I've been making my way through the Oscar movies. DirectTV is giving back $10 if you watch 4 this month. Last night I watched Descendants and enjoyed it very much. Clooney did a great job.
Tonight I watched "My Week with Marilyn". I thought Michelle Williams really had Marilyn down very well. Marilyn had something no one can really capture but she did remarkably well and she deserved an Oscar. I haven't seen the Thatcher movie yet, anxious to see Meryl Streep in that. Anyway I really enjoyed the Marilyn movie. The fellow who played Colin was great and I am anxious to see him again in another movie. I will have to see who he is.
We have had the strangest assortment of types of snow this week and then it all melts. What a strange winter or spring? One day there were large 50 cent size, very wet, blobs of snow coming down very close together and very fast. Never seen anything quite like it. The next day it was more like artificial snow, tiny dots and very dry. It also melted fast. But I am happy the yard is clean of branches, the buds are out and the daffodils pushing up and spring will soon be here. Life is good.
I think Mike and Mitch are enjoying each other--nice to have them here. With two of them here I have had light bulbs replaced, smoke alarms rearmed with new batteries, driveway and walks cleaned and they are both working at putting the toilet seat down. Mike had had jokes about it on one of his shows so I did express it was something they should learn to do...