Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Bandido and Some Friends Over the Years

Kelsi built a bond with Bandido when she was just a baby.

Jimmy cuddles Bandido, too.  He had lots of loving.

The boys wanted to carry him in their back pack.  Which is what I did sometimes when he got tired in his old age.  He also rode in my basket around Mission Bay and Beach.  I wish I had a picture of that.  He was under 2 then.

Mitch had the soft touch.

Sarah and her friends so wanted to be able to take Bandido on a walk.  He didn't want to move unless I was walking with him, too.  He could be very stubborn.

Baja Beige is what his groomer in Pacific Beach called him.  He really got dirty on this hike with Marjorie and I.
He had one great trip to the cabin in Silver Gate!

He liked walking on the beach, but did not want to go near the water.  Same with the lake.  Marjorie's dog would just jump in--not Bandido.

Kelsi gave Bandido lots of love.
Here with Melissa a few years ago--
they both have the curly hair. 
Better days, he looked so handsome.

He spent lots of time with the Valko family.

Keira's first time sitting in a dog cage I am sure.  She is not quite certain what his reaction will be.  But he was mellow.

I wish I had a picture of my sister Jeanne with Bandido, she cared for him very well on some of my SBA trips, as did Camber, James, Mike, Linda and Maria--wish I had more pix of him with his friends.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Christmas Card 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Lake Almanor.
Life continues to be rich and good in my 80th year.  And I wish the same for you- a long life of health and happiness with a few woes sprinkled in, too.

 Who belongs to who in the picture?

 4 children, 15 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren as follows:

John’s daughter  
     Meagan married to Matt

Linda married to Gary
      Kristi married to Mike
          Kate, Ryan Brynn
      Kelly married to Matt
      Craig, Amy, Tanner, Sarah

Maria married to Johnny
       Mike, Matt, Melissa, Mitch

James married to Camber
        Jacob, Lea, Jimmy, Kelsi

Friday, November 30, 2012

First Storm of Winter

It is not daylight yet so I cannot assess any other damage but Michael woke me at 11:21 PM to show me this.  I thought I had heard noise in the garage so I thought Michael had been out and just come home but we couldn't see any damage in the garage and he looked all around.  Probably just some branch on the roof.

The cedar tree next to the deck has always been a threat but I hate to get rid of it, in spite of the messes it causes.  I guess trouble really does come in threes, first the Shingles for me, then Bandido's death sentence and now this.  Glad Michael is here to help but looks like we need a chain saw and who is going to put the deck back together?  Woe is me.

After looking at all this in the daylight it may have come from the top of a cedar tree on the other side of the house, actually belongs to my neighbor.  It is a smaller cedar but the top could have been the culprit in my yard.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

In Memory

In 1978, prior to the terrible 80's, happier times.  Richard passed on November 27 at 2:20 AM and I have missed him so much and I am so sorry he missed knowing his grandchildren and great grandchildren.  He would have been very bored in Lake Almanor though, not his style.

Today I stocked up prior to the storms we are supposed to be getting.  I treated myself to the Pumpkin Shake I have loved ever since discovering them in Galveston after Hurricane Rita  and Katrina--will ever remind me of that lovely place or what was a lovely place.

I was so exhausted when I returned I didn't even put the groceries away and immediately fell to sleep.  When Maria called at 5:30 I had just awaken and thought it was 5:30 in the morning and wondered why on earth she was calling so early.

I believe that Mitch is right and what I thought were spider bites and  aches and pains from being on my feet so much over the holiday is Shingles...Yikes, I wonder how long this will go on, I have read from 2 to 4 weeks!!!!  Better get back to sleep with my heating pad.  Somehow it is a comfort.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Christmas, Lake Almanor, 2012

It is so hard to believe a year has past since I put out the Christmas decorations last year.  It gets simpler every year, do less and less I guess. 

I remember with the Rancho Bernardo house I would start right after Halloween and need at least one grandchild to help me.  But then I had the big fake tree, and decorated it all Victorian.  I still have a lot of those decorations. 

Tomorrow will be 16 years since Richard passed--time has gone so fast but it has been so lonely without him.  Yesterday I was reading the history of Richard's great grandfather Dudley Leavitt and so many women were left widows.  It seemed too many men died much too young.  I am still trying to understand why.

The first Christmas (1996) I was with the Pulsiphers and I have seen movies and I am looking very sad and overwhelmed by it all. 
 The second Christmas I remember I decorated the small apartment I was in (part of Jimmy's house) with lots of Christmas lights and way too many decorations for such a small place.  But it was very cozy and at James and Camber's Christmas party for their office one of the children went back to my apartment with me and we played games and read Christmas stories with just the Christmas lights on and when her parents came to get her she did not want to go home.  It was very warm and full of Christmas in that little room.

Tonight I will enjoy looking at my two Christmas books of past Christmases with Richard and John and the rest of the family.  We started the book in 1960 when John was just a baby and I haven't missed a Christmas yet!  Oops I see I missed 1961!  I will have to look back and see what pix I have from that year.


Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Mike drove down to Chico and brought Mitch and Melissa back and Matt drove from Tahoe.  Everyone was here in time for turkey and ham sandwiches and cocoa Wednesday night.  They even got into the Cheesecake.

Matt kept the fire going, no one can make a fire like Matt can. 
 Melissa called us all out to the deck for pictures and caught me unaware but she said she liked the way I was standing.
Mitch was wearing a hat like the college boys wore in the 40's. 

Mike and Mitch look like the Blues Brothers.

I insisted Mike show his hair instead  of his hood.

Mitch was happy to see Bruce, as were we all.  Poor Bandido didn't even get out of his cage for the day.

Melissa said we looked like models!
I really enjoyed having all of Maria's children for Thanksgiving.
What a good looking group, I like the trees in back, too.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

It's That Time of Year Again!

This year has gone unbelievable fast, it is already time again for:
  • Flannel Sheets
  • Fur Throws
  • Wood Stove Fires
  • Cocoa Mix
  • Marshmallows
  • Hallmark Christmas Movies
  • Decorating the House
  • and all that Christmas stuff
While I was at Jeanne's we had Chocolate Ovaltine which I drank hot and really loved.  As a child I drank a lot of ovaltine and I think it is much more healthy than my cocoa mix so yesterday I looked for some at Walmart--Not!  So this morning I looked in the Family Recipes and sure enough Linda had put in the recipe for Cocoa Mix.  It is really very good, I put it through a strainer to get out all the cocoa lumps but I love hot cocoa in the winter so I keep the steam pot on the stove and the mix and marshmallows ready.

I have many, many Hallmark movies recorded so I always have a "happy ending" flick to watch no matter how bad TV is and this weekend I will decorate the house for Christmas.  It used to come right after Halloween but I am waiting a little this year.  I am even thinking of possibly cutting a fresh tree for Christmas--will need to see if I can get Michael to help me.

Marjorie and I ran into a beautiful grove of them, would love to find it again, and of course, I need to find out what the regulations are for cutting in the forest.

This is a wonderful time of year except for I am always sad thinking about Richard and that Thanksgiving in 1996 and then it was also Thanksgiving time when my brother Richard passed away, too.  Sad and happy memories always a mix at this time of year.  Thank heaven for hot cocoa and Hallmark movies and being thankful for all our blessings to get us through the season.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Shades of WWII Fears

I now know for sure I could never be a spy, I am too wimpy, fearful and have no guile.  I thought I would enjoy watching "Wish Me Luck" which is a British series on the British spies who were in Occupied France during WW II.  It specifically follows two young women as they sign up, are trained and then actually in France amongst the Nazis.

Today I had to stop watching, I am just too tense and frightened for them when the Nazis come around.  I did have terrible nightmares about the Nazis when I was in grade school.  We would see the newsreels at the weekend movies so we did have visuals of them in our minds and I probably saw movies with them portrayed as mean and evil.  At any rate I just am too nervous and worried as I watch so I had to go on to a love movie and probably will not go back to the series.

What better choice than a Betty Davis movie.  Oh, what good movies she made.  Today's film was "A Stolen Life".  Naturally I couldn't remember any of the story line but she has a twin who steals her boyfriend (young Glenn Ford) and of course, marries him and is not a good wife to him as she is the evil twin.  It was so enjoyable to watch I will have to find another one and stay away from the Nazi films. 

I don't know if watching the news is much better than watching the Nazis.  There is so much happening right now and none of it is good except I have heard a few Senators who are speaking out and finally making some good sense.  I realized again today why I never watch the View.  I saw a clip on the internet of them being so rude to Ann Coulter.  They invite her on the show, do not read her book, and immediately begin attacking her.   Ann Coulter does a lot of research, takes the time to write a book of her research and they just wing their opinions out at her.  Very strange I think and Elizabeth is the only one who has an opinion I respect anyway.  We really are a divided country.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Letter to Exiles

Glenn Beck read the letter that Steve Elliott of Grassfire.org wrote about being dejected after the election but then made a new plan after reading Jeremiah's Letter written to the Exiles in the  Old Testament, Jeremiah 29.   Jeremiah said the letter was for all the elders, priests, prophets and all the people (Jews) whom Nebuchadnezzar had carried away captive from Jerusalem to Babylon and he tells them to prepare for 70 years of captivity but then gave them this advice:

5 Build ye houses, and dwell in them; and plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them;

6 Take ye wives, and beget sons and daughters; and take wives for your sons, and give your daughters to husbands, that they may bear sons and daughters; that ye may be increased there and not diminished.

7 And seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be carried away captives, and pray unto the Lord for it: for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace.

8 For thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; Let not your prophets and your diviners, that be in the midst of you. deceive you, neither hearken to your dreams which ye cause to be dreamed.

9 For they prophesy falsely unto you in my name: I have not sent them. saith the Lord.

And then, of course, he promises if they will seek, they will find Him and He will gather them from all the nations, and from all the places and bring them back to their home (speaking of the Last Days).  And we know what a successful people the Jewish people have become even as they have been exiled and scattered all over the world.

and Glenn Beck summarized it all by saying:

“If that is not one of the most profound things you have heard if you are looking for a plan ... Exile. Build. Have children. Marry them off. Strengthen, strengthen, strengthen. And be a blessing to others.” --Glenn Beck

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The First Snowfall and I Am Happy

I don't know how old I was when The First Snowfall was first introduced to me.  My Mom had some poem and reading books which I loved to look through and read aloud.  Particular favorites of mine were this one, Babes in the Wood and Burglar Bill.  Whenever it first snows I always think of that small grave under the snow  ( in this poem) and now that my computer is facing my bedroom window and I am watching the snow fall it came to mind today.

The falling snow also reminds me of the poem that my Mom wrote about sitting and watching us play in the snow and she entitled it.  I Am Happy.  I think we were probably living in our home on the Heights when she wrote that poem because we lived on a hill and very few cars drove up the hill on Kendrick in the winter because it was full of sledders all day long.  She could look out our living room window and watch us sledding down the hill and pulling our sleds back up, laughing and having fun with our friends and brothers and sisters.  It was a magical time in our life.

The First Snowfall   By James Russell Lowell

THE snow had begun in the gloaming,
And busily all the night
Had been heaping field and highway
With a silence deep and white.

Every pine and fir and hemlock
Wore ermine too dear for an earl,
And the poorest twig on the elm-tree
Was ridged inch deep with pearl.

From sheds new-roofed with Carrara
Came Chanticleer's muffled crow,
The stiff rails were softened to swan's-down,
And still fluttered down the snow.

I stood and watched by the window
The noiseless work of the sky,
And the sudden flurries of snow-birds,
Like brown leaves whirling by.

I thought of a mound in sweet Auburn
Where a little headstone stood;
How the flakes were folding it gently,
As did robins the babes in the wood.

Up spoke our own little Mabel,
Saying, 'Father, who makes it snow?'
And I told of the good All-father
Who cares for us here below.

Again I looked at the snowfall,
And thought of the leaden sky
That arched o'er our first great sorrow,
When that mound was heaped so high.

I remembered the gradual patience
That fell from that cloud like snow,
Flake by flake, healing and hiding
The scar of our deep-plunged woe.

And again to the child I whispered,
'The snow that husheth all,
Darling, the merciful Father
Alone can make it fall! '

Then, with eyes that saw not, I kissed her;
And she, kissing back, could not know
That my kiss was given to her sister,
Folded close under deepening snow.

I Am Happy by Ethel Anderson
The snow is falling soft and slow,
Covering all the ground.
Hiding houses, trees and bush,
Falling lazily without sound.

I am snug and warm inside,
Content to do my chores.
Glancing now and then outside
Glad I can stay indoors.

Men must work to make the living
Busy all the day.
But I can stay at home,
And watch the children play.

To be a wife and mother, too,
Is all that I shall ask,
For God is good and God is wise
In giving me this task.

Friday, November 09, 2012

Minestrone-Hamburger Soup

Fast, Easy and Fresh Vegetables!!  Jeanne made this for us sisters while I was in Orem and the recipe came from a 7th Ward Recipe Book I gave her in the 60's.  (Recipe from Lois Devine) I had never made it, she makes it all the time.  So good right now, I had it at 10 AM instead of waiting till noon with fresh French bread and butter...yum, yum.  Good enough for company.

  • 1 1/2 qts water
  • 1/8 tsp pepper
  • 4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp basil or a leaf (if you have)
  • 1/2 tsp thyme (if you have)
  • Small Bay leaf (if you have)
  • 1 lb hamburger
  • 1 c diced onion
  • 1 or 2 c raw diced potatoes
  • 1 c sliced carrots
  • 1/2 c diced celery
  • 1 c shredded cabbage
  • 1 #2 can of tomatoes (20 oz or more)
  • 1/4 c broken spaghetti
Cook hamburger and onion to brown slightly and then add with vegetables to seasoned water and tomatoes and bring to a boil.  Sprinkle  in spaghetti.  Cover and simmer 1 hour.
Serves 8 or reheat and serve again for the next few days.  Can freeze individual portions also.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Disappointed, Yes, But At Peace...

What comes to mind to me tonight (after the election) is the words of Paul...I am so thankful for the scriptures and gospel truths in my life.  So thankful for the wisdom from our Prophets in these perilous times...

'There are none so blind as those that cannot see..."  Paul says:

2nd Timothy, Chapter 3

1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
9 But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was.
10 But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience,
11 Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me.
12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

Saturday, November 03, 2012


I am thankful today for the beautiful drive from Lake Almanor to Susanville--with all the fall leaves and glorious sunshine, it was especially wondrous today.  How blessed I am I can live in such a lovely part of this world.

I am thankful today that I can walk around Walmart on my own and not be pushed in a wheel chair.

I am thankful today that I can drive to the grocery store and stock my home with food and that I have a tank full of gas.

I am thankful today that no flood or fire destroyed my home this week.

I am thankful today that I live in America and I have a choice who I want to lead this country.  I am thankful that there are so many prayerful men and women who live a life worthy of being blessed by our Heavenly Father.

I am thankful that I have loving children who have loving children and that they all care about the most important things in this world and are kind and compassionate.

I am thankful that I have good friends who value the gospel in their life.

I am thankful that there are men who want to be part of the military to keep America safe.  My hope for them is that they have wise and honorable leaders who value their lives and their mission.

My hope for America this week is that Americans will be wise and seek to know the truth about their leaders and the needs of this country and be prayerful about their vote.

Friday, November 02, 2012

A Happy Life

"One of the secrets of a happy life is continuous small treats, " written by Iris Murdoch in The Sea, The Sea.

I think that was my mother's philosophy.  We did have continuous small treats.  Maybe it is a Swedish thing--judging from the candy stores everywhere in Sweden.

I hope to stop the treats for awhile and get back to my goal of losing some weight before my 80th birthday.  I was doing so well and then I went to Utah and I have been enjoying a lot of treats.

Since Carole brought us the carmel apple, I have had several, there, and then here.  It used to be so time consuming unwrapping all those Kraft Carmels but now they have a little plastic bowl that you melt in the microwave and just roll the apples in it--and the perfect taste..and the apples are so much better than the ones they use at Kneaders or anywhere.  My preference is the Fuji.

Another unedible treat is my Bubble Bath while listening to my favorite music--Vic Damone, Chris Botti, Sting and others and then dancing around in my red nightgown before settling down to a good book or good TV--that is my Friday date with myself.   Life for the old widows of the world.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

It Pays To Ask

Amerigas is crediting me with 25 gallons of gas.  After I asked for credit for the two to three hours of leakage, a representative called and said that would be about 1 gallon of gas but they are crediting me with the traditional 25, yea!  I also mentioned that the rate was a lot less than in the spring and she said, yes, I get the "alliance" rate out here---

Hmm, then why didn't I have it last year???  I should have asked back then, I guess.

Yesterday was a cold rainy day so I had a fire all day, it was a lazy, watch TV kind of day.  Today it is beautiful and sunny with lovely blue skies and pretty clouds.  I had some things to mail, including my absentee ballot, so I headed for town and saw that the Corner Store had gas  for $3.99--too bad I had filled up on Monday at $4.29.

Ever since I saw the Napa guys with their take out burgers from Beacon I have craved one so I stopped by and ordered  Take Out.  I was amazed what a large menu they have.  As I was leaving I noticed the "Cotton Candy" restaurant across the street had closed their doors.  That is where I had the worst burger of my life.  I think Beacon has put them out of business.  And this burger and fries from Beacon was one of the best I have ever had so now I am sure they put them out of business.  Too bad, Marjorie and I gave them three tries, each time it was not good.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

At Least I Didn't Cut It Off!

"Are you accident prone?" the nurse asked me.  I don't know but it was  a stupid thing to do and it is not the first time I have done something stupid.. 

I put pressure on a can lid to open and instead splattered chili bean juice all over and made a deep cut in my left fourth finger and a smaller cut in my third left finger. 

Mike's first question, "Did you get blood in the chili?"  and second command,
"Leave it, I'll drive."

The nice thing in a small town is they have your name and file in the Emergency Room, in the Walk-in Clinic and in your Dr's Office.  You just have to choose which one to go to and on the way, the Receptionist is helping me decide that on my cell phone--OK, Walk-in Clinic it is.

Dr. Tonya is a Nurse Practioner who looks like the dark haired limb surgeon on Grey's Anatomy.  She has been told that many times before.  Since this is my second time to see her this month we are becoming well acquainted.  I find out she is Welsh and see a picture of her handsome Daddy who died of colon cancer much too young.

She stitches me up and Mike comes back from the Holiday--he is trying to decide which Halloween candy to buy, for himself.  Ahhh, such decisions, it would be so much easier at Walmart where the candy is cheaper and more plentiful.

Anyway, Halloween is here and we will have no visitors out here and Mike will go to a party in Susanville and I will take a Bubble Bath without getting my left hand wet, before settling down to an evening of my favorite TV shows.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

West Virginia Snow

They are showing pictures of the snow in West Virginia from the Sandy Superstorm and it reminded me of my time out there in early 2004 because of flooding. 

After working in Maryland after Hurricane Isabel they sent two of us from Baltimore to West Virginia with boxes of equipment and I worked out there until sometime in February.  I hated driving in the snow along the freeways.  The trucks could travel on any side of the road they wanted and they all went so fast.  My little rental Ford was not up to winter travel at all.

The day I was to fly home there was a winter storm and it was terrible to get to the airport and then we had to wait while they deiced the wings.  I got home just in time to save my house as the furnace had gone out and we were having a cold winter.

I bought a new furnace with the money I had earned for the last several months.  I was working for the New York SBA office.

The one neat thing about the whole trip was the Thanksgiving Dinner cooked by the SBA leaders from New York.  That is where I learned about the Butternut Squash being mashed and buttered--they gave me all the left overs and I ate it all week.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Propane Gas Drama!

I haven't taken Bandido for a walk since I came back from Utah.  I have been letting him use his run.  Today at 4 I took him for a walk and smelled gas even from the street.  My gas was only at 30% yesterday when Mike checked it so it couldn't be mine.  I wondered if my neighbor had dumped his boat gas?  Had a bad leak?  I looked around the neighborhood to see where it could be coming from. 

As I brought Bandido back I looked at my own gas tank.  Oh, my, they had filled it today, up to 70% full!!!  And the gas smell was coming from my tank and there was a definite hissing sound.

I called the local office immediately but it went straight through to the national office.  She told me to leave the house and could I turn the gas tank off?  I told her to stay on the line so I could be sure I was doing it right.  I did it.  The hissing continued.  She said she would send someone out immediately and not to turn anything in the house off or on, just leave.

My neighbors were leaving to go out to dinner but he came over and totally agreed there was definitely gas coming out.  We chatted for quite awhile about the election, etc. and then they left.  I walked a bit and finally the young man came.

He or someone had left a red button open and it was definitely emitting gas!!!  What I learned.  The only way it could cause an explosion is if my tank was covered with heavy snow and the gas leak was on for a long period, week or so, then it would build up under the snow and could explode.  However, if the gas had gone undetected I could have a huge bill and not so much gas for my house.  I also learned that when I turned off the gas outside it also turned off the pilot of the water heater so he lighted it again--after checking everything outside and making sure it was all working correctly.

I also learned the stove top, oven, and furnace have electrical emission systems so they were not affected by turning off the gas.  If I have a power outage, I can light the pilots in the stove top burners by hand but the stove would not work so don't even try to light that pilot.  Anyway good information.  I also told him I appreciated it when they used to leave a note at my door to tell me they had filled my tank.  He said people who were not here all year did not like the note because then people would know they were gone but he said he would tell  them to leave a note at my house.

Anyway glad I was impressed to take Bandido for a walk today!  And the reason I write all this is so I can look up what I learned when it happens again.

Family and Friends of Tanner Say Farewell


Melissa Ready for Halloween

What a beauty and what great make up for Minnie Mouse.

Sandy Destroys Fishing Pier at OCMD

After Hurrcane Isabel in 2003 I spent quality time in Maryland.  One of the  most fun excursions was to Ocean City where I had the best French Fries I have ever had in my life.  They served them with an Apple Vinegar.  I also saw the most beautiful sand that went waaay out there.  The Federal Government had spent millions in preventive care for the area.   The Boardwalk is so long and then goes out to the Fishing Pier.

Many good memories of that SBA Disaster trip.   We ate in Delaware and the housing with back yard piers was beautiful.  Loved the Eastern Shore of Maryland, great place to live. 

Some of the flooded areas  further south which were still a mess was a sad sight and I believe this will be so much worse.  

Too bad I am not younger, I am sure I could have some work out of this.  It always seemed sad that my employment depended on disaster for others.

Humor of the Month

The Fuqua twinnies with their Aunt Stephanie.  Sage is on the left and Raina is next to Steph.

"Out of the mouths of  babes"' presents a great  response from Raina as her Aunt asks her a breakfast question.

Aunt Steph: "Raina, would you like to put the syrup on yourself?"

Raina: "No, I do not want to put the syrup on myself, I want to put it on my pancake!"


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Tanner Leaves for a Mission.

Earlier this year Tanner looked like a warrier at BYU Idaho and now he leaves for his mission to Bacolod, Phillipines.

Last year he graduated from high school and now he is off to see the world so far away.

Tanner gave an awesome talk which I was able to hear in one minute increments as James used his cell phone to record it.  I think you are not supposed to do that James, but I really enjoyed it, so thank you.

Looking forward to hearing about Tanner as he becomes acqainted with the beautiful people of the Phillipines.  Congratulations, Tanner!

Happy Birthday to Kate!

First great granddaughter Kate from Henderson, NV turns six years old.  Her Gramma Pulsipher let her choose whatever Build a Bear she wanted and she did--wow, looks stupendous, Kate.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Halloween 2012 with Keira

Ladybug Keira (I love it)

and her friends (so cute)

John Hardy Memorial Hike 2015

My Life So Far