Friday, August 17, 2012

They Do It In the Movies

How many times have we seen a runaway heroine in a motel chopping off her hair and it ends up looking fabulous. 

I stopped wearing my hair short because I didn't want to have to get a hair cut every four weeks.  It was especially difficult when I was working out in the field on Disaster Duty to find a beautician on our off hours. 

Nevertheless every once in awhile it has to be cut.  This was that week but Shelley is evidently out of town so as I stood looking at myself in the mirror today, I thought, why not?--they do in the movies all the time.

So I took the scissors and chop, chop, chop, a half inch or so all over as much as I could and it doesn't look half works.

As I have been working on my San Diego memoir I have noticed I can tell how well we were doing by my hair do and my body.  If  we were doing well, I had a classy hair do and was slim and trim.  If we were not and I was working like crazy and had no time for for myself, I had put on weight and my hair looked lousy.  It's a fact...

PS--can't find my camera and I have looked in all the usual places, by my bed, under my bed, on my bed, in the kitchen, on my desk, in my purses, in my car, oh, woe is me...

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