week.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

China and the Church

Since some of you are talking about teaching English in China, this is something you should know. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is not legally recognized in China. The Church has gained their trust, however, by understanding their restrictions and complying with them. So members can meet together in rented halls or homes but:

  • There are no Church owned facilities in mainland China.
  • No proselyting of any kind is permitted.
  • Religious materials may not be shipped in or distributed.
  • No Chinese nationals may be invited to join in the meetings.
  • lists places to meet, you cannot hold services on your own.
  • Avoid religious discussions with Chinese nationals. If they ask you questions, answer basic facts and end the religious conversation.

You are encouraged to be an example of goodness through acts of kindness.

I was surprised at all this since Hong Kong has a Temple and meeting houses and missionaries. Of course, they are separate countries.

"Bachelorette" lovers out there?

I suppose I am the only one of my family who has avidly watched the "Bachelorette" this year. But it has been the best season yet! There has been so much honest emotion displayed. And Deanna is something else. Wow, I wish I had been as wise and confident as she is at 26. She had those guys all in check. I did not like the fact she had three over nights but I choose to believe they were just spending the time alone away from cameras getting better acquainted and not having full on overnights. That part of the Bachelor and Bachelorette has always seemed very strange to me. When you know you are only going to choose one in a week or two, let us keep our virtue!
At any rate I will go on record as saying she is going to choose Jesse, the snowboarder, which is a far cry from what I would have thought at the beginning of the season. But he is so fun, honest, with such integrity and good values and it turns out a passionate and romantic guy and I believe without a lot of baggage and hangups as some of the other guys have. He is truly an original. I think she will choose that. Jason is who I wanted always from the beginning and he is also a very sincere, fun, loving guy with great integrity and with the same Greek heritage as she has. I think she can't lose by choosing either one but I think she will choose Jesse. She gave up the moody guys who were high maintenance even if they might have been better providers and be better looking. She is a very wise gal.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Fire Update!!

Fire Update! After Kathy telling me someone told her they were calling in the National Guard and planning to evacuate the homes on the East and West Shore I talked to Bro Smailes. He has a forestry business and lives south of us. He assured me that the fires were all to the west of us and any near us are very small. That is why there is so much smoke, it is that the fires are smoldering rather than flaming high.
It is so gorgeous here today, 70 something, no wind at all, no smoke, just lovely.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Eating Frenzy...

Today I really blew it, I had 10 peanut butter cookies and 1/2 gallon of ice cream. I haven't eaten cookies or ice cream for months! I will be sick all night I am sure.
Why did I do it? I wish I knew, but there is something so soothing about ice cream and crunchy cookies. I guess I just needed it and they were there. For somebody else, of course, at least that is what I tell myself.

Sleeping Bandido

I've never seen Bandido sleep in this position before...

John Hardy Memorial Hike 2015

My Life So Far